Chapter 45- Wondgardium-Levio-Slut

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Everything went into focus.

White, all white.

Shit, here again?

But what about the plates? and the chaos? and the . . .pain?

I slowly ripped the IV outta my arm this time and got out of the bed. I probably knew the place a bit better than the others. If I'm here, they're here.

"Spencer?" I called out. Suddenly someone came running down the hall and almost toppled me over.Until I slammed him into the wall.

"You gotta stop doing that," I chuckled. Spence laughed and hugged me. "Been a while hasn't it?" He said. "You know it! So what happened after I blacked out yet again? And what was up with all of those plates and stuff?" I asked him.

His childish expression changed to a more serious one as he straightened the imaginary wrinkles from his lab coat and smoothed back his black hair.

"Dr. Pristine had a team hack into the machines we were using to get you out. All of our computers were acting bizarre and the cameras and TVs were going berserk. She seemed to be mocking us, trapping all of you in something that you represent a power. Seems as if she wanted to mess around a bit, possibly destroy all of you so the experiment fails. Luckily you got out and got the others out before they got obliterated into smithereens." He shuddered.

"Yeah, how come it was so easy for me to get out? I mean, I just ran out. The others were much more difficult." I said. He frowned, "Hm, that's the thing. We don't know her motives for that one. We were thinking she would make yours the most difficult since she hates you the most . . . But . . ." He scratched the back of his neck.

"But what?" I glared. I want to know what this bitch wants, and how to stop it. "There are many theories on what we think . . . there's A) to mess with you, B) she forgot or was too lazy or C) . . ." he trailed off again.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt. "But. What? You better answer Spence, or I won't hesitate to throw you back so hard into the wall, you leave a butt print." I threatened.

He pulled my hands away and took a deep breath. "Or she may be planning to use you for her own purposes." My eyebrows nearly jumped above my head like those tools in Bob the Builder.

"WHAT?? Why?!" I asked him. But I'm sure I already knew . . .

"Emera, you're the most powerful of all of your group. Possibly even more than all of them COMBINED! And that's including Jason with his charm-speak because he can't use it against you and you know how to resist!" he said.

"But, no! She tried to ruin the simulator! She had the whole plates things!" I protested. "She may have just been doing it for show," Spencer said. Deep down, I had a gut feeling he was right.

"The others woke up not too long ago, I haven't seen them yet," Spencer said.

"Wait, before we go . . . can you tell me how I came here? Carlyn said we came here by choice, what was it for me?" I asked him.

He laughed. "Damn, I'll never forget it. You were behind the school, and some girls threw you in the mud. You were upset because your library book got mud all over it, and a girl stomped on it. We were about to go intervene and help then offer you a chance to come, but then you really surprised us. You picked the book up and screamed 'FUCK BITCH YOU RUINED HARRY POTTER NOW MAY THE DARK LORD SUCK MY NONEXISTENT DICK AND SCREW YOU WONGARDIUM-LEVIO-SLUT!' and you knocked her over the head with it." Spencer started crying from his laughter.

"Guess I wasn't a spineless bitch before I entered the sim, what happened next?" I asked him, blushing a bit.

"Oh, well we were just staring at you, shocked at what happened. The other girls ran away and you saw us, and shouted 'WHO DAFUQ YOU LOOKIN AT?' and we were like 'uhmmmm lets just offer it now?' so we went and asked if you would come and you just stared at us and whispered 'fuck it' and hopped into the van without so much as a how-do-you-do?" He chuckled.

"Damn," was all I said. "Yeah," he said.

We started walking and came into a room with one round table, and my friends in the white outfits playing Uno.

"Emera!" Jason said. He came up and hugged me and looked at Spencer. "Who's this?" he smiled. I coughed loudly as Spencer stretched his hand out to shake Jason's. "Spencer, pleasure to meet you."

With that Jason's smile disappeared, and I tried to avoid both of the boys' eye contact. He reluctantly shook Spence's hand with a firm grip and set his face in a stern expression. They let go as Spencer coughed uncomfortably. Awkward.  "Um, well, I better get to work. See you later Emera," he said. Jason swung his arm around me protectively-or possessively- as Spencer exited the room.

Jason kissed the side of my head as we sat down. I watched the game. "So you finally woke up huh? We're like, famous here," Bailey said. She played the 4+ wild card on Marcus.

"Haha, yeah. You get used to it." I said. "So this is the place huh? Did they tell you the Pristine whoever fucked with all that shit?" Tyler grunted. "Yeah, honestly I should've expected it," I told him. 

"So these people had to explain why you kicked me in the fucking stomach back there," Stacie said, laying down a red two.

"It was either that or you'd feel like your head was cracking open, or going insane, same reason I kicked Carlyn off," I said.

"Really Emera, I could've handled it, It was my trap after all. You shouldn't have been so reckless as to go on there," Carlyn said. I shrugged, "I had to get you guys outta there. That was my main priority. I could've cared less about the pain, which is why I stayed on there."

Carlyn shook her head, "You really are something else."

Jason held my hand and kissed it, "And she's mine."

I slapped his hand away, my face red.

We played Uno the rest of the day.

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