chapter 19 - consoling

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~your p.o.v~

I leaned against the wall, the house phone up to my ear. 

"Hello?" I heard Thomas's familiar voice ring out. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, are you busy?" I asked, wrapping the chord of the phone around my finger, a habit of mine.

"No, why?" 

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over and hang out. I could use some company, my day's been kind of bad." I laughed weakly. 

"I'll be over in fifteen minutes." Thomas told me. I smiled.

"Thanks, Thomas. You're the best." I was grateful that my best friend was going to come over so I could take my mind off of the events that had happened today. 

"Of course, Y/n. I'll see you soon." 

He hung up and I hooked the phone back on the wall and went to the living room, collapsing onto the couch. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, stopping when I saw Mickey Mouse. 

I couldn't help but smile as I thought of Two-bits signature shirts and the fact that he loved Mickey Mouse.

I decided to leave it on for a moment, immediately intrigued by the show. After around twenty minutes I was interrupted by a knock on the front door. I jumped up from the couch and hurried over to the door, swinging it open to see Thomas standing there.

"Thomas!" I exclaimed, giving him a huge hug. He stumbles backwards, mumbling a 'woah' as his arms wrap around me to steady us. 

"Jeez, Y/n! You're acting like you haven't seen me in years!" He chuckled. I let go of him and sighed.

"I guess it'd be nice to have you around right now. I've just been so stressed with my brother and I had this argument with Dallas and kind of said 'fuck you' which really puts a target on mine and Bob's back." I explained, my gaze going down to my feet. 

"Why'd you do that?" Thomas asked. I looked up at him, not sure how to answer at first.

"We just blew up on each other. I guess neither of us knew when to stop and I'm not saying it's just his fault but he said some shit that really hit close to home." I chuckled weakly at the end of my sentence.

"Anyways, sorry. I got distracted. You can come in if you want." I opened the door wider to allow him to enter. He stepped inside and immediately ran to the couch and jumped on it. He was comfortable in my house, he's even claimed it's like a second home which is why it wasn't surprising that he was so comfortable making himself at home on my couch.

I walked over and sat down next to him, pulling my blanket back over me and sinking into the couch. 

"So what's up? What happened to your face?" Thomas asked, seeming overly concerned once he noticed the bruise. My hand went up to my face, feeling a bit self conscious. 

"Is it bad?" I asked, disregarding his question. He quickly shook his head.

"Oh no, it doesn't look bad! I was just wondering what happened? Was it Dallas or Robert or some other greaser-" I cut him off.

"No, it wasn't any of them. I know neither of them would sink that low." I assured him. He looked at me expectantly.

"Then... Who was it?" 

I gnawed on my lip nervously, not sure if I should say who.

"Bob." I mumbled, almost feeling ashamed to admit that the boy who hit me was the same person who was also my brother that I constantly defended and saved from conflict. 

"Bob did that?" Thomas asked, an expression of shock making its way onto his face. I nodded.

"I knew you two didn't get along and he deals with some anger issues, but I'd never expect him to sink that low." Thomas mumbled.

As if on cue, the front door opened and Bob walked in. I was surprised that he was here since he almost never came home this early. He also never came home sober, so this was a double surprise. 

"Y/n, could I talk to you?" Bob's voice rang out. I tensed up, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Uh y-yeah, sure." I stood up from the couch and followed Bob to his room silently. I sat down on his bed next to him and waited for him to speak.

"Listen... I'm real sorry about hitting you. I don't know what got into me, I've just been angrier and angrier. At first I took it out on that innocent greaser and then I bottled everything up and took it out on you. I mean, what kind of brother treats their little sister like that? I-I'm supposed to take care of you and protect you from violent people... But I am one of those violent people and I'm sorry you gotta deal with me and-" Bob rambled, a choked sob passing his lips. I stared at him in shock. It reminded me of old times, times when Bob would come to me with his problems instead of bottling things up and exploding with rage like he did now.

"Bob..." I trailed off, becoming choked up myself. I reassuringly wrapped my arm around his shoulders and he leaned into my shoulder, crying.

"W-why am I like this? All I do is drink and fight." He whimpered. I rubbed his back reassuringly.

"We all make mistakes, Bob. You may be violent, but you're also just young and desperate. You just need to learn how to cope with your anger in a healthier way." I told him.

"I'm sorry I worry you so much. You deserve a better big brother." He mumbled into my shoulder. The sobs that were previously shaking his body had ceased, instead replaced by his tired, unsteady breathing as he tried to calm down.

"Don't say that." My arm tightened around his shoulders. My eyes were watery, but I wasn't to the point of crying.

"I just saw you with greasers and I didn't know what to think... I just remembered Robert and I didn't want a situation like that again where you fell for someone on the other side of the tracks and they hurt you." He admitted. Bob had now removed his head from my shoulder and was looking at his hands, mindlessly playing with his fingers. No one would ever picture Bob, the bully soc breaking down like this. Yet I had seen this side of him, because I was his sister and I knew everything about him whether he liked it or not. And he knew everything about me.

We bickered, we disagreed, we fought. But we would always be siblings, and even if we didn't always like each other, deep down we'd always love each other. And deep down, I knew Bob was just scared. Young and desperate as I had said. Even if he was a soc with a so called perfect life, he was still searching for his purpose and a reason to belong.

"I just didn't want you to fall for a greaser. Not again after when you fell for Robert. He rejected you and cut you off because of labels and... I guess I'm guilty of taking our labels too seriously, too."

I couldn't help the pang of hurt in my heart when he mentioned that chapter in my life. I had told a select few about my friendship with Robert, but only Bob knew the full story. Robert wasn't just my friend, I had fallen head over heels for him. He was my first real crush, and he coldly rejected me and left me heartbroken because I was a soc and he was a greaser. But I didn't blame him. One of the most dangerous greasers with a goodie two shoes soc like me? We'd both be the laughing stock on both sides of the tracks.

I sighed and leaned against Bob's shoulder.

"I wouldn't make the mistake of letting myself fall so hard for anyone like that ever again, you have nothing to worry about." I mumbled.

"I believe you, but I might have done something a bit stupid..." Bob trailed off and I could feel his body tense.

"What'd you do?" I asked, sitting up now and looking at him.

"I got real mad since I was drunk and riled up from being around my friends and I arranged another rumble." Bob spoke, shame clear in his voice. I looked at him in shock.

"You started a rumble and everyone heard the reason is because of me?" I asked. He nodded, uncomfortably avoiding eye contact.

"What exactly did you say?"

"The rumble is because the greasers think they can steal my sister and turn her into some hood."

Oh boy.

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora