15. IRL

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A/N So, I can't really answer my last question but I am going to write my own book with this kind of storyline to it so look out for it. I'll post about it on here and on my page so make sure to follow me to get notified.

"Good morning, Alec." Magnus's voice was rough from not speaking since last night.

"Good morning yourself." Alec purred and opened his eyes to look down at Magnus who was stretched out underneath him. Alec blushed when he saw a tiny puddle of drool on Magnus's chest that he knows is because of him. 

"You're a hard sleeper." Magnus winked and shifted his hips underneath Alec. Alec pushed himself even closer

"Yeah, sorry. Izzy jokes about me being able to sleep through a nuclear war." Alec ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"Well how about you make it up to me with a good morning kiss?" Magnus touched Alec's cheek with his ring covered fingers and gently swiped his lips over Alec's. 

"Alec?" Izzy yelled from outside and banged on his door. He shot up in bed so fast that he fell off. He smacked his head on his desk causing his laptop to bounce and land on his hand. 

"Fuck!" Alec yelped, not sure what to hold onto. His hand hurt like hell but he could already feel the goose egg growing on his forehead.

"Alec, what's going on?" Izzy called through the door.

"Nothing. One sec." Alec rubbed his hurting hand over his pounding head and looked at his empty bed. That had been one hell of a dream, well dreams. He blushed just thinking of the one before the drooling one. Why couldn't he be smooth in dreams? Did he really have to embarrass himself in the fantasy world too? He thought to himself as he remembered face-planting as he tried to get undressed as Magnus sat watching from his bed.

"Alec, are you okay?" Izzy asked pulling Alec back out of the dreams. He unlocked his door and let her in.

"This better be good. It's Saturday and the summer." Alec grumbled.

"Ohmygodwhathappenedtoyourface?" Izzy screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Isabelle, keep your voice down." Their mom scolded from down the hallway.

"I'm fine. What did you want?" Alec asked again.

"I made breakfast." Izzy smiled.

"There are three things wrong with that." Alec said then groaned painfully when he tried to cock an eyebrow at her.

"How so?" Izzy put.

"First thing," Alec held out his fingers as he ticked the things off, "you can't cook. Second, you are terrible at cooking. And third, if you woke me up for it then I'm going to bury you alive or better yet, I'll send that gamer nerd the video of you making out with his poster." (I'm not your bitch. anyone? haha)

"You wouldn't dare!" She grabbed her brother's arm tightly.

"Depends on why you're really here." Alec shrugged.

"Fine, I need your help." Izzy rolled her eyes.

"Mom and Dad want us to bring dates to dinner tonight." Izzy pushed Alec into his room and closed the door behind her.

"Yeah, Iz, I don't think we can pretend to be a couple to get our parents off our backs like we did with that creepy guy a Walmart." Alec gave her a sarcastic smile.

"Dick." Izzy smacked him. "You know that's not what I meant." 

"Fine, out with it." Alec sank onto his bed and got a flash of another part of his dreams from last night.

"I need you to bring Magnus." Izzy finally said and Alec's eyes widened.

"No fucking way." He said reasonably.

"I need you to. Please." Izzy dropped to her knees and grabbed her brother's legs as she pleaded with him.

"Why would I?"

"Because if you don't then they'll be on both of our cases." Izzy pointed out.

"And this way they'll only be pissed at me. Wow Iz, thanks for the idea. That would be great." Sarcasm dripped from Alec's words.

"Don't be an ass. You know I don't want that. I just think that if they see that the world doesn't burst into flame when you bring a guy home that they'll be more prepared for meeting my date." Izzy bit her lip like she always did when she was nervous.

"How bad can your date be if you want me to bring home a man whose favorite color is glitter?" Alec asked shocked.

"He's a nerd who's in a band and lives in his van."

"Wow, I don't even know where to start with that."

"Thanks." She groaned. "If it helps he chooses to live in his band. He has a perfectly nice apartment."

"You see why that doesn't help right?" Alec gave her a worried look. "I know I'm the one who just got a possible concussion but I'm thinking you might need to get your head checked." Alec reached forward and touched her forehead as if feeling for a temperature.

"So will you invite him?" Izzy asked again.

"Fine. I'll ask, but that doesn't mean he'll say yes." Alec finally said.

"Thank god! He'll be here at six." Izzy patted his knee and jumped up.

"And what would you have done if I said no?" Alec asked.

"I knew you wouldn't but I guess it would have been an interesting surprise for you." Izzy strutted out of his room and he fell back on his bed.

A/N Who can't wait to see how their family dinner goes?

Shadowhunter_squad is the winner! Congrats! You are amazing and I can't wait to read more of your work!
As for your prize let me know what you want in your one shot about meeting Malec.
Also, good job to everyone who entered. You all did wonderful.

Do you want another update today?

Question: What is your favorite thing to do on Friday night?

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