chapter 64 - the dx

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wrote this chapter because I need more steve appreciation in my life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

~your p.o.v~

My day had been stressful to say the least. It wasn't people in school stressing me out necessarily. It was the person that wasn't in school.

I'd look in the crowded halls and swear I'd see Bob's face in the unfamiliar faces, but as soon as it'd be there, it'd be gone. I'd think I'd hear his laugh in the locker bay or smell his cologne, but it was all apart of my imagination.

I packed up my things, wanting to leave. I had talked to Steve during one of my passing periods and we had agreed to walk to the DX together once the school day ended since he had a shift almost right after school. He said Sodapop would be there and we could all spend time together.

I liked the idea since I had never gotten to spend a lot of time with Steve. From what I'd seen he was really funny and the wild card of the group, but I'd never got to spend one on one time with him. I was excited.

I saw Steve and Two-bit approaching my locker together, caught up in a conversation.

"Hey, guys!" I smiled and they looked over at me, both of them returning the smile.

"Hey, you wanna head on over to the DX now?" Steve asked. I nodded and turned to Two-bit.

"You wanna come? Sodapop is gonna be there, too." I asked.

"No thanks, I'll probably go home and take a nap or something since I wanna go out later tonight. See ya later, though."

I said a quick bye and was about to leave when Two-bit grabbed my arm. I turned back to him and gave him a puzzled look.

He subtly slipped his knife into my hand.

"In case anything happens, alright? You're a greaser now, it's better safe than sorry." He mumbled. I nodded.


And with that, Steve and I were on our way.

There was an awkward silence at first, both of us looking at our feet. I don't think either of us knew how to start a conversation with one another. I'd occasionally steal glances in his direction and he'd do the same. Whenever we made eye contact we'd both nervously look away and he'd cough awkwardly.

"So, you and Dally huh?" He finally spoke up and relief washed over me. I laughed to myself and he looked over at me, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"We started dating a bit ago. He's... Great." I sighed as Dallas came to mind, a dreamy smile crossing my features.

"I'm surprised. Dal never seemed like the type to want to be in a serious relationship. He was with Sylvia but that wasn't too serious and it ended badly." Steve said. I shrugged.

"I never expected to be dating him either, but the best relationships are unexpected."

He nodded. "Yeah, that's how it was for me and my girl, Evie."

"Oh yeah, how are you and Evie doing?" I asked, looking up at Steve. Steve glanced at me and looked away, his face heating up a bit. He seemed embarrassed and a bit upset.

"We split a bit ago. We're taking a break right now, I've just been overwhelmed with some shit goin' on." Steve spoke quieter as he kicked at a rock.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." I felt guilty. Steve looked back to me again.

"Shoot, it's not your fault! It's kind of nice to talk about it. I haven't really mentioned it to anyone except Soda."

"Well, I'm all ears if you wanna rant." I assured him.

Surprisingly, he did open up to me. He told me everything. He told me about how stressed he was with schoolwork, his dad, Evie, the gang, he even said he was worried about how I was doing which was sweet.

I listened to everything he said, only speaking when it was necessary.

"I'm glad you trusted me with all that. Even if we didn't talk much until now." I rubbed the back of my neck in a sheepish manner. Steve smiled.

"Yeah, well I trust you."

Before we could chat anymore we had already made it to the DX and Sodapop waved at us through the window.

We made our way inside and Sodapop approached us, smiling.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted us, patting Steve on the back and pulling me into a side hug. I giggled and returned the side hug.

"Hey, Soda." Steve and I said at the same time.

"I'm gonna head on into the garage, you wanna come Y/n?" Steve spoke up. I smiled and nodded.

"Sure." I followed behind Steve as he walked outside and I waved at Sodapop one last time.

We entered a garage and there was a car sitting there. It was a real nice sting Ray, it reminded me of Cherry's car but it was just a different color. This one was a light shade of blue. Cherry's was red.

"Is this a car you've been working on?" I asked, gently running my finger across the car. Steve nodded, grabbing all the tools he'd need for the car.

"Yep. I've been working on it for a day or two now, I'm about done with it. I should be able to finish it in the next couple days at most." He explained. He rolled over a creeper (what people use to roll under cars on their backs to work underneath the car) over with his foot and was making sure he had everything.

Even if I was just sitting with Steve during his shift at the DX, I was still excited to spend time with him.


Steve and I had been in the garage for hours, the radio playing loudly as we had conversations or I sang along to the songs. I had been sitting on the hood of the car while Steve did everything he needed to do under the car.

I had so far sang along to the songs 'My Girl' by The Temptations, 'Ticket to Ride' by The Beatles, 'You Send Me' by Sam Cooke, and a whole bunch of other songs.

Steve would occasionally join in, but it was muffled since he had been under the car and he didn't sing as loud as I did. Overall I was having a really fun time with Steve. He was overly confident in a fun way and he was hilarious. Not to mention he was really smart as well.

Steve's break was about to start so he rolled himself out from under the car and sat up, stretching. He stood up and grabbed a clean rag, rubbing the grease off of his hands. As he cleaned himself off he spoke up.

"You wanna come with me on my break? I think Soda's having his break right now too. I could buy you a coke." Steve offered. I smiled.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that." I knew I would. I absolutely loved spending time with Steve, I wish I had gotten to known him sooner. I had always just seen him as the guy in the gang that I never talked to and I hadn't really planned on talking to him. I thought he didn't like me at first honestly since we never talked.

Now I know that he's actually a good guy and we're actually becoming friends.

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