chapter 84 - represent

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~your p.o.v~

"Your dad sounds like a shitty person." Steve said and I laughed.

"That's a blunt way to put it. But yeah, you're not wrong."

Steve and I had walked home together from work, along with Sodapop. Steve had a shift that started right after school and I had been working from 9:00 to 5:00, along with Sodapop.

"If it makes you feel any better I don't think any of us have functional father figures or father figures at all." Ponyboy chimed in.

"Rumble's in an hour!" Dallas yelled as he slammed the front door open. I smiled at his excitement.

"Somebody's excited." I said as Dallas came into the living room, collapsing onto the couch next to me.

"How are you feelin about the rumble, Johnny?" Dal asked the boy who was sitting on the floor next to Ponyboy.

"Rumble should be fine. I know there's a lot of socs who are gonna be mad at me, but I know I can take em." He answered. Johnny's foot had healed fully a couple days ago, right on time for the rumble.

We all continued to talk for a while until I saw the time.

"Shoot, the rumble's in forty minutes! I gotta go get ready!" I stood up from the couch.

"Don't forget your suitcase again, it's by the door!" Darry yelled from the kitchen as he was grabbing himself a drink.

"Oh yeah, thanks!"

"See ya guys later! Kick some ass tonight!" I waved goodbye and all of the other boys waved and said variations of bye as I left.

I opened and shut the door and as I was going down the steps I heard the door open and shut behind me.

I turned around and saw Dallas. I smiled at him.

"What, did you already miss me?" I joked. He smiled, shoving his hands in his jean jacket pockets, slowly ambling over to me.

"Don't flatter yourself." He looked down at me and I giggled.

"Alright, don't admit it. That's fine." I shrugged, smirking.

Dallas smashed his lips against mine and I stumble backwards by the sudden move.

Once I wasn't shocked, I gave into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

His arms were around my waist and the kiss only lasted a couple moments. Once we parted a dazed smile appeared on my face.

"Wow." I mumbled sheepishly, my fingers touching my lips. Dallas smiled at my actions, probably thinking I looked real foolish.


"You seem like you're in a daze." Dallas spoke playfully and I looked away, laughing in embarrassment.

"Sorry, you just took me by surprise!" I protested. He laughed too.

"Well, I really gotta head out. See ya at the rumble, maybe we could hang out after or something? I could help clean you up." I shrugged, kicking at the ground. Dallas nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be cool." He agreed. I smiled again.

"Alright, see ya then."


I was finally ready for the rumble with around ten minutes to spare. I had thrown on the outfit I had planned and the Letterman's jacket was a little big on me, but I didn't mind.

I grabbed some of my hair, putting the bump in it to give it volume, and clipped it in place. Then, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail.

I went out to Bob's old Mustang, deciding to drive it for once. I had driven it over to the Curtis house only today since I didn't want to walk at night, but I rarely drove it because I didn't like driving it around unless absolutely necessary considering I wasn't even a soc anymore.

I guess now is an appropriate occasion considering I have to show up and represent Bob. Wouldn't hurt to take his car, right?


I pulled up to the spot of the rumble, my windows down as I listened to the honking and hollering of the other socs. We were all in a line in our nice cars, everyone feeling confident from flaunting their expensive cars.

I on the other hand just wanted this to be over with. Don't get me wrong, I want to represent my brother, but this isn't the way I want to do it.

We all parked and I pulled up on the grass, about to get out of the car. I made sure I could get a good view of the rumble.

I was checking myself in the mirror to make sure I didn't look too bad when I noticed my suitcase in the back. I had forgotten to take it out of the back and put it in the house.

I shrugged, opening the door and exiting the car. I sat on the hood of the car, looking at all of the boys who showed up.

Thomas made eye contact with me and smiled. I waved at him, happy to see a familiar face in the crowd of socs.

The greasers had already been standing there, ready for the fight. All of the boys looked angry and tuff.

The Curtis gang stared the socs down with pure hatred. It sent chills down my spine, seeing all of these boys so cold and bitter. The only ones who looked like they didn't want to kill the socs were Ponyboy and Johnny.

I locked eyes with Johnny and gave him a reassuring smile. He seemed to loosen up a bit. Poor kid, he had to deal with the cold glares of a whole bunch of socs. Hopefully I could be a friendly face in the crowd for him.

The socs and greasers talked for a moment, the conversation led by Darry and a soc. Occasionally someone would speak while looking at Johnny and Johnny would stay silent, a look of hurt on his face. I could only imagine the insults people were hurling at him.

Then, the fight broke out. Punches were flying, boys were being thrown on the ground.

It started pouring and I couldn't help but groan. Of course it had to rain the one time I was forced to be outdoors.

I watched the fight for a little longer. It seemed like the greasers would win.

The socs were about to retreat, some of them already backing away from the greasers. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

The moment was short-lived because soon I saw a sight that shocked me. I heard a strangled yell of pain and I quickly looked in the direction of it. My eyes widened.


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