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((Title just because . . . well it was right there. Read and understand :P ))

            Emery groaned as she began to come around.

Emery: ". . . she . . . where is she . . . give her the shock of her life . . . what I'll do . . ."

            She mumbled almost incoherently, recovering from her near stroke of death.

Blade: “Frag it all.”

            Blade sighed, frustrated, knowing the first meeting between Angel and Emery definitely had not gone as planned.

Blade: “She’s gone, okay? She wouldn't have done that if you hadn't doubted her, but she's the best there is at what she does, Em. And if she tries that again, she'll have to answer to me." Not that she isn’t supposed to, anyway.

            She thought to herself angrily, not liking that Angel, for all her power and devotion had ignored her this time. When she thought about it, it was actually kind of unusual that Angel listened to Blade as much as she did.

            However, it still seemed that Angel was bigger trouble than Emery.

Emery: "Oooh . . ."

            Emery growled, standing up shakily.

Emery: "T-the next time I see her . . . POW!"

            She swung her fist in an uppercut.

Emery: "RIGHT in the kisser!"

            Yup. First meeting: definitely not as planned.

Blade: "Just get in so we can head back to base and get you out of the path of 'Angel'. She doesn't like to go there if she can help it." That, and if she does come to base, no one else knows it.

Blade opened the passenger door, hoping Emery would get in before her full strength came back and she was back to her defiant self.

That and she wanted to get Emery back before she remembered that she hated the Bots almost as much as the Cons . . . at least, Blade hoped she hated the Cons more, even if it was just a little.

Emery: “Yeah . . .”

            She said, a little subdued, but then reality came back and whacked her in the face.

Emery: “Hey! Wait a sec! No way!”

            She stepped away from Blade and began walking down the highway again.

Emery: “I am not going back there!”

Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters - Give Me A ReasonΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα