Chapter 88- Alpha-Female

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Principal Jackson went to meet us before we left.

"My wife informed me about your departure," she said, pushing up her glasses.

"Yes, we have to save two students and prevent Pristine from whatever plans she has," I said.

"And you're taking Miss Miller?" she pointed to Talia.

"It is in our best interest," I told her.

She nodded, "I won't question your decisions, Miss Pisces. I wish you luck on your quest."

Talia was still confused but shrugged it off. She got on the high-end trailer and went in.

"I suppose that's the cape they made for you?" Talia asked me.

"Yes," I said. "Will I ever understand what's so off about you guys?" she asked me. I stepped on, as we set the trailer on auto-drive and the GPS system on. Thank the lord for our present day technology. Before I could answer, Marcus tapped me on the shoulder. "Red Ringing Hood," he greeted. "Excuse me?" I asked him. "You call me Ice-boy, now you have a nickname as well," he said.

"Why do you call him Ice-boy?" Talia asked.

Marcus sneered a bit, though I don't get what his problem was. "I don't think you should've brought her."

I sneered back, "She's with us now."

"I don't think your judgment is in the right place, you just lost Jason," Marcus said.

With that my multicolored eyed narrowed, "My judgment is perfectly fine, Ice-boy."

"Then you wouldn't have brought her into danger," he said.

"What's your problem, Marcus?" I scowled.

"You aren't in the right state of mind, Red Riding Hood. I'm just looking out for all of us," Marcus said.

"You're saying I don't look out for everyone here?!" I yelled. With that, my hand was ablaze as I forgot about everyone else. "I'm looking out for everyone all the time, Ice-boy! Want me to melt your ice-dildo?!" I raised my heated palm above my head threateningly, the flames flickering around my fingers.

I threw the fireball when Marcus reached his fist out and the ice cube grew into a giant icicle. It smashed with the fireball, clashing and evaporating into smoke and a puddle.

"W-what the hell?!" Talia stammered.


I forgot she was there!

I growled at Marcus, who scowled. "We might as well see if she can handle the shit, Emera if she is to really stay with us."

"You're becoming too much like your girlfriend, Ice-boy," I scowled.

"He has a point, Emera," Carlyn stated, being her usual logical self.

"Alright! Five seconds in and we already revealed we have superpowers!" Bailey laughed, roaring.

"W-what the hell are y-you guys?! D-did you just grow a giant ice block and you try to throw a fireball?!" Talia stammered, her hand shaking as she pointed to me and Marcus.

"Believe me, this isn't the first time Emera's proven to be an alpha-female more than once," Stacie swung her arm around my shoulders as I rolled my eyes.

"That was just because you kept trying to seduce my crush," I said.

"Don't worry, sweetie. We know it's a lot to process. It was for us when we first heard the news," Zoey hugged Talia.

"Perhaps now is the time we tell Talia our story . . ." Carlyn suggested.

I turned to Talia, who was still trembling with confusion. "You may not believe our story or it may make you so afraid of us that you'll want to abandon this quest. Do you want to hear it?"

Talia only nodded, "I need to save Molly."

Carlyn nodded, "Emera, you have the honors."

I felt the silk of my cloak as everyone gathered around me. I was about to tell my tale.

"I woke up in a lush green field . . ."


3rd POV

Jason struggled against the chains latched onto his wrist. The iron was pressing against his skin as he kept launching himself away, only to have him yanked back onto the cold, unforgiving floor. He had tried everything-lightning, rusting with water, force fields trying to break them. He even tried charm-speaking, but it seemed that everyone had those earplug-things to where they couldn't be affected by the charm speak, but still hear him.

He was exhausted -his eyelids were drooping, his arms started to ache.

"No . . . have to get back . . . to Galaxy . . ." he panted.

Pristine had zapped him once every day with some sort of ray gun. It didn't hurt him or do anything -but it left Pristine muttering angrily and making modifications to the machine.

"Jason, really, there is no need to struggle," Pristine told him through the glass-viewing-window.

"No need to struggle?! You damn kidnapped me, latched me to the floor, and zapped me with some sort of ray gun every day! I'm going to damn struggle!" Jason growled, yanking on his chains.

Molly was standing outside and looking through the glass panel. She usually wasn't here, since she didn't like seeing Jason in pain. This was the longest she's been here, and Jason did not look happy.

"Perhaps you can give your little boyfriend his food," Britney said.

Molly gulped, and picked up the tray. It should be safe, right? I mean there isn't anything bad he can do to her in those chains.

She unlocked the door and placed the food near a sweaty, tired Jason. He was panting and breathing heavily. The food she placed wasn't great -but it wasn't that bad either.

"What did you do that made them want to lock you up?" Molly asked them.

"I didn't do anything!" Jason muttered. "But I shouldn't have tried to apologize or save you, look what hell it brought me into."

"You know, maybe after they're done doing whatever it is they are doing, you and I will-"

"What? Have our own sick happily ever after? Ha! As if! You kidnapped me and brought me here, now Galaxy and the others are probably worried out of their minds! You have no idea what you've just done! You shouldn't have agreed to go, you shouldn't have kissed me, hell you should've known I wasn't interested in the first place! You say you love me but now I'm tied up and weak! You call that love?!" Jason scowled at her, his bangs drooping over his blazing eyes.

Molly scowled, "Like it or not, Jason Kimber, I will have my future with you."

Jason launched himself at her, but the chains were too short. He ended up falling right in front of her. Molly smirked, "Jason, love, there's nothing you can do chained up. Don't worry, though, I'll get you out soon. I promise."

With that, she kissed him, but he yanked himself away and it was soon over. Molly frowned, tightening her ponytail, and pushing her glasses up her nose. "Why do you have to be so difficult?"

With that, a jolt of lightning blasted and she launched herself out of the way, barely missing the bolt. Molly stared wide-eyed at Jason-who was giving her a murderous look.

"Miss Stone, perhaps it's about time you leave," Pristine suggested. Molly nodded timidly, as she scrambled out, locking the door behind her. "What was that?!" she asked Britney.

"Perhaps it's time I tell you the Streaks' story . . ." Britney said.

"They woke up in a lush, green field . . ."

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