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Emery: "Yeah... that was about every single foster care house I was in until I did something that upset them. THEN I got ditched and switched. Been in the system for over ten years y'know. Foster Care runs thin. That's why I ditched."

Emery sighed; lie was never easy. But Blade didn’t want Emery to think that everyone was going to run out on her.

Blade: "Maybe Foster Care does, but I don't, Em. You know the zodiac signs?"

She looked back up at the stars now, loving astrology.

Blade: "I'm a Taurus. I'm loving and dedicated and stubborn as can be some days; that includes today, when I say 'I won't ditch you' I mean it to the bottom of my soul and nothing can change that. I'll be there and I'll protect you and I'll do anything to make sure no one can harm you. If I was going to ditch you do you think I would've stormed onto a plummeting Decepticon airship? It doesn't take much before I start to love someone like family, and I love you, Em, like you were my sister. You'll drive me crazy, but in the end, I'll have your back."

She looked down at Emery again an idea in her helm.

Blade: "What's your zodiac sign?”

Emery: "I dunno . . . I was never into that star stuff."

               Emery sighed, a bit distantly.

Emery: "Horoscopes I always thought were a buncha mumbo-jumbo . . . but I was 'born' on Halloween."

               Blade thought for a moment before pinpointing the girl’s sign and stats in her hard drive.

Blade: "You're a Scorpio. Heh. Makes sense, y'know. Scorpios are self-critical, intense, tenacious, magnetic, suspicious, jealous, dangerous, sadistic, moody, passionate, emotional, that kind of thing. In other words, Scorpios feel a lot of things a lot of the time. Sound like anyone you know?"

               She asked with a smile.

Emery: "Oh ha-ha."

               Emery huffed. She got it. It was her.

Emery: "Whatever."

               She was going to make JewelBlade miserable since she was stuck there. Sooner or later she'd cave. She had before, so, why not now?

Blade: "And you know what else? It's said that Scorpio and Taurus has the best working partnership. It's a difficult relationship, but they learn from each other so that they both benefit. Taurus teaches Scorpio how to value themselves, as they're often too self-critical, and Scorpio can help Taurus become more insightful to the motives and needs of others."

               She was gazing upwards again, studying the stars.

Blade: "So do you think it's a bunch of nonsense or that there's actually something to it?"

Emery: "I say it's one heck of a coincidence."

               She sighed.

Emery: "But I gotta remember the scorpion thing . . . new emblem . . ."

               She grinned a little and Blade imagined the girl was envisioning a spray-painting it on a wall or piece of scrap metal. Blade smiled in return.

Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters - Give Me A ReasonWhere stories live. Discover now