chapter 38 - despite our differences

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I don't even know what this chapter turned into, I'm sorry lmao

~your p.o.v~

The record player crackled to life as I placed the needle on the new record Soda and Ponyboy had gotten me. We were all still gathered in the living room, some people's vision focused on the TV while Sodapop, Ponyboy, and Johnny watched intently as the needle hit the record.

The record continued spinning and seconds later the first song rang out into the air, causing a satisfied smile to grace my lips.

I turned to the three boys watching me and Ponyboy and Sodapop were grinning, while Johnny just had a small smile on his face. 

"Hey, Sodapop. Come here." I spoke up, waving him over. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, clearly puzzled, but the smile stayed on his face nonetheless. 

He came over to me and I held out my arms to him. 

"You wanna dance?" I asked, giggling softly. He chuckled. 

"Seems like you're in a good mood." He spoke, wrapping my arms around my waist as we began to sway. 

"Well, thanks to you and Ponyboy. It was real sweet of you guys to get me a record." I really did mean it. I hoped my thanks sounded as sincere as it really was. 

"It was really no trouble, Y/n." He assured me. I nodded.

"I know, I just want you two to know how much it meant to me is all." I explained. 

We continued to sway, having small talk here and there. In this moment I felt truly content. I never pictured myself being in this position, feeling as if greasers were the only ones that truly made me happier than I'd ever been and actually accepted me. Maybe it was cheesy, but I was starting to feel like this was the only place where I could fully be myself. 

I was craving a smoke, so I excused myself from Sodapop and stepped out onto the porch. 

I pulled the pack of cigarettes I had on me out of my pocket along with my lighter. I lit the cigarette and brought it up to my lips, getting lost in thought. 

My thoughts immediately went to my brother. It seemed like he had changed. Maybe he for once would be different, maybe he did have a good side after all. 

Of course he had a good side! He was just a teenager in distress. He was having his own war with the labels that repressed him, that weighed him down. He was having a war with his own mind. 

And I sure hope he wins before he does something reckless. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone sitting down next to me. I expected to see Two-bit or Dallas next to me, maybe even Ponyboy, but I was surprised to see Sodapop sitting there, nervously rubbing the nape of his neck. 

"Sorry if it seems like I'm tryin to follow you or somethin." He said after a moment. I giggled. 

"It doesn't seem that way at all." I told him. 

"Seemed like you were thinking about something before I interrupted. Do you mind me asking what it was about?" 

"My brother." I admitted. Sodapop's expression changed to serious and a bit worried in a flash. 

"Your brother, huh? You worried about him?" 

"Always." I said, chuckling. I hugged my knees and let my chin rest on them, staring out into the night air. 

"Yeah, I worry about my brothers a lot, too. I know our situations aren't the same, but I hope you know I'm here if you ever need me." He said. I looked at him, a smile growing on my face.


"Really." He returned the smile. 

I heard a click sound, but was too caught up in the words Sodapop said to give it any mind. 

"It's just... My brother can be a real pain, but in the end I'd sacrifice anything for him. I know he's a good person deep down. I've seen it first hand. I just wish he'd express that side of him to more people besides me and Cherry." I explained, a sigh passing my lips afterwards. 

"Yeah, that sounds like it'd be difficult... My brothers get in arguments a lot. It can be real hard, ya know? I love em both, but it's not fair when they ask me to choose sides. Both of them are good people, but sometimes I just wish it'd all stop." He admitted. I put my hand on his shoulder in a reassuring way. 

"I totally get it. That wouldn't be easy, either. Guess we both have some brother problems, huh?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He chuckled.

"Yeah, guess that's something we have in common." He agreed. 

And that night, I felt like I really got to know Sodapop. Girls had constantly praised him on his looks and acted as if that was the only good quality he had. Yet my favorite quality about him was how he seemed to understand people easily. I had only been hanging out with the boys for a couple months, yet Sodapop was ready to listen to me talk about my problems right away without hesitation. Not many people would do something like that, especially for someone who wasn't even from the same side of the tracks as them. 

So this is the night that I discovered my favorite quality of Sodapop. 

My favorite quality was how he was ready to sacrifice his time for me. 

My favorite quality was that he accepted me despite our differences.

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