so i got tagged lmao

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hey so uh I know most of y'all won't read this since it's not a new chapter (I'm working on it tho so ha) but I'm gonna do this because I got tagged.

crazy shit right?

I've never been tagged before! seems fun, right? thought I'd give it a shot.

1. I got tagged by EmRaeOmega (thanks for tagging me)

2. ten lil things about me:

- I read a l o t
- I skate (rollerskate) pretty well I guess
- I aspire to be as funny as John Mulaney (don't we all)
- I've been very into language arts my whole life but I just started actually doing it online a couple years back
- I love 80s movies (clearly)
- I have y o u n g parents and I relate to them and love them a l o t
- I'm super open to talking to new people! so feel free to hmu if you wanna be friends :)
- I INHALE hot cheeto fries
- I care about my grades so much it's stressful
- I'm trying to work on not caring what others think and I deny the fact that I do a lot but I'm gonna sum it up with a John Mulaney quote: "I need everybody, all day long, to like me so much. It's exhausting."

I don't have anyone to tag, so feel free to do it if you read this and you can just say I tagged you! (you just answer ten questions about yourself, I'm having difficulties inserting pictures into chapters atm so dm me if you really need it)

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt