The Day Before

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    I don’t know how long it took, but eventually I managed to pry my optics off the spot where Emery had disappeared in her Uncle’s helicopter and made my way back inside.

    It was still early in the morning hours, and no one was awake quite yet.

    At least, I hadn’t thought they were.

    I was so deprived of recharge my processor didn’t notice when a door opened. It was slow to realize that a strong servo had pulled me aside into a bedroom and onto a berth.

    It took a scary amount of time to realize that this was more of a dream come true than a nightmare. For it was not Megatron who hovered above me, but Optimus. I, well I hadn’t spent any time at all with him last night. I’d been up talking with Angel instead. I hadn’t seen him much today, either, given the Emery adventure.

    He held me delicately underneath him, his kisses coming gently and smoothly to my lips. It took a moment of relaxation for me to return them. It was between these kisses that he spoke, even if the words were ragged.

Optimus: “Maiden-, were you-, avoiding me?”

    I couldn’t help a small laugh at the every thought.

Blade: “How could I? You’re just too . . . amazing . . .”

    It was really what I thought. What I believed. He made me happy and that was what mattered.

Optimus: “Maiden, I-. I am willing to oblige your request.”

    Request? What was he-?

    Oh. That request. The one he’d wanted me to think about. Well . . .

    He broke the kiss to analyze me as I thought. And it wasn’t so much uncertainty as it was . . . desire that stopped me. I knew he saw my decision written in my faceplate. He looked . . . disappointed?

Blade: “Optimus, it’s not because I don’t love you or I don’t want to be with you. It’s because I love you so much I want to do this right.”

    And it was true. I wanted to have something truly special now that the chances of Megatron showing his faceplate were going to be reduced to minimal.

    Angel was now monitoring the UP for any signs of the Decepticon leader.

    But that didn’t mean I wanted to recharge without Optimus near. I was so used to being in his arms that the thought of recharging without him seemed . . . wrong . . .

Optimus: “Is this . . . a human ritual?”

Blade: “Would you spend the night with someone who was not your mate?”

    He looked away a little, and I felt my spark tug. I wanted to be his spark mate; I wanted to meet him halfway so both our ways were combined . . . and then it hit me: why not?

    But not yet. We could wait just a little longer for something so special.

    He kissed me again, but it was gentler this time. I wondered if he had truly expected me to give in to him tonight.

    But if he had, he would’ve plunged right in instead of seeking confirmation. He was a gentleman through and through.

    And I loved that about him.

Optimus: “Will you be returning to your own berth for recharge?”

Blade: “If it’s okay, I’d like to stay here.”

    He drew a  small smile and nodded. He lay down next to me, though I knew he would likely be gone long before I woke; actually, I was certain that was fact. He would probably be gone the moment he sensed me in a deep recharge.

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