chapter 8 - the gang

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~your p.o.v~

We finally made it to Ponyboy's house and I had to admit, I was feeling a bit nervous. What if they didn't want a soc like me here, what if the other socs found out?

I tried to push all of my thoughts away and focus on the moment. Ponyboy opened the door to his house and walked in, me following hesitantly behind.

"Hey guys, I brought someone with me who's gonna hang out here until the rumble starts." Ponyboy called out. When we had stepped into the house I could hear the chatter of multiple boys and the television playing in the background. The smell of beer was strong.

I came out from behind Ponyboy and stood next to him, looking around. I saw greasers scattered around, some at the dining room table and others lounging in the living room.

I began to feel a bit out of place with my red, short-sleeved blouse and cuffed jeans.

Once Ponyboy had mentioned he brought someone home with him, everyone's gaze had turned to us.

Two-bit gave me a grin and walked over, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Y/n, what brings you to our side of the tracks?" He asked cheerfully. I let out a forced laugh.

"Johnny and Two-bit already know her, but this is Y/n. She's the soc that saved Johnny and me from Bob." Ponyboy explained. I cringed when he mentioned the fact that I was a soc. Some of the boys visually relaxed when Ponyboy mentioned the fact that I had saved them from my brother, but Dallas didn't change at all. He already knew who I was, none of this information was new to him.

"You wanna introduce yourself?" Ponyboy asked, turning to me. I shrugged, mumbling a 'sure'.

"I'm Y/n Sheldon-" I was immediately cut off by a familiar looking boy sitting at the dining room table. He was wearing an unbuttoned flannel, revealing his white undershirt. He had blue eyes and brown, greased up hair. He looked a bit like Ponyboy, so I assumed he was Sodapop, the boy all of the girls had been speaking of. People were right, he sure did look like a movie-star.

"You mean you're related to Bob Sheldon?" The boy spoke up. The boys erupted into side conversations, seeming very concerned with what the boy had just brought up.

"Yeah, she's related to Bob but she's nothing like him." Ponyboy answered for me, sending a glare in the direction of the familiar looking boy.

"How do we know she's not here to spy on us and get information out of us to give to the other socs?" The boy sitting across from who I assumed to be was Sodapop Curtis questioned.

"Y/n's not like that." Ponyboy defended me. I decided I should chime in.

"I could care less about helping socs. I'm sick of em." I admitted. Everyone seemed satisfied with that answer.

"Alright, do y'all wanna introduce yourselves? She already knows Two-bit, Johnny, and Dally." Ponyboy chimed in once again.

"I'm Sodapop Curtis." The boy who I had assumed to be Sodapop spoke up. I guess I was right.

"Steve." The boy who had accused me of spying spoke up. I nodded.

"I'm Darrel Curtis, but you can call me Darry." The oldest looking one introduced himself. I gave him a small smile, still feeling nervous. Two-bit, who still had his arm lazily draped around my shoulder, seemed to sense this.

"You seem tense, Y/n. Loosen up a bit! You want a beer?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Sure, I'll take a beer." I answered. Two-bit smiled.

"That's the spirit!" Two-bit exclaimed. I couldn't help but giggle at his behavior.

"Steve, can you grab Y/n a beer?" Two-bit asked. Steve sighed, seeming annoyed to have to get up from his seat, but went into the kitchen anyway.

He came back a moment later with an open bottle of beer. He handed it to me and I quietly thanked him.

Two-bit led me to the couch. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or just normally this happy-go-lucky, but either way it made me feel less tense to be here.

We sat down on the couch and I took a swig of my beer. My mind began wandering. I wondered if I should tell Thomas about me coming here.

Knowing me, I'd probably end up telling him whether I should have or not. He was my best friend, we knew practically everything about each other. It would be weird not to share this with him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard shouting from the dining room table. My gaze shot over to Sodapop and Steve, who had slammed their arms down on the table and were about to start an arm wrestle.

I watched intensely as they both started, fighting hard to pin the other's arm to the table.

After a bit of struggle, Sodapop's arm was pinned down and Steve was smiling triumphantly. I couldn't help but smile a bit as well.

My attention was pulled away from their arm wrestling when someone else spoke to me.

"So, what brings a soc like you to greaser territory?" Darry asked. I turned my attention to him.

"Well, I just started running. My brother and I got into a pretty heated argument and I just had to leave." I explained. Darry had a look of guilt come across his face as if he was reminded of something, but as soon as the expression flashed across his face, it was gone.

"From what I've heard, you're nothing like your brother, right?" He asked me again. I nodded.

"I've never really enjoyed living the soc life. My brother on the other hand is way too proud of his label. It gets him into a lot of problems and I always gotta get him outta them." I answered. Darry nodded.

Our conversation seemed like it had ended, so I scanned the room. Two-bit had moved to sitting on the floor at some point, drinking his beer and staring at the television. Johnny was sitting next to me on the couch, and Ponyboy was on the other side of Johnny, having a conversation with him.

Darry was leaned back now in a chair, seeming to be caught up in reading the paper. Dallas was leaned up against the wall, his arms crossed, in his own thoughts.

My gaze lingered on him for a moment, and he must have sensed someone staring at him, because his gaze flickered in my direction. I felt my heart skip a beat when he gave me a small smirk, so I averted my gaze.

I turned my attention to the television and watched it, actually becoming quite intrigued. I watched intently, taking a swig of my beer every once in a while.

Of course, my attention was pulled elsewhere once again. I heard Sodapop snicker at the dining room table.

"Looks like Y/n's gonna be a second Two-bit around here." He teased. I looked down at my beer, then to the television, then to Two-bit. The gang erupted in laughter, and I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled.

Then, Darry spoke up.

"We should start heading out for the rumble."

The boys erupted in cheers. I felt my heartbeat speed up.

I had no idea how this was going to play out.

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें