Chapter 23 - Britney Bish

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I fell onto the hard floor. This one hurt more since I landed on my back. "Awe SHIT!" I groaned. I flopped over onto my stomach and took in my surroundings. I attacked a drunk woman, helped a kid who was VERY much bleeding his arm off, escaped a fap lord and helped a little girl from being rapped, helped a heart broken boy and a girl who lost her mom, what now?

I saw Chase, and I saw I was in a cottage. It was in VERY bad condition. Is he poor?

He was there, as I saw him eat . . . well water. Oh, I realize what I have to do. I walked out, and onto the street. I seemed to be in a big city, from what I can tell. I went around and went to the biggest building nearby. If only I had Richard's invisibility, then this would be easier. I sighed, oh well.

I went to the top floor and saw a woman, talking on her phone. She had on a mink coat, hat, and sunglasses. She seemed to be ranting. "I don't CARE! I'm filthy RICH since my husband died! You know how much money is in my damn purse? More than you could DREAM of! So don't even think you are on the same LEVEL as to SPEAK with me! I do this practically for a LIVING! I've had 5 husbands so far but that doesn't mean I'm a SLUT! Good day!" With that she hung up and began walking along.

I rolled my eyes. I already have too many people like that in MY neighborhood. Her purse she says? I already don't like her. And it's just her purse right? She should have plenty then. She walked into the restroom and placed her purse on the counter top before going into the restroom. Now's my chance!

I got to her purse and grabbed her wallet. I grabbed all the money I could find! Then bolted. Hopefully she won't notice anytime soon.

I walked to the nearest grocery store and got BAGS full of food. It should last like, what, a YEAR? I don't want Chase to starve anyway.

I knocked on the door, left the bags of food, and the money on their porch. I hid myself when I saw his father cry out with joy and thank God, before putting all the stuff in side. I smiled at myself. Yeah I stole, but it was for a good cause right? I looked inside as I saw the rest of the family disappear in a puff of smoke.

Another white portal opened, as I ran into it. I found myself in some boy's room. Wait, Jason's! I ran into the hallway as I saw him come in. Can he see me? His eyes rolled right past me, so I guessed that was a no. I walked past him and looked at his mother. She was talking to someone. "Bill, their YOUR children too! Yes, they have their stepfather, but they need to see their real dad too! No wonder you insisted I have the custody! Stop being and asshole and at least SEE them! Business my ass!" She seemed to be arguing into the phone. I flinched. I knew Jason had divorced parents, and a step dad, but I didn't think it was polite to know the story. But his real dad seems like an ass. Or something . . .

I looked and saw Jason go to his room, and shake his head. Clearly he was used to this. I didn't like seeing this. I frowned. The mom finally hung up a few minutes later and walked out of the room. I reached for the phone, surprised I could touch it. I looked for the last number they called, as I called it. 

"I said I wasn't going to come," the man said. I glowered, "Bitch, you are going to come here and be with your kids other wise I swear to the Fap Lord himself I will find you and burn your ass to a crisp. I have a friend whose father owns the business you work for, her last name is Francer sound familiar?" I said. I heard a gasp from the other end of the line. Manly because I knew he worked for Francer Inc. but I didn't know any daughter of the CEO for the business. But I also remember Jason telling me all of his parents have worked for the business.

"Now, unless you want to get fired, I'm going to hang up, and you're gonna call your ex wife and tell her you will be here by TOMORROW. Understand?" I asked him. I heard the man stutter a yes, as I hung up. I walked into the parent's room, thankful they couldn't see me. The Mom's phone was ringing, as she answered it, mumbling to herself how her husband was a jackass. I grinned when she was heard him say he would be there as she ran up to tell the kids. I looked at him, as it seemed he was so happy he could cry. 

Suddenly the family's eyes turned gold. What? Every one's but Jason's. He seemed confused. "Um, guys?" he asked. "Yes, sir?" they said, all at once. He seemed confused. "What's going on?" he asked them. "You're our master, and we are your servants," they said. Huh? "Um . . . what?" he asked them. "Tell us what to do, and we shall do it," they said. This is freaky. "Um, jump up and down?" He commanded them. They did as they were told. Suddenly their eyes became normal, and they stopped. They didn't remember what happened.

I smiled to myself. Their Daddy was an Assy. Assy Daddy. Haha. Also he got another power.

With that, they all disappeared into dust.

Another portal opened. Please let this one be the last one! I jumped into it. I saw a fat man grabbing Stacie, or a younger version of her. Her hair was shorter and everything. Younger Stacie was struggling in the man's grasp, as he was talking to a dark, shadowy and willowy man.  The willowy man nodded his head as he gave the fat man a wad of money. The fat man took it, puffed a cigar and handed Young Stacie over. What?

Young Stacie started crying and screaming, she was only a little girl! It looked like she was being sold off! It's terrible. The man walked away as the screaming girl was dragged into a shady building. Inside were children, all with numbers hanging around their necks. I gasped, horrified, as I snuck into the building.  

Was this a place for . . .?

The man put the girl on a counter. "Alright newbie. Show me what you've got." The girl sobbed into her arms as the man got out a condom. I hid behind a desk, horrified. "Don't be shy, this is your future darling." He said as he unzipped his pants. He got a sign with a #256 on it, and hung it around her neck. "Let's begin." He said. As he tried to lift up the little girl's dress. She crossed her legs and ran away, before the man closed and locked the door. 

"Bad girls get punishments" He grinned evilly as he dragged the girl to the counter top! OMG WHAT THE FUCK?

She sobbed as he bent her over.

I ran from behind the counter and ran to the man from behind. I kicked him in between the legs. "FUCK YOU YA RAT BASTARD!" I screamed. He groaned and fell to the floor. Young Stacie ran and sobbed int he corner. 

I began kicking the man violently in the stomach. He grimaced and grabbed my leg, pulling me down. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the ground. "Well, well, well. We got another newbie! This time for free! Ready to train to be a prostitute?" He sneered to me. I growled, "I've been told I don't have the body to be one so sorry." With that I remembered my powers, and grabbed onto his arms, burning him. 

He screamed in agony as I burned his arms, his wrists and flesh burning black against his pale skin. He cried and begged for mercy. I growled, and used my mind to throw him to the wall. The impact caused him to be paralyzed. He groaned in pain. I had light emitted from my hand as I placed it over his eyes, once I was done, he was blind, and his eyes were all white, no pupils, no color, nothing. With one fatal swoop, I kicked his head into the wall. Blood seeped out of his head, and I knew at once he was dead.

"Who-who are you?" Young Stacie asked. I unlocked the door to get away from the paralyzed, burned blind man. The girl followed me as we went into the hallway full of child prostitutes. Human trafficking, it sickened me. Suddenly everything became slow, and seemed to move in slow motion. I looked back at young Stacie. Suddenly everyone around us moved 10x faster than normal.

I saw roots of purple begin in young Stacie's hair.

She must have time control. Figures. "Y-you! Who are you?" she asked me. I slowly turned towards her, as I saw the last portal, black this time, appear. Young Stacie gaped at it. I turned to her, "It's Britney Bish," I said before jumping backwards into the portal.

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