chapter 2 - studying & plans

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~your p.o.v~

I sat in my room with one of my best friends, Thomas Schultz. We were currently studying for an upcoming test, but of course we had gotten distracted by each other's company and we were now talking about the night I went to greaser territory.

"You went to greaser territory?!" Thomas exclaimed quite loudly, dropping his pen and scrambling to sit up. I threw a pillow at him, getting a garaunteed hit since he was just sitting at the edge of my bed while I was leaning against the backboard.

"Jeez, Tom! My parents are home, they hear that from you and you'll get me killed!" I whisper shouted. He scoffed.

"Trust me, you'll get yourself killed, it won't be my fault! You know how greasers are. Socs like us being caught on their territory could never end well," He pointed out. I sighed and looked up at my ceiling, listening to the sound of my record player faintly in the background.

"You and your brother should really be more careful. Your brother is already out jumping greasers all the time which immediately puts a target on your back simply because you're his sister. If any other greasers would have seen you over on their territory, who knows what they would've done to you." Thomas rambled, his speaking speeding up with each word. The worry was evident in his voice, causing me to reach out and gently grab his hand to calm him down.

"Hey, settle down. We'll be just fine, Tom." I gave him a sympathetic, reassuring look and his gaze softened.

"You're right. You're mature enough to take care of yourself, I don't know why I'm treating you like you're my daughter or something." He still seemed unsure.

"I'm always there to stop my brother... Of course I'm worried too, though." Thomas's head shot up to look at me due to my last statement.

"I mean, what'll happen if I'm not there to stop him one day? What if he gets too cocky and tries to start something with a big shot like Robert Porter or Dallas Winston? He could get killed, it wouldn't be much of a surprise. I've already had to stop him from doing something he'd regret multiple times." I was the one rambling now. Thomas let out a sigh.

"Let's hope your brother is smart enough to know not to have an encounter with either of them." Thomas bit his lip in a nervous manner.

Neither of us had to say anything, we were both worried about him. As much as we hated to admit it, it wouldn't be surprising if Bob died a young, reckless, overly confident teenager.

"I just don't want to lose him. We both know I'd blame myself for the rest of my life. Yeah, I don't get along with him at all, but he's family." I tapped my pencil against my binder gently, closing my eyes and leaning my head back on the head board.

"Well hey, as long as he doesn't mess with Dallas Winston or Robert Porter he should be fine." Thomas joked, trying to lighten the mood. I opened my eyes and gave him a soft smile.

"Yeah. Let's get back to the homework." I decided to try and distract myself with my work.

We did our work successfully, but I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Robert and Dallas.

Robert Porter was a well known greaser who was constantly getting involved in fights with socs. He was tough, cold, a lot like Dallas. He was mostly a loner, he didn't have a group of friends.

Dallas Winston on the other hand had a group of friends. He was still tough and cold.

God have mercy on my brother if he ever had a run in with either of those boys.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to my math homework, occasionally exchanging small talk with Thomas.

We finished up our homework and we both just laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Are you going to the drive-in tonight?" I asked out of the blue. I felt Thomas turn to face me, so I propped my head up on my elbow and looked at him.

"Why, you planning on going?" He asked. I clicked my tongue, considering it.

"Eh, sure. Could be fun." I decided. Thomas went back to facing the ceiling and smiled softly at the ceiling. 

"Well, if you're going I'll go. Could be fun." He repeated my words and I scoffed and playfully shoved his shoulder.

"We just gotta be careful. That's a place where the greasers go, too. Wouldn't want to get ourselves caught up in any conflicts." Thomas added. 

"Yeah, if we just stick in a group we should be fine. I Heard Cherry and Marcia'll be there." I informed him. 

"So it'll be me and a buncha girls?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yep." I answered. 

"Well, if we're gonna be going to the drive-in I should probably head home and start getting ready." He sat up and began gathering all of his stuff.

"Yeah, I should probably get ready since it sounds like the first movie starts in an hour. Meet me back here. Think you could drive us there?"

"Yeah, I'm always driving you places anyway." He teased. I rolled my eyes as he put all of his stuff in his backpack.

"See ya later, Y/n." He gave me a small wave and left my room. I sighed and fell back on my bed once more, thinking about what Thomas had said earlier.

He was right, there would definitely be greasers there. It was likely that Dallas Winston or Robert Porter could show up. Hell, both of them could possibly show up!

I wasn't nervous for my sake, but I was nervous for Bob. I knew he would be going out and getting drunk tonight, and if he was around the drive-in and it turned out Dallas or Robert were there, that could end badly.

I finally got up from my bed and went to my closet. I stared at all of the clothes in my closet. Everything seemed to scream 'soc'.

I threw on a short sleeved blue and white striped blouse and a white skirt. I grabbed some white flats to top it off as well.

I did my makeup, not caking it on but making it so I still looked more presentable.

I stared in the mirror and saw a soc. I sighed and grabbed hair clips and a hair tie. I threw my hair into a ponytail, and clipped my hair to make the top have volume.

I successfully made the bump in my ponytail look nice, and I checked the time. My process of getting ready had taken me quite a while, and I had about 15 minutes until Thomas would be picking me up.

I stayed seated at my vanity, just thinking. My mind wandered to Thomas.

Thomas and I had been close for quite a while. We'd met in Elementary school and been inseparable ever since. We were both socs, coming from well off families, and we both had a lot in common.

Behind our reputation for being the rich kids, we were just huge dorks. We had movie nights, talked about crushes, gossiped, we were just normal best friends.

We didn't always understand the conflicts between greasers and socs, and sometimes we didn't agree with how the socs treated greasers even though we're socs ourselves.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a honk from outside. I ran to my window to see Thomas's car outside.

He had just gotten his license recently, and boy was he proud of himself. I myself had also gotten a license, but I was waiting until my birthday to receive a car.

I took off running, making sure I had money so we could get into the drive-in and also buy snacks.

I swung open the door, making sure to shut it behind me, and gave Thomas a bright smile.

"I missed you!" I joked. He chuckled.

"Wow, only an hour and you still missed me?" He teased.

We got into his car and I prepared to go to the drive-in mentally.

Sometimes being around the greasers made me... Nervous.

Yet, I liked the thrill.

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