Bonding (Hazy)

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~First-Person Narration: Miko~

Miko: "Hm . . ."

I saw Prime holding her, and from my vantage point, and only my vantage point, I could see the little tugs originating from their chests . . .

Oh. Scrap.

Okay, so, I'll admit, I'm a bit of a romance-oriented nerd. So . . . I may or may not have been listening to romantic songs outside of Slash Monkey when I was feeling particularly . . . inspired I guess you could say.

And there was one song I knew they would love but were unlikely to actually know.

Honestly, I was kind of ashamed I knew and had it ready to play, but that was SO not the point right now!

I hit the button and let the music play on it's own, leaving behind the headphones nad making my way over to the group of huddled Autobots and Techno-Organics alike.

Miko: "All right, all right! Everybody out! Give 'em some room, here!"

I heard lots of groans from the group, particularly the TOs, especially Tristan and Haley, of course. They always wanted to stick their noses SOMEWHERE.

But everyone filtered out, and the soft music began.

I looked back at them. Those cute little lovebirds . . . I sighed. I wished someday I could have what she had right now.

~Dual Narration: Optimus and Blade~ (I have passed 50 chapters, and so I say: SPECIAL RULES FOR THE SAKE OF ADORABILITY X3)

The silence of the room fell around us and the woman's voice fell first upon our audio receptors. Optimus was so . . . gentle. He looked like he was actually afraid to let go of me, like I might fall apart, sand through his digits.

Well, I had a feeling that was not about to happen at any rate, but the thought made me smile.

"I watched you sleepin' quietly in my bed, You don't know this now but, There's some things that need to be said, And it's all that I can hear, It's more than I can bear"

The words made me smile. We'd spent so many innocent nights together. And there were so many words left unsaid as of yet. I planned to fix that soon. Very soon. Optimus would know exactly what I had up my sleeve, but I was so distracted, I'd nearly missed the tugging in my chest again.

"What if I fall and hurt myself, Would you know how to fix me? What if I went and lost myself, Would you know where to find me? If forgot who I am, Would you please remind me? Oh, cause without you things go hazy."

Oh, how ridiculously accurate that was. I loved Optimus so much. And if anything ever happened to me, I was so certain he would be there for me. I was so certain he would never leave me or desert me. He was . . . he was just that kind of mech. He would always have my best interests at spark. He would always . . . love me . . . the way I loved him. I could feel it in that little bit of spark that I carried within me.

The female's gentle voice ended, and carried over to the identical gentle words of a man, a voice I could more closely relate. And though the words were the same, I felt the point of view to be closer to my own.

"I watched you sleepin' quietly in my bed, You don't know this now but, There's some things that need to be said, And it's all that I can hear, It's more than I can bear"

Plenty of things, despite all our time together was still left unsaid. Like the pure, simple fact that I loved Maiden, JewelBlade, with all my spark. I loved her with a passion that, though I refused to admit it aloud, days passed and I was terrified if I let her go, she would never come back to me.

Days where not seeing her for an hour meant not seeing her ever. And yet she always found me, despite all odds, whether it be her own spark nearly being extinguished, or mine.

And that was endlessly amazing.

And as for the nights . . .

By now, many nights had passed where I had watched her sleep on my berth, nightmares having driven her there, ever closer to me.

And I didn't mind.

I loved it, in fact. The gentle intakes and exvents, the rise and fall of her spark chamber . . . . it was all part of her beautiful, spark-filled existence. She had overcome such odds that said she was not meant for our world, and yet she had become part of it of her own will.

And she wanted me.

"What if I fall and hurt myself, Would you know how to fix me? What if I went and lost myself, Would you know where to find me? If forgot who I am, Would you please remind me? Oh, cause without you things go hazy."

I was certain she would always be there for me, the way I would be there for her. It did not matter if we were not bonded by spark. I adored her and her quaint customs and the symbolism behind them due to her species being unable to bond the way Cybertronians could.

And oh, the hazy. When she'd purposely lost that duel to Megatron I had nearly lost myself . . . I'd been certain she was gone and had stumbled through days, spark aching over the loss.

And then she returned only to leave for Cybertron.

And of course that incident with Bombshell where the techno-organic had blown her spark chamber to bits, nearly extinguishing Maiden's spark . . .

Each and every time her spark had nearly been lost to me, it had caused me such ache, such loss of what the world was to me. I believe the humans called it 'lovesickness'.

And now my spark pulled to hers again, and I tried to ignore it still, silently scolding myself for my body's actions against my will.

Blade: "Optimus . . ."

I looked up at him innocently, spark pounding, nearly out of my chest. I was certain it was the reaction it had towards him, and not nervousness. I mean, what reason did I have to be nervous around the mech I'd just married.

She smiled delicately at me, and I could not understand what exactly was rushing through her processors, looking down at her curiously.

He didn't understand it, I knew he didn't. He was trying to ignore the pulling in his chest like I'd been trying to ignore mine, but we were alone in a private moment, and . . . I wanted this. I wanted this so badly. I opened my spark chamber, the strong energy inside me pulsating in desire to be joined with his. It longed for more of him; a simple sliver was not enough.

"What if I fall and hurt myself, Would you know how to fix me?"

When her spark chamber opened to me, her optics vulnerable, I knew what she was suggesting.

Optimus: "Are you-?"

Blade: "I'm sure, Optimus."

"What if I went and lost myself, Would you know where to find me?"

She nodded at me, and I opened my spark chamber in return.

Both ceremonies in one day . . . who would have thought I would be so lucky to have her meet me halfway on such a momentous day?

"If forgot who I am, Would you please remind me?"

I cusped her face, holding her gently in a kiss as our sparks reached out to each other, intertwined and pieced off, bits of each going with their new mates and they slowly receded into our spark chambers once again, chest plates closing protectively.

"Oh, cause without you things go hazy."

The kiss was broken so softly, neither of us could really tell who'd broken it, actually. All I knew was the him and all he felt.

All I knew was her and all she felt.

And neither of us could keep from smiling any more. I had a feeling there was going to be a lot of that, now.

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