chapter 54 - maybe

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This chapter is super short but hopefully I'll get more out today

~third person's p.o.v~

Dallas turned to look at the girl lying beside him. Y/n laid there, her eyes closed and breathing slowly and evenly. Her lips were slightly parted and she looked at peace.

If he wasn't so stubborn, Dallas would probably admit to himself that he could fall in love with her. Despite the labels that separated them, he could fall in love with the girl.

If only their worlds were a little closer. Maybe if the situations they had been forced into weren't so tense, he could've done it.

But there laid two troubled people. Dallas stuck dealing with his past and the bitterness he felt towards everyone and everything. And there was Y/n, dealing with the death of her brother. Her brother, who killed himself and ended up framing someone else for it in the process. He ended up framing her friend.

There laid two kids. Who were just scared, who just wanted things to be different. Maybe if labels hadn't driven them apart for so long, things could've been different. Maybe if Dallas and Y/n weren't going through so much, they could've properly confessed to each other. But they were stubborn.

Dallas turned onto his back and ran a hand through his hair, unsure of his emotions. He desperately wanted to tell her. He didn't even have to confess his love or anything, he just wanted to be with her. He'd held himself back for so long and completely disregarded relationships ever since what Sylvia did to him.

But seeing Y/n beat Sylvia's ass with no hesitation definitely proved that Y/n was nothing like the previous girls he dated.

And how Y/n stuck around despite the situation she was in. How she still had the time to care about him and the gang even though her family was slowly crumbling.

How she didn't hesitate to save Johnny in the fire.

But it's like she said. They're just having fun, they could never work out. She was a Sheldon and he was a Winston.

Yet, did it even matter anymore? Her family name barely means anything anymore when you think about it. The Sheldon family wasn't strong anymore, it was no longer the rich, threatening family that all greasers hated and all socs envied. Now, it was just a name. Just a broken name that used to mean something more.

And Winston? Well, deep down he was just a kid. If Y/n could see through the act he put up, maybe they could be together.

Maybe, just maybe they belonged together.

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon