Chapter 14: Explanations

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I awoke to find Stef still sleeping. Eh, I'll leave her be. She looks so peaceful. There's no way I could disturb a sleeping angel like her.

I walked downstairs to find Harry making pancakes on the griddle. Without a shirt, might I add. Bleh!

"Hey." He smiled once he saw me.

I groaned. "Dude, put a shirt on." I pulled out a chair from the table and sat down.

"No thanks, I'm good." He smiled cheekily. "I know you like me."

"Not even in your wildest dreams, mister." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. So how's Lou?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I put my head in my hand and massaged my temples. "Why did you have to mention his name?"

"Because he lives here," he said in a 'duh' tone.

"Meh! Where's the rest of the gang?"

He thought for a moment. "Well Liam is out jogging and the rest are sleeping."

"Gotcha. Hey, can I have pancakes?"

"No they're all for me." I rolled my eyes. "Of course, stupid. I made them for everyone else."

"Then load me up!" I opened a cabinet to find a plate. He took it from me before piling a couple of pancakes on it.

"That's a new one," he pointed out.

"I'm just that creative." I smiled before grabbing the plate and took the butter and syrup out of the fridge. I buttered the flapjacks before cutting them into small bite-size pieces. I then drenched them in the maple goodness.

"That's a lot of syrup." He raised his eyebrows.

"You're point being? It's freaking delicious!" I placed my plate and a fork on the table before plopping down and digging in.

"Mmm," I moaned.

Harry smiled cheekily. "You probably shouldn't moan over me, sweetie."

"Don't be ridiculous, you sicko," I yelled with a mouthful of food.

"It's not polite to talk with food in your mouth," he commented.

I swallowed. "Manners my ass."

"Young lady, you shall not swear at the breakfast table," he scolded.

"I'm only one year younger than you, you dingus!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

He pointed a finger at me. "Name calling shall not be permitted at the breakfast table either."

"Sorry, pa. Now let me eat my pancakes in peace!" I shoveled a forkful in my mouth. He rolled his eyes at my love for food.

"Hey guys," someone said from the doorway. I froze at the sound of his voice. Niall.

Just keep calm, bro. "Hey, Irish one." I mentally high fived myself for being so chill.

"I smell food." He trudged over to the stack of pancakes Harry had made and immediately scooped half of them onto his plate and there were a lot.

"Hey I gotta go now." Harry smiled before leaving. Great. Love you too, bro.

Once Niall was done preparing his food he sat down across from me.

I looked down and went back to eating. During some times I would sneak a glance at him.

My face has been on that. My lips have touched his. Ew. Like, the guy who is sitting right across from me. That I could just reach out and grab his face.

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