chapter 4 - the loner

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~your p.o.v~

Thomas and I were still at the drive-in with Cherry, Marcia, Johnny, Ponyboy, and another greaser had joined us.

I had learned his name was Keith Matthews, but he went by Two-bit.

We were currently cracking jokes, and I had moved to sit with him since he was just in the row behind where I was previously sitting. Everyone was laughing at the jokes we were making, and I actually enjoyed his company.

Of course, all good things come to an end.

Out of nowhere I spotted Robert Porter. He was walking right towards us, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"Uh Two-bit, you friends with Robert Porter?" I asked, my gaze never leaving Robert. Two-bit followed my line of sight.

"Nope, he's always by himself. He's saved a couple greasers' asses from the socs, but he doesn't have a gang like us." Two-bit explained.

Robert stood right in front of us and his gaze landed on Thomas.

"Hey, uh... Thomas is it? I needa talk with you." Robert looked at Thomas nonchalantly as he lit a cigarette. Thomas's eyes widened.

"Y-yeah sure." Thomas tried to gain his posture once more. He stood up from his chair and on instinct my hand reached for his.

Thomas looked back at me, a flash of panic crossing his face. Robert looked at me.

"Y/n." He greeted. I gave him a small nod.


I never spoke of this much, but I had a past with Robert. I used to hang out with him when we were younger, always going out and doing stupid things.

We had hung out up until the end of middle school. In high school we stopped talking since we were different. He was a greaser and I was a soc.

"Still enjoying the company of the rich kids I see?" He took a drag from his cigarette. I bit my lip and watched him.

"Still going out and breaking the law?" I mumbled. He smirked.

"Ya know me too well. Anyway, hope you don't mind if I steal Mr. Schultz over here." I looked him up and down hesitantly before letting them leave.

"Nah, go ahead." I finally answered. I sat down and watched them walk away.

"What was that about?" Johnny asked. I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair.

"I used to be best friends with Robert when we were younger. Guess the labels drove us apart in the end." I crossed my arms, not looking at Johnny as I spoke.

"You knew Robert Porter? I thought he didn't like to talk to other people, especially a soc like you." Two-bit chimed in. I let out a weak chuckle.

"Well, all I know is we used to be close and then we weren't." I muttered. I reached for the cigarette pack I always brought with me and took it from the waistband of my skirt, pulling the lighter from the pocket in my shirt as well. 

I grabbed myself a cigarette out of my pack, slipping the pack back to where it previously was. I lit the cigarette and put my lighter back in my shirt pocket and took a drag from the cigarette. I closed my eyes, feeling myself already calming down by just having a smoke. 

I blew out the smoke and Cherry spoke up.

"What do you think Robert wanted with Thomas?" 

"Hopefully nothing bad. A soc and a greaser alone isn't usually good. Especially with those two. Thomas is the most on edge boy I know and him alone with a boy like Rob must mean he's having a mental break-down as we speak." I explained. 

We continued having small-talk, of course with Two-bit cracking jokes here and there. Finally, after what felt like forever, Thomas returned.

When I saw him approaching I stood up so fast it caused my world to spin. I ignored it and rushed over to Thomas.

"Did he hurt you? Did he threaten you or something, I swear to God-" Thomas cut me off and grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Easy, Y/n." He waited until I calmed down and shut up to tell me what happened. I let out a sigh and crossed my arms, waiting for him to continue.

"He just asked me to tutor him. I-I don't know why he's asking all of the sudden. He doesn't seem like the type to care about his grades exactly..." Thomas seemed to mumble the last part more to himself instead of me. 

"Tutor you?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Thomas sighed and rubbed his temples. 

"This has been enough stress for one night. Want me to take you back to your place? We could watch movies." Thomas offered. I gave him a smile.

"That sounds great right now." I breathed out, feeling relieved. He gave me a smile in return. 

"We parked a bit further away, so we'll have to walk a bit." He reminded me. I nodded, turning to everyone sitting down.

"Hey, we're heading out. We're gonna walk to Thomas's car, you guys wanna come with?" I asked. Everyone agreed and we began leaving the drive-in. 

We were walking together and Two-bit had offered Marcia his jacket. I couldn't help the small smile that came across my face as all the rest of us walked a few paces behind them. Cherry and Ponyboy were talking, and Johnny was staying quiet like he had been for most of the night. I decided I'd give it a shot and start talking to him.

"Hey, Johnny." I made it so we were walking in step together. He looked at me for a moment and looked down at his feet, continuing to walk next to me.

"H-Hey, Y/n." He greeted me quietly.

"I'm really sorry about... About my brother. I don't want you to think I'm like him. You just feel free to tell me when he's causing you or Ponyboy trouble and I'll knock some sense into him." He looked at me and I gave him a smile. A small smile graced his lips for a moment.

Of course, the nice moment was interrupted by a car pulling up behind us.

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