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I was in my first class, which I shared with Bailey. It was Literature, which was nothing much honestly. Our teacher was an old woman, who seemed as if she still had a fake tan. Her hair died blond, but you could still see where her gray roots were. She wore vintage glasses, and her pencil skirt was one size too tight. She kept trying to be one of the 'cool' teachers. I guess she was in her early 60's.

"Emera, why don't you and Bailey introduce yourselves to the class?" She smiled an overly-bleached white smile as we stood up.

"Hey, I'm Bailey Grammar, nice to meet you all." Bailey introduced herself. She was rigid as a pole but seemed to be gnawing her lip to keep from grinning. I wonder why she always acts so serious and calm at first, but crazy and wild later on. Maybe it's like how Carlyn kept the fact she was a child genius from us until I went 'missing'.

I smiled a soft smile and clasped my hands behind my back, tilting my head to the side. I heard a sigh. was that a guy? Man, this school is weird.

"Hi, I'm Emera Pisces. Nice to meet you guys! I hope we'll become good friends!" Though we will probably all leave once it's safe and I have to return to a laboratory where I'm experimented on. Oh, by the FUCKING way I killed like 100 people with my eyes closed. Bet I'm more talented than you BITCH. What can you do? Can you do that? Huh? Top that! Huh? Can't you? Didn't think so.

I heard some manly swoons. What the heck.

I sat back down. And I felt a jab at the back of my neck. "Ow," I murmured, turning around to see what poked me. I turned to see uh . . .beef cake of a girl behind me. I'm not trying to be rude, but this girl was . . . fat. She looked bigger than a baby whale and looked like a walking hairless buffalo. I'm not going to sugarcoat it because judging from the extra fat sugary yogurt she was failing to hide in her uniform. I'm sure she'd eat that too.

"You might have everyone else fooled, but you don't have ME fooled. You don't BELONG here. You can't possibly have the class or money to come here," she spat in my face. I rapidly blinked my eyes like a mole coming out to see the sun for the first time. Her spit was flying out of her face onto mine and I'm pretty sure she didn't mean for her f's and s's to have a DANGER SPLASH ZONE.

"Uh-huh," I said, as I wiped the spit off of my face and onto my jacket.

She had a grin spread across her face and I could see her mole stretch and go from the corner of her mouth to the top of where her cheekbones would be if she had any. She had mousy blond hair that was frizzy and failed to be combed. Her skin looked so pale as if she'd never seen the sun. Her eyes were pretty, though, a deep hazel color. She would be pretty, she'd just need to put in a little effort. But her personality was ugly, from what I could tell.

She bent over to get some more food from her backpack, and I caused her to fall down. Damn, telekinesis sure is a bitch. The room gasped, as I put on my most surprised face.

She was lying straight down on her back, the can of yogurt still in her hand.

"I'm OKAY!!" she said.

She struggled to get up but found that she couldn't. It was like watching a turtle try to get up from lying on its back. A really big turtle. Tortoise maybe. She waved her hands about trying to get up and it just looked like she was moving her feet and arms.

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" she said.

A lot of boys rushed over to her side- twelve of them.

They all tried to get her up, but she ended up pulling them down with her.

"How much to you weigh?!" one guy asked.

"200," She grunted. "Nuh, uh girl stop lying." Another boy wheezed, struggling to bring her arm up. He started running in the opposite direction and tried dragging the arm with him. He literally stayed in the same place, as his feet slid back as he kept trying to pull it. It was like a game of tug a war with a hippo.

The class gasped in horror as he tugged so hard he himself flipped over and landed on top of the girl, as he fell flat on his back and onto her stomach, as he bounced back up and back onto her, causing vibrations and jiggles to go through her stomach and uniform. Let me just say this, her uniform was so tight, because it wasn't big enough, so it was already on the verge of popping. Well, the button popped off her jacket and hit a ceiling light, and hit one of the other 11 boys who were trying to help her up in the face.

Bailey was trying to stifle her laughter, and you could see the corners of her mouth threatening to fly up to the roof. I pressed my lips tightly together and pinched my leg in order to not laugh. I only meant for her to trip or something, but this one was her fault.

"Does obesity run in her family? Well if it does, no one runs." I heard the teacher mutter while looking through the student files on her laptop. Bailey and I kept giving each other funny looks trying to stifle our giggles.

"Well, it doesn't," the teacher said. "So I guess it's this little shit's fault," she muttered to herself.

By this time I was drawing blood from my leg I was trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

Eventually the male teachers- 20 of them- had to tape up a bunch of stretchers to each other to make one barely big enough stretcher and flip her over so she could get up.

Well, this class has been interesting.

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