chapter 29 - facade

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~your p.o.v~

I was almost taken aback by my brother's words. Since when did he ever want to help me with anything? Let alone self defense.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Come on, you heard me." He nudged my shoulder. I hesitated for a moment, considering the offer.

I guess it couldn't hurt to learn about fighting. After all, nowadays violence was surrounding me. Socs and greaser had one thing in common and that was that no matter what, we're all violent in some way. Whether it be the horrible fact that socs jumped greasers on the daily or how there were rumbles between the greasers and socs, it couldn't be avoided.

"Uh sure, let me just go get changed into something better." I finally answered. I left the garage without another word, scurrying up to my room.

I got changed into a pair of red shorts that I had used for PE last year and a white muscle top. I couldn't help but think of Ponyboy in his classic purple muscle t shirt, and I smiled to myself. The shirt made me feel tuff, even though deep down I knew I was just seen as a preppy soc.

I can dream though, right?

I made my way back downstairs and ran into the garage to see Bob who was waiting. He was wearing a more appropriate outfit too for practicing, but he had been wearing that since I'd gotten home.

"Alright, for starters..."


We spent hours training, and by the end of it we were both exhausted.

I had let all of my anger out on the punching bag. I was angry about the rumble coming up, I was angry about the labels that separated everyone, I was angry that almost every single night my brother went out to drink and almost get himself killed.

It was nice to let out that built up anger, it was something that I'd been unknowingly needing for quite a while.

My brother also managed to teach me a lot during the span of time that we had been practicing and training. He taught me the basics of defending myself and seemed satisfied when I was able to pick up pretty quickly.

I made my way back upstairs, ready to get changed out of my sweaty clothes and take a shower. I grabbed a flannel, grey sweater and plaid skirt before heading into the bathroom to take a shower.


After I was done getting ready I slipped on some flats and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. Before heading out I stared at myself in the vanity mirror.



That's what my looks screamed at me, it was as if my reflection was taunting me.

Just some stupid soc.

Robert's words floated back into my mind and so did Dallas's.

Goody two shoes soc, nothing but a soc, you don't have any real problems because you're just some rich kid-

I shook my head gently, trying to push away the aggressive thoughts gnawing at me.

I stood up from my stool in front of the mirror and went downstairs. Bob was sitting in front of the TV and he turned his head towards me, eyes still on the TV as he spoke up.

"Where are you going?" He questioned in a protective voice. I raised my eyebrows in amusement, pausing and leaning against the wall.

"Are you actually concerned about my well being? Are you sick or somethin-"

"Hey I was just wondering! I wanna make sure you're safe."

An involuntary scoff passed my lips which gained his full attention.

"Really, that's new." I crossed my arms across my chest, a smirk on my face. He sighed.

"Yeah yeah, I know I don't usually play the role of the caring older brother but I'm in a good mood today." He joked. I rolled my eyes, a smile growing on my face.

"Hate to break it to you, but you're my older brother full time. There's no vacations or nothing. Yet you just now decided to actually step up to the plate and be my brother huh? I'm impressed you even bothered at all." I tapped my foot gently and he sighed. I was just messing with him. I wasn't really too butthurt but I liked to push his buttons. I was his little sister after all.

"Come on, kid. What do you want from me?" He groaned, throwing his head into the couch cushions. I smirked again.

"Admit it. Say you're a bad brother." I stated. He shot up and his eyes widened.

"That's a low blow, Y/n."

"Maybe it's harsh but it's true." I chuckled softly. He shrugged, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah yeah, I deserve that." He muttered.

"Damn right you do. You wander around town all night off drunk with your pals and leave me worrying about if you're off dead somewhere in a ditch and then have the audacity to act worried when I'm heading out to hang out with a friend?" I knew I had him stuck.

"Fine." I continued my way to the door when he called out once more. "But hey-"

I turned towards him and saw a hint of sincerity in his eyes.

"Just... Just be careful, alright?" He spoke quieter. I couldn't help it. I caved in and gave him a soft smile.

"Alright, Bob. I'll make sure to be careful." I left the house without another word, my heart feeling slightly touched considering my brother actually did seem to care.

My brother wasn't as bad as he made himself out to be. He was just a kid, a kid that was forced to be someone he wasn't in front of a crowd simply due to his label. People would never see the real Bob, the Bob I saw. And that breaks my heart. His reputation is based around a facade. Based around a tough soc, when in reality he was a scared kid.

Maybe that's why I constantly saved him. I knew that he was just a kid who was scared and confused. And I knew he could care less about what happened to him. He wouldn't be opposed to the idea of being killed, hell I wouldn't be surprised if him getting into so many fights is a literal death wish. Because deep down I know that he's fucking terrified and he hates the life he lives. He hates the facade he puts on and he no longer views it as a facade. He thinks he's a tough, heartless soc like he pretends to be but I know him. I know that he's not just the label of the stereotypical soc even though that's what he makes himself out to be.

I just have to convince him that he's more than what he makes himself out to be and maybe all of this nonsense will end.

Maybe my brother won't have a death wish.

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