Chapter 56- Truck Porn

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3rd POV

Jason carried the sleeping Emera up to her and Stacie's dorm, walking along with the others. It was late at night by now, and the rain was still pouring outside. They somberly trudged up to the girls' dormitories, leaving puddles from their drenched uniforms. Everyone was asleep by now, so no one would catch them. Tyler and Chase already sped and transported to the room.

Jason had a blank stare, dragging his feet through the tiles, carrying. He  was staring into the distance, holding the carved bullet, the unloaded gun, and the knife in a bag. He would tell the others once they got into the dorm.

Carlyn was staring at Emera, wondering what had happened. She could read her mind just fine right now, her dreams and nightmares were vivid and clear. But when she was in that other form . . . nothing. It was baffling. And how she came to be that way? Perhaps she would ask Emera about that once she wakes up.

Stacie was simply wondering if she herself would be safe at night. She shares a dorm with Emera, would she kill her in her Antiform? She didn't quite understand why she almost shot herself, though. She was possessed, yes, but why would that part of her be . . . suicidal?

Bailey was looking over at Richard. Was he really alright? He seemed to heal once Emera transformed back. Bailey wasn't sure if she should be angry with Emera or not, but she was slightly leaning to that side, admittedly. 

Richard kept remembering the pain. How was it that when she hurt the plant she hurt him as well? Why did the plant scream? Bleed? That's not natural, yet nothing about them was, admittedly. Was Emera really that much more powerful over them, even when she isn't herself? She was scary, yet she had so much potential. She was both life and death it seemed, it was crazy.

Marcus, who was quiet most of the time during the Anti-Emera crisis, simply remembered what he witnessed. He himself knew he was cold, but during that time, Emera was cold and unfeeling. Soulless. Empty. So not Emera. It was like everything that made her her was sucked out of her, replaced with a psychotic, cold, hate felt being. She seemed, oddly enough, to hate herself the most. You have to if you were about to kill yourself. What if that's what she would have been like if she had never been in the simulator? It seemed plausible... maybe he could ask his girlfriend about it.

They got up there and closed the door, as Jason set her down.

Tears started running down his cheeks. There was only the sound of steady, quiet rainfall in the distance, but other than that it was silent.

"Why are you crying, Jason?" Chase asked him. Jason reached into his bag and led down the three items."She said she carved my name on a bullet so she'd be the last thing that ran her head, and she was true to her word." Stacie picked up the bullet and choked back on her tears. No . . .

"W-what was that? All that shit that just happened?!" she sobbed. Tyler shook his head, "How did it even happen? Why would she try to kill herself?"

Stacie stood up and started banging her head on the wall, "I should've seen it! Last night, I woke up and she was halfway out the window! I thought it was just the dark, but her hair looked grey. She transformed back but I didn't really know what happened. It's clear she was trying to jump out! And now she went into the woods to kill herself!" She sobbed into Chase's school jacket. No one said anything for a while.

"So she wasn't trying to hurt us, but herself. Why is it when she's in that . . . form, she tries to commit suicide?" Tyler asked.

"I have a theory," Marcus said. "What if, she transfers into the type of person she would have been had she never been in the simulator?"

There was a long pause.

Jason choke back on tears, "No, no!" That meant the girl who he might have never even noticed . . . by this time she'd have been dead.

Carlyn nodded grimly,"It makes sense. She'd think every day about it, but she used to be bullied terribly, and I could see how that would drive to insanity . . . or being suicidal. She seemed so empty, you don't think she'd also have depression too?" Carlyn asked herself.

"Well, what can we do to stop her from being like this?!" Richard asked.

"We can't let her know about any of this stuff, it'd be terrible for her. For her to know she'd be suicidal and be dead by now? No, not unless we are positive she could take it," Carlyn said.

"That . . . didn't seem like her. How are you sure about it being her if she'd never been in the simulator?" Zoey asked them.

"She had a crush on me for a long time . . . even before the sim. This proves it. It was her, she had the same empty look in her eyes she would have every once in a while at camp. I'm positive about it." Jason said, holding the bullet in between his fingertips. He brushed the sleeping Emera's hair out of her face.

"The question is, how does she transform?" Zoey asked.

"We should've been paying more attention. Honestly, there isn't a pattern, but there is a clue!" Carlyn protested.

"How will we keep this stuff from her?" Marcus asked.

"Knowing Emera, she'll find out by tomorrow," Richard said.

"What makes you say that?" Bailey asked him. "Come on, it's almost as hard as keeping secrets from Carlyn. Emera seems to find out everything somehow, it's just hurtling in her path practically!" Richard said. "He's right," Carlyn murmurs. 

"Do you think Pristine did this?" Jason asked.

"I think she definitely had something to trigger this," Chase says. "Well, how do we STOP it?!" Stacie growls.

"If I knew what made this girl turn all Creepypasta on someone's ass, I'd know how to turn it off," Richard said.

"We'll find out, let's just find out how Emera finds out, let it come to us," Jason said.

They heard a low groan as Emera stirred in her sleep.

Remember, let her find out only if necessary, don't lead her on, though. Carlyn's voice echoed in their minds. Jason got the gun, bullet, and knife and put it in the bag.


Emera's POV

I woke up, and my head felt like shit.

"Why the hell does my head feel like on the inside two cars have been banging by having truck porn?" I groaned to myself. I rubbed my temples, and I felt like all energy was drained from me.

"You tell me," Stacie said.

I looked around, and all my friends were there.


"You passed out on your way up the stairs, but we got you," Carlyn said.

I knew it was a lie the moment she said it. The room seemed dense with a sad, somber aura. I looked over and Jason was clutching onto some bag, and wiping his cheeks. I knew something was up. The last thing I remember was having a migraine and having to go outside for some fresh air.

"Haha, well I'm fine guys," I laughed, "Just got a headache."

I flashed Carlyn a warning look, letting her know I wouldn't let this slip by me.

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