Chapter 28: Surfing

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I stretched out my sore limbs. Last night was horrendously bad. I'm pretty sure I only got like three hours of sleep last night.

I lazily rolled around until I collided with Stefanie. I let out a groan. Ugh that girl kept me up most of the night. Drunk Stef equals not fun Stef.

I pushed myself out of bed, with much struggle, and hopped out of the bunk.

I trudged to the kitchen area to see if any of the guys were up. The guys, excluding Harry who was probably showering, stood around, looking exhausted. Zayn, Niall, and Louis appeared to be in pain, no doubt from drinking.

"Hey." I waved to them.

"'Morning," they muttered back.

"Aww. Did a certain group of guys get too drunk last night?" I questioned in a baby voice.

"Shaddup," Niall responded annoyingly.

"Jeez. You didn't have to. Just saying."

He rolled his eyes at me.

"By the way, Louis I am super pissed at you," I added.

Louis groaned. "I was drunk. I barely remember anything that happened last night."

"And that, my friends, is why I choose to stay sober." I beamed.

"Seriously, what happened?"

"Hmm, well uh, you decided to get drunk, and then I left to dance, I met up with a friend, we danced together, you got insanely jealous, you punched him in the face, he fled, and you started to act all dominant and stuff," I answered in the least awkward way possible.

"Oh yeah, I remember that twat," he seethed.

"Hey, you chose to ignore me. I was just having fun!" I shrugged.

"And I am sorry that I went all Hulk on the guy," he apologized in an unconvincing way.

"I'll only forgive you if you make me breakfast," I negotiated.

Louis sighed. "Fine. But only because you're my loving girlfriend."

I gleamed. "You could say that again."

"Yeah, but I'm not." He smirked before walking to the fridge to see what he could make.

I scoffed. "Thanks for nothing."

"Anytime, babe."


~3 weeks later~

I can't believe it! We are already in Hawaii! That means that we'll be leaving for Australia pretty soon. Eep, I am so excited like words cannot described how excited I am.

The weirdest part is, I haven't been seen by the public yet. I honestly don't know how that's not possible but I am like a shadow child to them! Word got out about Stefanie but she was claimed to have only been a friend. How the media doesn't suspect anything is a mystery to me.

I am probably destined to be discovered once we're in Australia. I sure hope not, though.

July Fourth went by quite fast actually. Stefanie and I went out and celebrated back when we were in Denver, Colorado.

Since that passed, it means that my birthday is coming closer. Actually, it's super close. Three days to be exact.

I secretly have been keeping in touch with Max but Louis didn't know that and I want to keep it like that. I definitely remember the last time they were together *cough cough* fists connected with faces.

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