chapter 33 - like a soc

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~your p.o.v~

The thought of me having school tomorrow had been long forgotten. All that was on my mind was Dallas and breaking the law like old times.

Right now Dallas and I were about to go steal a six pack of beer, since we were thirsty and neither of us had money on us to buy the drinks. Not to mention, we were under age.

We got to the gas station and scanned the cashier. It was a girl, so Dallas already knew the plan.

He went to the front counter and immediately struck up a conversation with her. She seemed very interested in Dallas, which was perfect.

I knew I wouldn't be able to hide a whole pack of beer, so I grabbed six separate bottles. Dallas had given me his leather jacket so I could cover up the drinks better. I shoved two on the left inside pocket, two on the right inside pocket, and one in each front pocket. I casually shoved my hands in my pockets to make it almost impossible to spot the drinks.

I walked to the front and signalled for Dallas to keep talking to her. She paid no mind to me and was practically undressing Dallas with her eyes, so I took this chance to subtly slip behind the counter and snatch two packs of cigarettes.

"Alright, well it was great talking to you." Dallas wrapped up the conversation, throwing in a wink at the end. The girl behind the counter giggled and bit her lip.

"Will I see you around again?" She asked, seeming absolutely infatuated with Dallas. He simply shrugged, heading for the door. I was a few steps ahead of him.

"Bye!" The girl called out to Dallas as the door shut behind us. We walked further away from the gas station until we knew we were safe and burst out into laughter.

"Man, she was droolin over you back there!" I exclaimed, nudging him with my elbow. He chuckled.

"Guess I'm pretty irresistible, huh?" He bragged, a smug grin on his face. I sat down on the curb.

"You sure are." I teased. He sat down next to me.

"Alright, let's see how good you really are at this whole shop lifting thing." Dallas rubbed his hands together. I emptied my pockets, revealing the six bottles of beer and two packs of cigarettes.

"Not bad, huh? I think I'm better at this than you, Dal." I smirked. I tossed him one of the packs of cigarettes and he caught it effortlessly, chuckling at my statement.

"Don't get too cocky." He muttered, pocketing the cigarettes.

We cracked open some beers and began drinking them in silence. I decided to break the silence this time.

"Why did you pull a gun on Robert?" I questioned. Dallas shrugged, finishing a swig of beer before answering.

"I just wasn't in the mood to have a full on fight, man. I wanted to get him outta there." He answered.

"You wouldn't have actually shot him though, right? I mean what if he called the cops on you for pulling a gun on him?"

"It's blanks, I wouldn't have actually shot him. And Robert calling the cops? He doesn't like me but he sure isn't some snitch. Besides, the cops wouldn't do nothin for him since he already has such a bad record with em." He explained. I nodded, mumbling a 'true' as I brought the beer up to my lips again.

"Well, thanks again for saving my ass back there. Would've been a shame if I was killed, who else would be there to keep my brother from being an asshole and getting himself killed, right?" I joked.

"That's all you ever care about. Your brother and school." Dallas stated. I sighed.

"I mean he's my brother, Dal. No matter how bad he can be, I've known him my whole life and we've had a lot of good times. He's just been worse recently," I explained. "And when it comes to school, going to college is my only ticket out of here. I hate it here." I muttered the last part.

"You gonna leave this place?" He asked. I bit my lip, staring down at the beer in my hands.

"I sure hope so. I've never left Oklahoma and I don't plan on keeping it that way for much longer."

"Well, that's a real shame. Just as I was gettin to know you, huh?" I looked in his direction and he grinned. I chuckled, shrugging.

"Yeah, I guess it'll be a bummer not getting to mess with you anymore." I joked.

Dallas and I didn't break eye contact, and just continued looking at each other. I felt my heart beat pick up.

He teasingly bit his lip, a small smirk appearing on his face as he did so. He was messing with me and he knew it.

Was he gonna kiss me?

I stared for a bit longer, unsure of what to do.

Oh screw it.

I slowly leaned in, testing the waters to see if he'd protest. When he didn't I closed the gap between us. I was still softer and more hesitant when our lips connected, unsure if he wanted me to kiss him.

Before he could react much, I pulled back. Dallas didn't say anything, but just gave me a smile.

"You even kiss like a soc." He stated. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well for starters you took a long while to make a move, barely kissed me, didn't give me time to react at all-"

"Oh for God's sake, Dal." I muttered, grabbing both of his shoulders and smashing my lips onto his. He stumbled back from the harshness of my actions and propped himself up on his elbows before hitting the ground since we were sitting down.

Once he gained posture again, he sat up, lacing his fingers in my hair. He pulled me closer, completely closing the space between our bodies, both of us trying desperately to be closer to one another.

I had heard stories about Dallas. About how dominant he was. I never knew what to believe since there was so much talk in town, but just from kissing him once I could tell how dominant he was. Even though I was the one to make the first move he was the person who immediately took control.

Dallas Winston wanted to be in control and from what I've heard, he tends to always get what he wants.

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