chapter 15 - bottles of soda

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~your p.o.v~

Dallas and I walked in silence as I occasionally kicked a rock on the sidewalk, my hands shoved lazily in my back pockets. Dallas was mirroring my actions, his hands shoved in his jacket pockets as he stared down at his feet. 

"I'd kill for a soda right now." I muttered out of nowhere, focused on kicking a pebble ahead of me. Dallas chuckled next to me. 

"Well there's a place we could get soda up here somewhere probably." Dallas told me. I let out a sigh of relief. 

We continued walking until we came across a store that looked like it would have something to drink. The place was full of snacks, drinks, and magazines. 

I reached into my pockets, searching for my wallet. I let out an annoyed groan when I realized I didn't have my wallet on me. 

"Great, I don't even have my wallet. This was a waste of time." I muttered. Dallas smirked.

"It's fine, I'll cover it." He told me. 

"You sure?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Yeah, it's easy. Now come on before I change my mind." He grabbed my wrist, leading me into the store. He dragged me to an aisle, leaning close to me.

"I'm gonna need you to distract that kid behind the counter." Dallas whispered in my ear. I looked to the boy sitting behind the counter. He looked around our age and he was flipping through a magazine, seeming bored out of his mind. 

"Wait, are we shop lifting?" I asked turning towards Dallas. Dallas quickly put a finger to my lips, giving me an annoyed look.

"You can't just say that so loud in a store!" Dallas whisper shouted. I mumbled an apology and turned away from Dallas, making my way over to the boy behind the counter.

"Um excuse me?" I spoke up. He looked up at me, an annoyed look on his face. He looked me up and down and his annoyed expression immediately faded as he licked his lips.

"Yeah, what's up?" He placed the magazine on the counter, giving me his full attention. 

"I was wondering if you knew the directions to the dingo?" I improvised. The boy furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"The dingo's closed. Why would you need to know how to get there?" He questioned. I giggled and looked down, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"Well I told a friend I'd meet them there and I seemed to have forgotten my way." I spoke, glancing up at him and smiling. He smiled.

"Yeah, I know the directions." He told me.

"Do you think you could write them down for me?" I asked. He nodded, quickly pulling out a pen and paper. He jotted down the information, occasionally looking up at me as he did so. I leaned against the counter, waiting. While he wrote, I looked to see if Dallas was done. Dallas was leaving the store now with what looked like two bottles tucked underneath his jacket. 

The boy handed me the paper and I grabbed it from him, thanking him and leaving. I could sense the boy watching me as I left. 

I made my way out of the store and saw Dallas waiting for me. 

"Let's walk further away so we don't get caught." Dallas said as I followed close behind him. 

After we had distanced ourselves from the store, Dallas pulled two sodas out from under his jacket. He handed me one and I smiled, eagerly opening the bottle.

"Thanks, man." I took a sip of the soda, letting out a satisfied sigh afterwards. He opened his and take a swig of his also. 

We continued our walk, the fizzing and crackling of our drinks the only sound between us. Dallas decided to speak up.

"You put on a good show in the store." Dallas chuckled at the thought. I shrugged.

"You told me to distract him and I did." I stated. Dallas nodded.

"Yeah, didn't know you'd take that type of approach. He was practically undressing you with his eyes when you left." Dallas spoke. I sat down on the curb and he did the same.

"Oh, please. I doubt it, you probably just took it wrong. Who knows if he was looking at me like that." I protested. Dallas rolled his eyes.

"Well how would you want to take his stare, huh? I think the fact that he was lookin' you up and down speaks for itself." 

"Alright, fine. Don't see why you'd care anyway. Are you jealous?" I teased. Dallas scoffed.

"I don't get jealous." 

"I bet you do." I leaned closer to his face and gave him a cocky smirk. He looked at me in an amused manner.

"Really, huh? And what makes you think I get jealous?" He asked, leaning close to me. I thought for a moment.

"Okay, you got me there. I just think it's impossible for someone not to get jealous. You've never seen a girl talking to another guy and part of you just gets upset that you're not the guy she's talking to? It doesn't even have to be in a romantic way, maybe you're jealous of what someone has or something or someone's friends." I wasn't looking at Dallas anymore and was just staring down at my soda bottle. 

I smiled to myself and chuckled weakly.

"Sounds stupid. I guess you're not the jealous type, guess it's just me." I mumbled. I took a swig of my soda. 

"So you're the jealous type?" Dallas asked. I looked over at him and he took a sip of his drink. I sighed.

"Yep." I ran my finger on the brim of my soda bottle, looking back down. 

"I never would've seen you as the type." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really? I didn't know I didn't come across that way. Maybe that makes sense. At first glance you see that I'm Bob's younger sister, a rich kid. Seems like I'd have nothing to be jealous of, people think I could get anything I want." I shrugged and brought my soda up to my lips again. 

"Well what do you have to be jealous of?" Dallas asked. 

"I guess I'm jealous that some kids don't have to constantly make sure their brother isn't dead in a ditch somewhere." I chuckled. 

"Why do you save him all the time anyway? Seems like all he does is drag ya down." 

"Well, he's my brother." I pointed out.


"He... He has his good moments every once in a while. No matter how much of an asshole he is, the old him is somewhere in there. Recently it's just been harder to see that part of him." I mumbled.

We were silent for a moment. I didn't know how to feel. Was this tense silence or peaceful silence? I couldn't really tell.

Dallas stood up and held a hand out to me. I smirked and stood up by myself, ignoring his hand just to mess with him. I brushed the imaginary dust off of my jeans and walked ahead of Dallas. He jogged up next to me.

"You're a real prick, ya know that?" He was giving me a stupid grin. I grinned at him as well.

"You're not wrong." I laughed. 

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