chapter 20 - time to pay a visit

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~your p.o.v~

I couldn't believe my brother had started a whole rumble over me! It wasn't even that big of a deal, it was my choice to be hanging out with the greasers. Besides, their last rumble wasn't too long ago, some people might've been still recovering from their injuries! 

Also, it's not like every greaser and soc knew me. Why would they want to all fight over me?

"Why would there be a whole rumble set up if it's just about me? Not every soc and greaser even knows me." I decided to speak my thoughts. Bob sighed. 

"Well, almost all of them know me. Everyone got real riled up when I said some greasers were trying to drag my sister into the greaser lifestyle. Even some of the greasers got worked up, they thought you didn't even have the right to be hanging around with people like them if you were related to me." Bob explained. I sighed, nervously fiddling with my fingers.

"You hear what the Curtis brothers and their gang said?" I asked. 

"Why?" Bob asked. I avoided eye contact.

"I like them a whole lot. I wanted to know if they didn't want me around." 

"They seem to like you, too." Bob told me, smiling softly. I smiled back.

"You're okay with that?" I asked, feeling a bit in shock. He nodded, seeming a bit hesitant at first. I could tell this was all new for him. He never wanted me to have anything to do with the greasers but now he seemed to be slowly becoming more and more okay with greasers. Of course, no one else knew that because he always got riled up and put on a tough act in front of everyone else. 

"Well, that means a lot. I should probably get back to Thomas, I don't want to leave him wondering why I'm taking so long." I gave my brother one last soft smile and stood up. I left his room and gently shut the door. I ran down the stairs eagerly, excited to tell Thomas about the events that had just happened. 

I made it back to the couch and jumped onto it, landing next to Thomas. Thomas chuckled at my actions.

"You seem happy. What did Bob want to talk to you about?" Thomas asked. 

"We just talked and it was really nice. Bob is fine with me hanging out with whoever makes me happy, even if it's greasers. I think he's really maturing, hopefully I won't have to keep worrying about him. But, of course he did do one thing that was a bit foolish. He planned a rumble between the greasers and socs because he drunkenly accused the greasers of 'trying to steal his little sister' and I guess that's gonna be happening at some point." I muttered the last part, a feeling of dread washing over me. The thought of a rumble initiated by me made me feel nauseous. 

"Oh gosh." Thomas mumbled, seeming a bit surprised by the last part. I nodded, unsure of what to say.

"Well, at least he apologized and came home sober for once. Baby steps." Thomas rubbed my shoulder reassuringly. He checked his watch and seemed to remember something. 

"Shoot, I gotta be heading home! I promised my dad I'd be home not too late even though we have the rest of the week off from school." Thomas informed me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We have the rest of the week off? Why?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Guess there's conferences or something." He stood up and wiped imaginary dust off of his jeans, shooting me a smile.

"I'll see you later, Y/n!" He made his way to the door and I yelled 'bye' before he shut the door. 

I fell back into the couch, not really sure what to do with the rest of my day. An idea then popped into my head. 

I could always go over to the Curtis household. I knew I wasn't part of their gang but I'd really like to get to know them better. 

I remembered that Two-bit had given me the number of the Curtis household in case I needed to call him about the project we had been working on. He says he spends a lot of time there, it was practically like his second home.

I contemplated the thought of calling and seeing if I could hang out over there for a bit, and decided that I'd just go for it. Worst case scenario they say no and I can find someone else to hang out with, right?

I got up from the couch and made my way to the stairs, quickly jogging up them. I made it to my room and grabbed my backpack that was sitting by my door. I unzipped it and pulled out my binder. I shuffled through some papers until I came across a crumpled piece of paper that looked out of place in all of my organized papers. I grabbed it and unfolded it to see Two-bit's messy handwriting. Written out it said 'Curtis Boys' and their home phone number. 

I smiled triumphantly to myself and shoved my binder back in my backpack, quickly zipping it back up and setting it in the corner where it had been before. I ran down the stairs, almost stumbling from how quick I was trying to be due to my excitement. 

I made it to the phone and dialed their number. I held the phone to my ear, listening to the ringing of the phone. I used one hand to fiddle with the piece of paper that had their number on it, looking down at it to make sure I had dialed the number right. 

After a few rings the ringing had ceased. I heard chatter in the background and a familiar voice ring out over the phone. 

"Hello, Ponyboy Curtis speaking." 

"Hey, Ponyboy. It's Y/n. I know this is random and a bit last minute, but I was wondering if I could come over and hang out for a bit?" I asked. 

"Yeah, you never need to ask permission, you're always welcome over." Ponyboy answered. I could hear the smile in his voice and couldn't help the pang of joy I felt when he said that.

"Okay, thanks. That means a lot. I'll be over soon!" I spoke.

"Alright, see you then." 

I hung up the phone and ran back up to my room, deciding to get changed into something else since I was sick of wearing this skirt. 

I found a light pair of jeans and a light pink short sleeved blouse. I decided that would work and threw on my black beat up converse I had just found again a while ago and was on my way. I of course remembered to slip the cigarette pack Dallas had stolen for me into my back pocket and also bring my lighter. 

Before I knew it, I was on my way to visit the greaser's side of the tracks.

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