Chapter 7: The Adventures of Blonde Girl and Blonde Boy

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A/N- Happy Fourth of July, all you Americans!

To all of you Britishers, well congrats on getting rid of us!


My throat's sore...

But oh my! I went to check the number of reads and it went from 67 to 86! How in the world?!?! I love it!!!!!! That's a dramatic change!

Love you guys <3

Now I didn't get the required comments but who the flip cares? It's Independence Day!!!

Onward with ze story!

Sorry this chapter is so short!


Stefanie and I ran downstairs into the kitchen where all the guys, except Zayn, were.

"When are we going shopping, friends?" I asked.

"Just as soon as ZAYN GETS OUT OF THE BATHROOM!" Niall bawled.

"IN A SECOND!" Zayn shouted back through the kitchen bathroom's door.

"What, is he like taking a poop or something?" I questioned confusedly.

"No I'm not doing that. I was fixing my disguise," Zayn said, emphasizing the word 'that'.

All the guys had made 'attempts' at disguising themselves. In other words just mustaches and wigs.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay."

"Everyone ready to go?" Liam asked us. We all nodded.

Just as we were about to go I spoke up. "Wait!" The guys groaned. I turned directly to Stefanie. "You owe me something. Remember?" This time Stefanie groaned while hesitantly giving me my money I got from the bet. I am an insanely fast unpacker. I know, be jealous.

"Now we're ready!" I smiled and followed the guys out of the hotel and into their limousine.

"We didn't even get your number, loves," Niall spoke once we got into the limo.

"Ooh yeah," Stef agreed and we all swapped phones to punch in each other's numbers.

I signed mine in as "Lars from Mars Potter." You're probably thinking, "What?" Wait, you weren't. Seriously? Bro, you be gettin' on my last nerve and I don't even know how many nerves I had in the first place.

Harry Potter is my husband. End of discussion. He's magical. Okay, now end of discussion.

My phone is pretty amazing, though. It's an iPhone... wait for it... 4s. Yeah, man! Beat dat! Haha you can't! Sucks. Wait, yeah you can. Dang you iPhone 5! Curse you and your children, the iPhone 6's! Operator, please call the nearest mental institution. Just kidding. No one uses the operator anymore.

"Hey, Stef," I whispered. Her head snapped to me. Not literally because that would be gross.

"Try saying the word 'flippers' really slowly with a serious face. Betcha can't!" I challenged.

"Girl, I'm done with betting. Flllllliiiiipppppperrr-hahaha! Oh my god, I can't do it!" She tried. Hah, the word gets people all the time.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked.

"None of your business, Potter." I attempted to sound like Draco Malfoy but failed. Stefanie burst out laughing at my failed attempt. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. All the guys were staring at the two lunatics hunched over each other, laughing their heads off. And other body parts.

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