chapter 82 - more than a label

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~your p.o.v~

"Man, I can hardly wait for the rumble." Dallas muttered, staring at the ceiling. We were laying in his bed at Buck's place and it was now nighttime. It was dark out and neither of us had anything to do, so we had just been lounging around in his room.

I was wearing a tank top and shorts like I usually wear to bed and Dallas was just in his jeans without a shirt.

"Yeah, I'm dreading it. I still gotta show up to the rumble with the socs. Something about supporting the socs or somethin." I mumbled absentmindedly.

"That sucks."

"It's fine. I'll be rooting for you guys."

We stayed silent again and I continued staring at the ceiling. I didn't really know what else to say. Besides, it wasn't like the silence was uncomfortable. It was a peaceful silence.

"I feel like I'm tired, but I don't wanna go to sleep." Dallas broke the silence.

"Yeah, I get that. Why don't you wanna go to sleep?"

"Keep having these nightmares, man. They feel real and then they're not."

I looked in his direction now, my eyes now adjusted to the darkness.

"What about?"

"The fire."

I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Shit, I have too! I didn't know you were dealing with the same thing." I sat up in bed and he looked at me, also sitting up.

"I keep having these super vivid dreams about it. I keep dreaming about the roof collapsing on Johnny and it seems so real." I explained.

"Yeah, I keep thinking about you going into that huge fire. You end up going in to save Johnny and then the roof just collapses. The moment it hits the ground though, I wake up and I just feel sick."

"Well, I ain't going anywhere. I doubt Johnny is either." I smiled at him and through the darkness I could see him smile too.

"Doesn't seem like I'll be leaving anytime soon either."

We stayed silent and just looked at each other.

"Seems like we're stuck in Tulsa." I shrugged.

"Unless you wanna leave everything behind, it seems like we are."

"Shoot, I may be sick of Tulsa but I have too much here for me. I got the gang, Two-bit's family, and Thomas." I fell backwards into the bed again.

"I also got you, and I think I have to stick around and bother you." I smirked to myself.

Dallas laid next to me and laced his fingers with mine. This took me by surprise, he doesn't seem like the type that would do that.

He brought our hands up and kissed my hand. I felt my heart beat speed up as he put our hands down again, leaving them interlocked.

"What was that about?" I asked, giggling. He shrugged.

"Can't I kiss my girlfriend's hand? Why are you being judgemental?"

"No, I'm not being judgemental! I'm just surprised, are you going soft?" I teased. He pulled his hand away from mine, groaning.

"Here I am trying to be a good little boyfriend and you ruined it. The moment's over."

"Wait Dal, no! I take it back!" I whined, reaching for his hand again. He moved his hand at the last second to mess with me, laughing.

"Oh, wow. That's mean."

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora