Chapter 3: Need a Ride?

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A/N- Don't forget to vote, comment (definitely), and fan! <3

"Keep reading! Keep, keep reading, loves!" Get it? It's the British version of Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis, which is such an old song (Says nowadays kids). Wait, she's already British? Well, my life makes no sense now. Just, just continue reading... :)

P.S. Thanks for double digits in reads! <33


"First, I'm Niall," 'Blondie' said. Oh yeah, that's his name. Duh!

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles," 'Curly' said with a wink. Ew. "What can I call you?"

"I'm disgusted." The rest of the guys, but he, chuckled. Ooh I made a funny! He just rolled is eyes and muttered something along the lines of, "Well, most girls wouldn't be."

"I am his lover, Louis. Just to let you know, Harry is mine and if you take him away from me, well let's just say it's gonna get ugly," 'Stripes' sassed.

I widened my eyes. "Ohh kay."

"Vas happenin'? Zayn's my name, the gorgeous one as I'm called," 'Scary black haired dude' said.

"Who calls you that? Your mother?" I joked and the guys erupted into laughter. Except Zayn, of course, who turned a dark shade of crimson.

"Hey, I'm Liam." 'Buzz' waved to me. I waved back.

"And we are One Direction!" They yelled in unison. I wonder how many times the rehearse that.

"Well, I'm Larissa. You can call me Larissa. Ya know, I always respect people who call me by my first name. Or you can call me Lars. And the frozen girl over there is Stefanie but you can call her Stef. Well at least I do. But I suppose it wouldn't be all bad if you did. And we are," I yelled trying to sound like them, "best friends!"

"So what brings you two here, loves?" 'Bu-' I mean Liam said. Ooh, he called us loves. Mental giggle.

"You see, Stef and I went to this concert for a band called, uh, what's it again?" Time to go blonde. "Was it Wonder Diction? Wait, no. One Erection? What about Wonder Rectum? Won Direction? No, I got it. It was Wonder Erection. Yep, definitely."

They all looked so confused with their mouths hanging open. Zayn was about to say something until I cut him off. "Anyways, two girls named Larissa and Stefanie went to this Wonder Erection concert because Stefanie is obsessed and then Lars and Stef lost the car. It was gone. No car equals no way home. So now Lars and Stef set out on journey to find safe way home. But seriously, we've tried everything. From screaming, calling a cab, to magic, we can't get home."

"You know our name's not Wonder Erection, right?" Harry questioned.

I nodded. Stupid! Whoops, that was mean. Hope he didn't hear me. Wait, these are my thoughts. I can say anything I want. Harry is stupid! Teehee!

"How come your friend isn't speaking? Is she dead?" Louis asked while poking her face. No movement.

"She's probably in level 9 shock. You see, Stefanie has these shocks that are rated from 1-10. 1 being she's acting slightly abnormal. 10 meaning she's in a trance and right now, she's close to being in a trance," I stated matter-of-factly.

"It's like she's in a coma. Only, her eyes are open!" An impressed looking Niall pointed out.

"Hmm." I had an idea. Forgive me, Stef. I shoved her as hard as I could with my arms. She fell onto the floor with a thud.

"What the hell was that for, Lars?!?!" She screeched.

"I thought you were unconscious with your eyes open!" I retorted.

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