Chapter 23: Buh-Bye Chicago!

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Ow! What the frick! Someone was jumping on my bed! Who the hell is this?

"WAKE UP, LARS!" The mystery voice screamed in my ear.

"THE ZOMBIES ARE BACK!" I shrieked before diving off the bed to the floor. Okay, more like falling. I also hit my head on the floor and it really hurt. Meh!

"GET UP, LAZY BUM!" This person is British. I think I'm just that stupid for realizing that even though 4/7 people in this hotel room are British. Oi, I got problems.

My eyes shot open to be met with a pair of green ones staring back at me. I jumped realizing that someone was hovering over me and I could feel his breath on my face.

"Date Louis Tomlinson, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Well, it's not," I muttered.

"That hurt, Larissa. That hurt real bad," he said mocking hurt.

"Can you get off me. I'd much rather appreciate not being trapped under my boyfriend."

Louis smirked. Oh god. "Nuh, uh." His legs were on either side of my body and one of his hands pinned my hands above my head so basically I was stuck. "I like it like this. Maybe even a little closer."

His lips brushed mine for a second before I turned my head to the side so he kissed my cheeks. He pulled back a bit with an offended look. "Whoops." I shrugged before pushing him off me.

"Can't I get a morning kiss?" He whined.

"Fine," I gave in. He sent me a victory smile while I walked over to him. He puckered his lips while I gave him a quick peck on them and walked away.

"That was unsatisfying," he complained.

"Do you have to complain about everything. You asked for a kiss and I gave you one. Now leave, sir, I gotta pack." He pouted before walking out of my room. It was silent when I was packing and the only sounds that could be heard were from Stefanie's shower. I wonder how she was woken up considering I didn't wake up when she did.

I'm so excited! I'm going on freaking tour with the boys! How is this happening! What did I do to deserve all this!

I really didn't pack much considering all I packed was all the clothes that I had here but I just had to repack them considering they were in the closet. Stef must've done her packing last night because there aren't any clothes that are hers that are lying around.

I was done with all of my stuff when Stefanie walked out of the bathroom, the steam making the room slightly humid.

"Lemme through." I pushed her aside after hastily grabbing an outfit that I'd wear. All it is are yoga shorts and a pink Hollister shirt. Need to be comfy on our way to Minneapolis.

I hopped in the shower as quick as I could, letting the warm water cascade down my back. I shaved all that was necessary before washing my hair out with strawberry shampoo. I conditioned my blond locks with matching conditioner. I really do love strawberries.

I got out on the towel that was neatly placed on the floor while wrapping myself in one as well. I combed out my hair and got changed into my outfit.

After a couple of minutes of blow drying then straightening my hair I was ready. I skipped out of my room. Yes, despite my weariness, I am so excited. Stefanie had left the room with her suitcase so I assume that she's downstairs.

I grabbed mine while also saying a quick goodbye to this room. What? I am going to miss this room that I had for five days. A lot has happened in those past five days here, even though I knew the guys one day more (Did someone say Les Mis?). All the exciting things have happened here. For example I Niall and I gorged ourselves with food... And we also made out in here. Good times, good ti- stop it, Larissa, you have a boyfriend remember?

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