chapter 28 - punching bag

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~your p.o.v~

"Holy shit."

I couldn't help the profanities that passed my lips due to my pounding headache. I could tell I had a horrible hangover, and the memories of last night came flooding back. The memories were hazy and all over the place, clearly I couldn't remember a whole lot due to how much I drank last night.

I finally was able to focus on something besides my horrible headache and decided to take in my surroundings. I was still in the Curtis household, except now the morning light was shining through the windows and into the house.

I also finally took notice to the fact that I was laying across the couch. My legs were across Dallas's lap, who was sleeping. He had taken off his leather jacket and it was spread over me as a blanket. That left him in his white undershirt.

His hair was slightly messy from sleeping, and his lips were slightly parted, his breathing slow. He looked at peace and completely calm. I had never seen an expression like that on his face before.

I observed the rest of the room, spotting Two-bit sprawled out across the floor. He was softly snoring, cradling an empty beer bottle close to his chest as if he was spooning it. I giggled softly to myself.

I also noticed Johnny, whose sleeping form was on the floor leaning against the couch for support. He too looked at peace. It was nice to see him looking like that. From what I've heard about him it seemed like he needed a place to come to where he could be at peace for a while.

I felt drowsy still, so I pulled Dallas's jacket closer to me in order to be warmer. It smelled like Dallas; cigarettes and cologne.

The smell was almost comforting in a way. I felt a wave of security and safety wash over me due to it. 

I began to doze off once more until I felt Dallas shift under me. I proceeded to keep my eyes closed, not in the mood to get up quite yet. 

Dallas moved my legs and sat up. I heard a sleepy groan come from him. I felt him stand up from the couch. His hand grabbed the leather jacket on top of me, but he hesitated for a moment. 

He finally took the leather jacket that was wrapped around me. I felt the cold air nip at my skin. It didn't last long though, because all of the sudden a real blanket was thrown on top of me. I opened my eyes a little bit to see Dallas standing up and putting his leather jacket on. He hadn't noticed I was awake. 

He walked over to where I was, so I quickly closed my eyes. He ruffled my hair gently without a word. I heard his footsteps walk away and a few moments later I heard the front door open and shut. 

Once he was gone I opened my eyes and sat up, the blanket sliding off of me. I had a smile on my face. It wasn't much, but the fact that Dallas had given me a proper blanket and gently ruffled my hair like that was most likely the nicest Dallas would get. 

It was small, but it was memorable for me. 

I couldn't help but think about Dallas even though he was gone. I gnawed on my lip, knowing full well that I was developing feelings for this boy. It wouldn't be the first time I had fallen for a rough, cold greaser that didn't return the feelings. I knew that if I spoke of it I would most likely receive a harsh rejection like I had with Robert, so I'll just keep the feelings to myself. I don't need that heartbreak right now.

Besides, crushes fade anyway, right?

I sighed and stood up, stretching. I combed my fingers through my hair, wanting to straighten it out a bit. I grabbed the leather jacket Two-bit had given me from the ground and decided I would head home. Besides, it was Friday and I had promised Cherry a while back that we would hang out today. 

I left the house without a word, knowing that I would probably see the gang again in not too long. A goodbye didn't feel necessary. 

Cherry and I had decided that we would hang out at her house since she'd be home alone this weekend. Besides, I didn't want to have Cherry over at my place because I'd have to deal with Bob coming into my room every five minutes to flirt with Cherry and be all lovey dovey. 

They were actually quite a nice couple. You could tell my brother really loved Cherry. They cared about each other a lot, and Bob only really had a soft spot for Cherry. He didn't even have a soft spot for me that often and I'm his sister, so that shows how much he truly cared about Cherry. 

I still had some time to kill until I had to go to Cherry's house, so I decided that I'd go home for a bit. 

The walk was around ten minutes, and thankfully I didn't run into any trouble. Some of the greasers looked at me in a confused manner, but didn't do anything to me. I had seen some of the greasers around. It seemed like a lot of the greasers knew that I had started hanging around the Curtis gang, so no one seemed too surprised to spot me over there.

Once I made it back to Soc territory, I was greeted with some welcoming smiles here and there from people in my high school. I had grown up with most of these people. I had been in the same neighborhood my whole life, and once you stay somewhere that long you get to know people real good. 

Although I didn't feel like I fit in with the socs, I couldn't deny the fact that some of them were really sweet. Not all of them were that bad once you got to know them. Of course, it takes a lot of time and effort to be able to see past all of the lies. Every single soc put on an act. 

I mean, do people really think our lives are just money, mustangs, and hating greasers?

I made it back to my house finally. I spotted Bob's mustang in the driveway, so I knocked on the front door.

A few moments later the door opened to reveal Bob standing there. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he smiled. 

"Y/n, hey! Come here, I wanna show ya something." He exclaimed, waving me to walk into the house behind him. 

"Hello to you, too." I chuckled, entering the house and shutting the door behind me. He quickly led me to the garage. I was confused nonetheless. 

"Dad has this old punching bag," Bob explained, flipping the light switch on in the garage. The air was ten times colder inside the garage and the air smelled musty. 

"It's actually pretty cool." Bob spoke, shoving it lightly causing it to creak as it swayed. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What are you trying to show me?"

"Well you've been hanging around greasers lately, and you'll probably be exposed to more violence." He stated.

"Your point?" I shoved my hands in my back pockets, rocking on my heels.

"Well I gotta teach my little sister how to fight, don't I?"

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt