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The next day, Red and Soundwave were at the entrance of the groundbridge.

Red: "We'll beh back in two hours! There'll beh 'leven come'n, 'gain, and they'll all beh curious. Well okay, most 'a 'em. Tristan 'an Haley will be there."

Bulkhead smiled, remembering the two techno-organics Soundwave had rescued along with Red. Ratchet fired up the groundbridge and the pair walked through.

I sat down, not entirely sure why I was even out here in the first place. Other than curiosity, I had no real reason. So of course I was already bored out of my hard drive.

In actually less than an hour, Ratchet received the call that they were ready.

Ratchet: "All right . . ."

He responded and opened the bridge. Through it came several techno-organics. The first pair, I’d had seen before. I believe their names were Austin and Arthur. The second pair was Percival and Kasey. The third pair was Ivy Underwood, but there was a boy with her I hadn’t seen before, but the two looked alike, so they had to be related. The next pair to walk through was Tristan and Haley. But the fifth and final pair was, again, two techno-organics I hadn't seen before. One was a sixteen-year-old girl with super-short black hair with several colored streaks and a black outfit. Another rebel it appeared. The other was a girl barely twelve with wide, dark eyes and long white hair. You could tell by just looking at her that she loved pink. Red and Soundwave came through at last. All of the techno-organics, for a moment, stared wide-eyed at the numerous Autobots. Then Emery broke the ice, calling to the girl who had served as her roommate when she’d been living at the techno-organic base with Red.

Emery: "Yo! Kase!"

She walked over to her fellow ‘rebel’ as she would say.

Kasey: "Em!"

The two did a fist-bump.

Emery: "Glad you got picked. Would've probably been dullsville around here!"

Kasey: "You would've liked Lenka. She's a reb too!"

She gestured over to the new techno-organic. The one who carried the same look as Emery and Kasey. Honestly, my processor was only paying attention haflway.

Emery: "Sweet!"

I yawned and looked at the techno-organics, then at Red, doing quick mental math. Only five pairs of two.

Blade: "Hey, what happened to Eleven?"

Red: "Madalyn. Fergot 't mention; one 'a our techno-organics, Madalyn Romanoff is an agent fer 'th same department as Agent Fowler. She 'ad a mission 't go 't, but she said she'd be back as soon as possible."

Kasey: "Oh yeah, she wanted me to give you this."

Kasey handed over a guitar case to Emery.

Emery: "Sweet! Too bad my hand's busted."

    Kasey flinched slightly, showing their sympathy for one another.

Kasey: "Owch. How'd you do that?!"

Emery: "Techno-organic with some pretty sick strength."

Nici, who had been with Firefly waved sheepishly.

Nici: "Hey . . ."

Kasey: "Huh. Looks cool."

Kasey said, noting the artificial arm.

I just yawned again.

Blade: "Well that sounds like fun."

I said, not even sure what I was commenting on anymore.

Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters - Give Me A ReasonWhere stories live. Discover now