Character Chapter

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12 years have passed since Kagome came to live in the Feudal Era. Now her and Inuyasha have a stubborn, yet kind, hearted daughter named Izayoi. She and her friends are about to go out on a journey to save the world.

Name: Izayoi

Age: 12

Family: Kagome (Mother), Inuyasha (Father), Kagome's mother (Grandmother), Sota (Uncle), Sesshomaru (Uncle), Kagome's Grandfather (Great-grandfather), and Rin (Aunt).

Looks: Black hair that reaches past her shoulders with white tips at the end, a brownish-gold mixture of eyes, black dog ears at the top of her head, dog fangs, and small claws. Sort of looks like a younger version of Kagome.

Outfit: A kimono similar to Inuyasha's, except Izayoi is a light sky blue or a white top with red bottoms when she's in her human form.

Weapons: Sword known as Tensoga, sacred arrows, claws, and purification powers.

Personality: Izayoi is much like Inuyasha and Kagome when it comes to her personality. She can be quick to anger but at the same time she has a big heart like Kagome. When it comes to fighting, Izayoi is always ready to fight any enemy that comes her way.


Name: Ayuma

Age: 15

Family: Sango (Mother), Miroku (Father), Kayuma (Younger Twin sister), Mochigo (Younger brother), Kohaku (Uncle), and Kilala (Pet)

Looks: Dark brown hair that is usually placed in a ponytail like her mother, she also has her mother chocolate-brown eyes, and she has her father's nose.

Outfit: When she's not wearing a blue demon slayer's outfit Ayuma has on a purple blouse and black bottoms.

Weapons: Double-blades.

Personality: Being the oldest child in her family, Ayuma feels a responsibility to protect her younger siblings. Ayuma is a natural-born leader ready to do anything to protect her friends and family. Usually very serious but is more outgoing than her younger sister and can get enraged quickly.


Name: Kayuma

Age: 15

Family: Sango (Mother), Miroku (Father), Ayuma (Older twin sister), Mochigo (Younger brother), Kohaku (Uncle), and Kilala (Pet).

Looks: Kayuma has short, brown hair that comes to her ears, her mother's chocolate-brown eyes, and her father's nose.

Outfit: Mostly wears a kimono similar to Ayuma's but hers is a blue blouse and black bottoms. Her demon slayer outfit is green-based.

Weapons: Boomerang similar to Sango's.

Personality: Kayuma is the younger twin by 5 minutes and she's the quieter twin. She doesn't fight that much because she mainly designs the weapons for the village and is knowledgeable about many demons. She is quiet and only speaks when necessary. Kayuma is always friendly to people she meets and always there to help her family and friends.


Name: Mochigo

Age: 14

Family: Sango (Mother), Miroku (Father), Ayuma (Oldest sister), Kayuma (Second oldest sister), Kohaku (Uncle), and Kilala (Pet/Helper).

Looks: Black hair placed into a small ponytail, his father's indigo eyes, and his mother's nose.

Outfit: He wears a monk's robe that is the same purple and black color like his father.

Weapons: Staff and sacred sutras.

Personality: Mochigo hasn't shown any type of "traits" from his father, much to Sango's relief. Even though he's young, Mochigo is just as tough as his sisters. He's kind hearted and courageous and very knowledgable about many things from demons to traditions to cultures.

More OC's will come throughout the story so pay attention. Comment below please!

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