chapter 79 - stick around

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~your p.o.v~

"Think you're ready for the upcoming rumble, babe?" I asked Dallas as I filled out a remaining amount of paperwork for school.

I know it's sudden, but Mrs. Matthews and I had come to the conclusion that I should drop out. I couldn't keep up with school anymore, and ever since everything that had happened it was the least of my worries. I knew I wasn't going to get into college at this rate. Who knows if I'd ever permanently leave Tulsa now?

"You kiddin? Of course I am." He spoke confidently and I smiled, my eyes not leaving the paper. 

"Dal sure loves rumbles. Everyone knows a rumble ain't a rumble without him." Sodapop spoke up, laughing to himself. I glanced at Sodapop momentarily.

We had just gotten back from our road trip a couple hours ago, dragging all of our luggage in and collapsing on the couch out of exhaustion.

Johnny was sitting on the couch on the other side of Dallas. Ponyboy had gone to his room to unpack, but he should be out in a bit.

I finished up the paperwork and then it was done. Mrs. Matthews had already filled out the parts of the paperwork that was required of her, so it was officially done.

I had been considering this for a while, I had kept the paperwork for this shoved away in my suitcase for the whole trip, but now I finally got it out of the way.

"I'm done!" I exclaimed dramatically, slamming down the papers and dragging my hands down my face. Two-bit laughed.

"Nice going, Y/n!" He clapped and I laughed too.

"God, I'm so glad that's over. Now I just gotta get myself a job so I can still help out paying the bills and stuff. I already told your mom I'd help out with that along with cleaning up the house." I said, laying back into the couch.

"There's an opening at Buck's place for another bartender, but I don't think that's too hot of an idea. Things get crazy there." Dal said. I nodded, trying to think of other options.

"Shoot Y/n, just work at the DX! Wouldn't hurt to have another person working at the front." Steve chimed in. I looked at him, a feeling of hope erupting inside me.

"Wait, is the DX hiring?"

"Yeah, Steve works in the garage and I work at the cash register. I heard our boss sayin something about hiring new people. I bet I could set up an interview for you or something if you wanted. It'd be nice to be working with another person, especially a friend of mine." Sodapop explained. A smile broke out on my face.

"Are you guys serious? That'd be great!"

"Alright, I'll talk to our boss tomorrow. It's super easy to get the job, you'll get it." Sodapop assured me.

"You don't know how much that'd mean to me." I couldn't believe it. Sodapop and Steve could actually get me a job! Not only that, but I'd get to work with them!


Two-bit and I were walking home and we were almost back when suddenly I realised something.

"Shit, I'm so stupid!" I muttered. Two-bit looked at me, confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot my suitcase over at the Curtis house. It's fine, I can just get it next time I see them." I brushed off the situation. It wasn't too big of a deal, I was just annoyed with myself for forgetting.

We made it back to the house and I ended up spending a lot of the evening cleaning, Two-bit following me around and just talking about whatever came to mind. He didn't even expect an answer from me, he just wanted someone who would listen.

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