chapter 48 - missing

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~your p.o.v~

"W-what do you mean they're missing?" My voice wavered. Sodapop sighed, hesitating a moment before answering.

"They just up and left. I-I think they were afraid that they would get caught for killing Bob. They're just gone, must've left this morning." He explained, his voice cracking occasionally.

"Can I come over in twenty minutes?"

"Sure." He sounded a bit happier when I told him I was coming over.

"Alright, see ya then Soda." I hung up the phone and immediately made my way back upstairs to change into some real clothes and put on some shoes. 

I got upstairs and quickly through on a random white blouse, grey corduroy jeans, and my beat up converse. I ran downstairs and made my way out the door.

I knocked on the front door of the Curtis house and was greeted by Sodapop. Instead of welcoming me with that movie star smile of his, he seemed worried sick and he just quietly said hello and allowed me to come inside. 

I walked in and looked around to see most of the gang there. Of course, the only people that weren't there were Ponyboy and Johnny.

And Dallas.

"Hey, where's Dallas?" I asked, turning to Sodapop who was shutting the door. He walked over to the couch and collapsed into it. 

"Probably at Buck's. Why?" 

"I don't know, did you guys tell him about what happened with Ponyboy and Johnny?" 

"Yeah, he said he was a little busy. I'm surprised he didn't sound more worried over the phone when I told him, he's pretty fond of Johnny." Sodapop explained. I furrowed my eyebrows, considering what that could mean. It was unlikely that Dallas wouldn't have had a freak out if he randomly just got a call from one of his buddies telling him Johnny, his best friend, went missing.

Maybe he knew something that the rest of us didn't know.

"I can't believe they just ran away." Two-bit spoke up. He was sitting on the floor where he usually sat, but instead of being his happy-go-lucky self, he seemed defeated. I could tell he was really feeling horrible for the events that had been happening. 

I sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, rubbing his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. 

"Yeah, Two-bit's pretty upset. He said he's willing to go all the way to Texas to look for em." Steve spoke up.

"Texas..." I trailed off, my mind seeming to want to connect some sort of dots, "Have any of you talked to Dallas after he said he was busy?" 

"No, why?" Sodapop seemed confused.

"I could be wrong, but I feel like he might know something about the situation. I mean his best friend went missing and he didn't bother to even come over to talk about it or know more about the situation? I doubt it. I feel like he might have some information that we don't." I explained, dropping my arm from around Two-bit.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I doubt he'd tell us anything..." Sodapop trailed off. "Maybe he'd tell you."

"Why me?"

"Well, if he knows where they are he wouldn't tell us because he knows we'd go get them. They probably ran away because they didn't want to get in trouble for killing Bob, and Dallas wouldn't want us to find them. Ponyboy was talking to me and even told me the only reason they didn't run away right after they killed him is because they wanted to apologise to you and explain what happened. They would've felt too guilty to leave without talking to you about it." Sodapop explained to me.

"They stayed just so they could apologise?" I asked, an aching feeling in my chest. Sodapop gave me a soft smile.

"Yeah, Y/n. They sure like you a lot."

I looked down at the ground, guilt washing over me. "I can't help but feel like some of this is my fault, ya know?" I looked up at Sodapop and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"It ain't your fault, Y/n. I know why you'd feel that way, but I promise it's not you. If anything, you were the one that made Ponyboy and Johnny run away later instead of sooner." Sodapop assured me.

"Thanks, that made me feel a bit better about all of this." -I gave him a hug- "I'll go talk to Dal."

"Alright, see ya around." Sodapop said goodbye as I left.

I was pretty sure I knew where Buck's was, so I started heading in the direction of where I thought it was. 


Thankfully, I was right and I had gone in the right direction. It was beginning to get dark and the music was booming from inside. There was red light coming from inside the bar and I knew it'd be crowded.

I knocked on the door harshly, knowing that if I didn't my knocking would probably go by unnoticed.

A few moments later, the door swung open. An adult man opened the door and he didn't looked pleased to be dealing with me.

"What do you want?" He asked. It was hard to hear him over all of the sound.

"I need to talk to Dallas, is he here?"

"Who's asking?" He leaned against the doorway and I was a bit surprised by his question. But then again, Dallas has been caught up with some bad people in the past. This guy must've just been looking out for him to make sure no one was after him.

"Y/n Sheldon. I'm a friend of his."

"Sheldon, huh? Your brother's the popular soc, right? Or I mean was, anyway." He said the last part more to himself. I laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, that was him. How'd you know he died?"

"Good ol' Dal talks to me about almost everything happening. Besides, news spreads like wildfire in this town."

"Oh, you're Buck right?"

He smiled. "Yeah, and I already know about you. Dally's mentioned you before." Buck opened the door wider and allowed me to enter the crowded bar.

"He's upstairs in the second room to the right. But if I were you, I'd avoid talking to anyone else in here. You don't seem like a girl that belongs in a place like this." Buck said.

"Thanks." I decided to ignore his comment about me not belonging in a place like this. It wasn't like I had anything to say anyway. At this point I wasn't sure what surroundings fit me.

I dodged through all of the drunk people and made my way up the stairs. I arrived at the door that was supposedly Dal's and knocked.

I was hoping he'd have some answers for me.

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