Chapter 32: Weird Dreams

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"Wake up, love!" what's-his-face, my boyfriend, spoke.

"Go away, Lenny," I mumbled.

He chuckled. "Who the hell is Lenny?"

"It's like 3 am, I'm sleeping," I replied.

"More like 10 am. You must be half-asleep or something because you aren't making sense at all."

"Taxes," I murmured and buried my head into whatever I'm resting it on.

"Okay, c'mon." My boyfriend began shaking me until I opened opened my eyes. Immediately, I punched him in the shoulder. "Ow! What gives?"

"You woke me up! Meh." I groaned.

"Why did you call me Lenny?" Louis raised his eyebrows.

"I was half-asleep. Do you really think my brain will process everything you're saying?"

"Ah. I just love waking up to the beautiful attitude of my girlfriend!"

I turned my head so I could look him in the eyes and soon after, I narrowed mine at him. "Why did you even wake me up? We still have," I paused to check my phone to see the time, "'bout seven hours till we arrive in Australia."

"I know but I got lonely." He pouted. "Can't I just wake up the girl I love because I want to?"

I sighed. "Well fine. But only because I love you," I added.

He grinned. "That was the response I was going for."

"So what's up?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. At least I'm trying, okay?!

"'You know about the party tomorrow night?" Louis questioned and smirked at my confused expression.

"Party, huh? We're just arriving in Australia and there's already a party going on?" I asked. When were they even invited to this?

"Yeah," he responded as if it were no surprise. "We were going to tell you girls anytime and that's what I did."

"Who's even having it?"

"Just some guy," he answered. Oh that's quite specific really.

I groaned. "Another party?"

He poked my cheek which made me blink slowly in an annoyed manner. "A little party never killed nobody!"

"It did with me," I muttered.

"C'mon you silly bum. Cheer up! It'll be fun," he suggested, nudging my ribs with his elbow.

I rolled my eyes. "But that means I have to get another dress!"

"You don't have to-"

"Don't have to?" I interrupted, in an exasperated tone. "Of course I have to. I'm a girl! I can't be seen in the same outfit twice. It'll ruin my girl power level."

"You know, we could, once again, make up for the things we were gonna do last night after the party after this party tomorrow," he mentioned, winking suggestively with a cheeky smile on his face.

I couldn't stop the grin from erupting on my face. "I suppose it wouldn't be the worst idea ever."

Louis leaned down so that his lips were hovering over my ear, not even millimeters away from it. "Trust me, babe- you'll enjoy it a lot."

My smile faltered momentarily. "I don't know, Louis. I've never... you know... mehh."

He chuckled. "They say the first time is painful but if you wouldn't mind then I'd be all for it."

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