chapter 80 - dally's girl

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80. God. Damn. Chapters. And over 80,000 reads. What the fuck you guys I'm screaming-

~your p.o.v~

4 days until the rumble. Dallas had been counting down and constantly reminded me how close the rumble was. It was clear that he was beyond excited for it.

For me, the rumble wasn't my main focus. Today was the first day of my job and I was looking forward to seeing Sodapop and Steve. They said they would meet me at the Curtis house and we could all walk to work together.

I put on a white T-shirt, tucking it into my jeans. I threw on the DX shirt I had been given, leaving it unbuttoned.

Finally, the last touch was the hat. I put it on, looking at myself in the mirror. I shrugged, leaving my room.

"Come on, Two-bit! You've got school!" I called. I was officially out of school, Mrs. Matthews had discussed my situation with the principal and she turned in all of the paperwork.

"I'm coming!" I heard his loud footsteps and soon he appeared around the corner. His little sister followed him sleepily.

"Hey, Blondie. Why are you awake, school doesn't start for a while for you!" I asked, smiling at her. She yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"I wanted to say bye to you guys before you left." She said shyly. Two-bit and I looked at each other, silently agreeing that she was the cutest thing in the world.

"That's real sweet of you." Two-bit crouched down to her level, ruffling her hair. She giggled softly and I could barely handle how adorable their bond was.

Two-bit hugged his sister, kissing the top of her head and then he stood back up.

"Could I give you a hug goodbye too, Y/n?" She mumbled nervously. I kneeled down to her level, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Of course you can, I'd like that."

She hugged me and I hugged her back softly, nervous about hurting her. She just seemed so small and delicate. She was so young, it was weird to think I was her age once.

"See ya later, Blondie." I pecked her forehead and she smiled.

Two-bit and I now left, shutting the door behind us.

"Your sister is somethin else." I smiled to myself and Two-bit chuckled.

"She's real special. She looks up to you, ya know. She told me she thinks of you like a sister, she's just nervous to tell ya."

I looked at Two-bit surprised by what he was telling me.

"She said that?"

"Oh, yeah. She thinks you're neat." He smiled and I felt a huge smile appear on my face too.

"That's nice of her. I think of her as a sister too." I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Two-bit's sister was the cutest little kid I'd ever met and the fact that she saw me as an older sibling made me feel hopeful. Things weren't as bad as I thought, I still have so much good in my world. I don't know why I sometimes even consider ending things when there's so many loving people around me.


"Welcome to your first day of work!" Sodapop said as he unlocked the doors to the DX. I smiled, actually excited to be at work.

Sodapop told me the plan for the day. He'd be restocking some things for a bit and cleaning up the place while I would be at the cash register.

I was polite to the customers who came in, but my face lit up when I saw a certain someone enter the DX.

"Dal!" I chirped and the boy looked my way, smiling.

"Hey baby." He spoke coolly, jumping over the counter causing me to laugh.

"How's your first day of work?" He asked casually, taking a seat on the stool behind the counter next to me.

"It's been good so far. I'm looking forward to working with people I actually like." I answered, subconsciously lightly tapping the ring around my finger against the counter.

Two greaser girls came into the DX and I was nice to them, trying to be professional. I saw their eyes travel over to Dallas and I would clear my throat awkwardly, making their attention come back to me while I was ringing up their items.

Dallas kept lightly grazing his fingers over my side and it took everything in me not to break out into laughter. He knew I was ticklish.

Dallas did everything he could to keep messing with me and I was smiling to myself as I finished ringing the girl's up.

"Knock it off, Dallas." I spoke between giggles as he kept tickling my side but made sure no one else could see it.

"What, babe? I'm not doing anything!" He played an innocent role and I rolled my eyes, placing the girls's items into a bag.

As the girls were heading towards the door, I heard their conversation.

"Who was she?" One asked. The other answered quickly in a hushed tone that I still managed to hear.

"Haven't you heard? That's Dally's girl."

I was surprised. She made it sound like the most obvious thing in the world. Had people been talking about the fact that I was dating Dallas? I mean it wouldn't be much of a surprise, I'm a Sheldon and Dallas is one of the toughest greasers around. I could understand why it'd be brought up as gossip, I guess it's kind of interesting.

I couldn't help but smile to myself though. 'Dally's girl' is a nickname I could get used to. I liked the sound of that.

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