chapter 27 - wasted

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~third person's p.o.v~

Two-bit and Y/n were drunk and the whole gang knew it. They had been drinking beers steadily for the past hour. Now it was no surprise to see Two-bit drunk, but seeing Y/n drunk was a sight that none of the gang had seen before. 

Two-bit and Y/n were harmless drunks, they just become giggly messes and thought everything was comedy gold. 

Y/n was currently swaying in the middle of the living room to the song of 'Twistin' The Night Away' by Sam Cooke, humming along. She had a beer in her hand, occasionally taking a swig of it. 

The whole gang watched, some of them laughing here and there due to how funny she was acting. 

There was a knock on the door and Ponyboy got up to go answer it. He opened the door to reveal Dallas and Johnny standing there, both of their hands stuffed into their pockets. 

"Hey, guys." Ponyboy greeted them, opening the door so they could enter. Dallas furrowed his eyebrows, ignoring Ponyboy's greeting. 

"Is there music playing inside?" Dallas asked, entering the house with Johnny. 

Once Johnny and Dallas entered the house, they both froze when they saw the sight in front of them. 

Y/n spotted them and stopped dancing, instead giving the boys a huge smile. 

"Dally, Johnny!" She exclaimed, walking over and pulling them into a bear hug. Johnny stood still with wide eyes and Dallas let out a surprised laugh. Ponyboy smiled slightly, surprised to see this side of Y/n. 

Y/n went back to swaying in the living room and signaled for Two-bit to join her. Two-bit shook his head at first, giggling. 

"Oh come on, don't be such a downer." Y/n whined, grabbing his hand. He stood up and joined her in the middle of the living room.

A slow song came on and Y/n loosely threw her arms around Two-bit's neck, his hands around her waist as they swayed back and forth. She was now humming along to the song that was playing, which was 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' By Paul Anka. 

"I remember when Bob and I used to listen to all of these songs together." She laughed softly to herself at the memory. Two-bit smiled at this.

"Oh, yeah? What other musicians did y'all like?"

"Well we liked Paul Anka, J.P. Richardson, Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly, Sam Cooke, gosh we loved a lot of musicians." She spoke, a huge smile on her face. It was easy to tell that she was passionate about music.

"I remember hearing about J.P. Richardson, Buddy Holly, and Ritchie Valens dying in a plane crash a while back." Two-bit answered, continuing to dance with her. Y/n's smile faltered for a moment at the mention of the dark topic.

"Yeah. February third, 1959. The day the music died as everyone put it." She recalled, "I remember hearing the news. I was around nine years old and Bob was eleven. We were real sad, we used to dance around in the living room to their music." She chuckled sadly.

"You must be really into music then, huh?" Two-bit asked. Y/n nodded.

"Oh yeah, I dig music. I used to want to be a musician myself. Never really got around to doing anything with it, never had the time." She mumbled the last part to herself.

"Cause you're always protecting that idiot brother of yours right?" Two-bit smirked at her. Y/n gasped and jokingly hit his chest.

"Hey, meanie! He's not always that bad." She went back to giggling.

They went back to a silence, Two-bit smirking to himself and Y/n still looking at Two-bit, seemingly studying his features. Two-bit quickly took notice.

"Why are ya lookin at me like that? You dig me or somethin?" He asked in a teasing voice. She broke out into a loud drunk laughter, doubling over.

"No! I don't like you like that!" She exclaimed. Two-bit also laughed.

"Oh yeah I forgot, you dig Dallas huh?"

"Shh, don't say it too loud he'll hear!" She spoke through giggles, grabbing his shoulder again. This grabbed Dallas's attention and it seemed to also interest the rest of the gang. Two-bit seemed proud of himself and his smirk widened.

"Is it true, do ya like him?"

"Well I'm not gonna announce it in front of everyone!" Her words slurred a bit, a huge smile still gracing her lips.

"Okay, just whisper it to me then!" He leaned in over dramatically, waiting for her to say it.

"Okay, you think they can hear me?" She whisper shouted. Of course, everyone could hear her but she was unaware of how loud she was being.

"No, I don't think so." Two-bit chuckled.

"I have a crush on Dallas Winston." Y/n spoke, erupting into another fit of giggles.

While Two-bit and Y/n were busy being intoxicated fools, everyone else's attention went to Dallas. A majority of the gang was smiling in his direction in an amused manner. Dallas furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? Big deal, she likes me. Nothing new, I got lots of broads into me." He spoke nonchalantly, lighting a cigarette. He brought the cigarette up to his lips, but everyone saw the smirk he was trying to hide.

Y/n collapsed onto the couch next to Dallas, about to bring her beer bottle up to her lips when Dallas plucked the bottle from her hand. Y/n looked over at him, opening her mouth to protest when she quickly got cut off.

"Here, I'll trade you. I take your beer since you're already wasted and you get my cigarette, alright?" Dallas bargained. Y/n thought about it before a smirk graced her lips.

"Alright, deal." She took the cigarette from his hand and brought it up to her lips. All of the sudden a click sound was heard. Y/n looked to her side and saw that Ponyboy had taken a picture. Ponyboy lowered the camera, a sly smile on his face.

"Ya think I wouldn't notice you snapping that picture?" Y/n asked in an amused tone. Ponyboy shrugged.

"I mean I've taken a couple pictures and you've been too wasted to notice." He admitted. Y/n started laughing.

"Wait really? I wanna see!" She exclaimed, shooting up from the couch and sitting next to Ponyboy on the floor.

Ponyboy hesitated, feeling a bit embarrassed about the pictures. He didn't know what she'd think of them.

He finally gathered up enough courage to show her the pictures. She gently took them from his hands and flipped through them, her eyes scanning over them.

Ponyboy watched her and waited for her reaction. He felt relief wash over him when he noticed how the more she looked at the photos the bigger her smile got.

"Gosh, Ponyboy! You should really stick with photography. You managed to capture these moments so well, this is insane..." Y/n rambled, unsure of how to describe how truly wonderful the photos were. She looked at the photo of her and Two-bit dancing, both of them caught mid laugh in the photo. Then, there was a photo of Y/n placing a record onto the record player. Finally, there was the photo of Y/n holding her cigarette between her fingers, smoke passing her lips as Dallas was looking at her with a lip biting smirk while she wasn't paying attention.

"Wow, this is so cool though, Pony! You can read the emotion of the moment in these pictures so well, man!"

Ponyboy chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he also looked at the photos in Y/n's hands.

And Ponyboy knew that from that moment on, he'd continue to capture memories through the camera he'd been given.

This officially marked the first night of a story that would unfold. A story that had no words at all, but was simply told through photographs. Photographs that would be treasured for years to come. These photographs would hold such a deep meaning.

And it all started because of a soc with an untouched camera.

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