chapter 75 - jump

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~your p.o.v~

Tired. Sleepy. Comfy.

That was how I would describe my current position.

I had woken up at 4 in the morning to find Dal's strong arms around my waist, his breath hitting the back of my neck. He must've wrapped his arms around me when he was asleep.

The blankets covered our bodies, not too warm and not too cold. The weight of the blankets brought a sense of security to me and the sun slowly rising made the room have a calming atmosphere.

The boys were all still asleep and the room was dead silent. The room was illuminated only by the purplish orange sunrise, so the only way I could tell that the boys were there was by the silhouettes of their sleeping bodies.

I was drowsy and felt like I was still dreaming, which probably is why I found the sunrise more beautiful than usual. Everything felt like a dream, a dream I never wanted to wake up from.

I sighed and suddenly felt Dallas stir next to me. I carefully turned to look at him and saw him rubbing his eyes sleepily.

He lied his head down on his arm and used the other hand to lazily graze his fingers over my waist, mindlessly drawing patterns.

"Why are you awake, babygirl?" His voice was gravelly and quiet. A chill went down my spine at the pet name.

"I just woke up. I'm gonna go back to sleep, though." I whispered, yawning. He smiled.

"You're something else, ya know that? Cute." He mumbled. I'm pretty sure he wasn't that aware of his words, he was just talking. 



"Night, Dal."


"I got breakfast!" I heard Ponyboy's familiar voice and the door shutting. I opened my eyes to see Johnny and Ponyboy carrying food.

"You mean we got breakfast." Johnny corrected under his breath.

I sat up in bed, stretching. "I could eat."

I turned to look at Dallas, who was sleeping soundly. The blankets were bunched together right above his waist and he had one hand under his pillow, his other arm resting above his head on his pillow. His lips were slightly parted and his hair was messy.

He looked at peace. He looked young. When he was sleeping, I realized just how young he still was. He was still just a kid like the rest of us.

I tore my gaze away from the boy of my dreams and yawned.

"What time is it?" I asked. Johnny looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand.

"9:32 AM." He answered. I nodded, throwing the blankets off of me and standing up. Then, I decided to eat breakfast and wait for Dallas to wake up.


"Your turn to drive, Dal!" I exclaimed, slipping into the passenger seat, kicking my feet up onto the dashboard.

I turned on the radio and immediately smiled when Sam Cooke's 'Another Saturday Night' came on.

I started humming along, and soon I was singing along.

"Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody..." I sang quietly, tapping my fingers along to the beat as I looked out the window.

I continued but cut myself off when I heard humming in the back seat. I turned to see Johnny softly humming along and Ponyboy patting his hands on his lap along to the beat subconsciously.

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