Ch.24 I have to tell him

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Gabriella's Pov.

After me and the girls came home, of course they told their boyfriends what happened at the mall with Taylor, Harry looked at me and I walked upstairs with all my bags I closed the door so he wouldn't come in, but he still did.

"Gabby what the hell are they talking about" he asked me a little angry.

I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes I turned around and walked to the balcony. I sighed knowing that I had to tell him about those text messages.

"Gabby please tell me what she said to you" he said grabbing my hand and making me look him in the eye.

"I haven't been totally honest with you" I said he looked confused,upset.

"Gabby what do you mean you haven't been honest with me , are you cheating on me cause we don't have to do this I can just leave" an angry Harry said to me putting his hands in his curls, stressed.

"No,no I'm not cheating on you never in a million years would I think about doing that" I said putting my hands on both of his cheeks.

"It's just she wants you back and she said she'll get you back on way or another" I told him.

"No she won't gabby I love you more than anything in the world" he said leaning in for a kiss except I moved my face and turned around.

"Gabby, something else is bothering you, tell me" He said.

"I've been receiving texts messages from an unknown number and i don't know what to do, if I told you, you would have freaked out" I said while tears rolling down my cheeks.

"What texts messages" he asked.

I handed him my phone and showed him.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner I could have helped you" he said angry.

"What the hell was I supposed to do I was scared I figured it was nothing, I thought they would stop and I knew you would be protective over me, I'm fine!" I said almost yelling.

"You could have still told me, I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to protect you!" he said yelling. the rest of the boys and girls came in my room.

"Guys stop yelling"Niall said.

"Niall shut up" Harry said putting his hands in his hair for frustration.

"Harry don't yell at him" I said yelling at him now.

"You guys both need to calm down , Harry just listen to what she has to say" Louis said patting harry on the back.

"Like what Louis, she lied to me ,she could have told me sooner about the messages and how do you guys know" Harry asked angrily, pointing at the boys.

"Harry calm down the girls just told us right now, Gabby didn't tell the girls until today" Liam said.

Harry was so mad at me I wanted to tell him so bad but I knew how he was going to react and he did exactly how I knew he would.

"How am I supposed to calm down when I don't know who's fucking texting her" he said walking around pissed off.

I couldn't take his anger anymore I grabbed my phone and purse off my bed, the boys and girls all looked at me including Harry , I got my things and ran downstairs and out the front door, and to my car.

I put my keys in the ignition and took off. I don't know where I'm going but I'll figure it out later right now I'm just going to drive.

Harry's Pov.

I yelled at gabby for not telling me that she had been receiving text messages. she just got up and ran out the door me and the boys tried chasing her but she drove to fast in her Range Rover.

"See what you did Harry this is exactly why she didn't tell you in the first place now we don't even know where she went" Sally said storming up to her room slamming the door and Niall going up the stairs to talk to her.

"Harry she'll come back just give her some time, and if she does come back tonight don't yell at her" Eleanor said kissing my cheek and taking Louis's hand and walking up the stairs.

The rest of the guys went to sleep I waited 2 hours in the living room and decided to go to sleep in Gabby's room. I hope she comes home , I'm really sorry for yelling at her , I know something that I didn't before.

I'm in love with Gabriella Marie Cowell.


I hope you guys like this chapter took I have a lot more coming for you guys.

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