chapter 7 - two worlds collide

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~your p.o.v~


That's all I felt right now. 

Bob had told me he was going to a rumble tonight. He planned on showing those greasers who's boss. 

I knew poor Johnny would be there, so right now I was trying to reason with him.

"Come on, I don't care if you go to the rumble as long as you just don't touch Johnny." I begged, grabbing his arm. He brushed me off, already clearly irritated. 

"Why should I go easy on him?" He snapped. 

"Because you already traumatized him enough!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes.

"Well it's not my fault he's weak." Bob protested.

"Hey, I'm letting you to go the rumble in the first place! Why can't you do this one thing for me?" I shot back. He scoffed and looked at me.

"You're my little sister. I shouldn't be takin orders from a kid like you." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"You're barely even older than me! You're older by two years!" I argued. 

"Well, I should be the one telling you what to do! And I'm telling you right now to leave me the hell alone!" He shouted. I bit my lip, anger overcoming me. 

"You want me to leave you alone, huh? Well fine, I'll do that!" I yell. I run to the front door and slam it shut behind me, sick of being around him. I run, not really knowing where I'm going. The cool night air nips at my arms, since I was wearing a short sleeve blouse, but I don't care in that moment. I just need to be away from my brother, away from all those pretentious socs. 

I continued running until I made it to the fountain where I had first met Ponyboy and Johnny. I was shaking from being so angry, my heartbeat was faster than ever. 

I knew I probably shouldn't be here. I was in greasers territory, but something about it felt like home. I liked how it wasn't the perfect cookie cutter neighborhood like the South side. Soc territory was just filled with perfect houses and perfect cars, everything felt artificial. This place seemed perfectly imperfect. 

I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans, hoping to calm down. My arguments with my brother could get pretty heated sometimes. 

I ran a hand through my hair which I had left down. I reached for the cigarettes in my back pocket, deciding to give into my craving. 

I lit a cigarette and took a drag from it, my nerves slowly melting away. 

I closed my eyes, savoring the cigarette. I blew out the smoke, letting out a sigh afterwards.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice call out. 

I opened my eyes to see who had called to me and was greeted by Ponyboy approaching me. 

"Hey, Ponyboy." I said. He finally made it over to me and took a seat next to me since I was sitting on the edge of the fountain. 

"What are you doing here? You know this is greaser territory." He asked. 

"I can't stand soc territory sometimes. Besides, I had to get away from my brother. That's no excuse, I know I shouldn't be here." I muttered miserably. Ponyboy nodded, a look of sympathy on his face. I turned and looked at him.

"It surprises me that you're not sending me away or telling me off for being in your territory. Most greasers would've done something like that by now." I admitted. Ponyboy shrugged. 

"You're different than most socs, I don't really see a reason why I'd have to force you out like I would with most people from the South side." He answered. I smiled softly.

"I could say the same about you. You're different, too. I guess that's something we have in common." I took another drag from my cigarette and held it out to him.

"Want a drag?" I asked. He looked at the cigarette hesitantly for a moment before taking it between his fingers and bringing it to his lips. 

"You going to the rumble tonight?" I asked. Ponyboy nodded.

"I always go to the rumbles." He answered. I bit my lip.

"Is Johnny going?"

"Yeah, why?" Ponyboy turned to me, handing my cigarette back to me. 

"Just... Try to keep him away from my brother. I know what he's already done to Johnny." 

"I'll try. You know, you could come to the rumble if you wanted." Ponyboy suggested. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How could I come?" I questioned. 

"Well, you could watch. Make sure your brother doesn't get too out of hand with Johnny. You might also want to be there to make sure Dally doesn't kill your brother." I tensed up at the last part of his sentence.

"What do you mean? What would Dallas do to my brother?" 

"Dal swore to kill whoever left scars on Johnny's face. That was your brother and we all know it." Ponyboy told me. I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"I... I know my brother's probably gonna die young, Ponyboy. I just spend all my time trying to prevent it or at least push it off until later." I told him. 

"I'm real sorry about that, Y/n. But he's already always out getting himself in conflicts, who knows what could happen to him?" Ponyboy apologized. 

"You're a good kid, Ponyboy." I mumbled, crushing my cigarette under my foot. I noticed it was getting dark out. 

"How long until the rumble starts?" I asked. He stayed silent, thinking for a moment. 

"In probably about an hour. You think you'll show up?" I nodded my head hesitantly. 

"Guess I will." I finally answered. 

"You could come to my house before for a while if you wanted. All the gang's over." Ponyboy offered. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"It's okay, I wouldn't want to intrude. Besides, they probably wouldn't be happy with a soc like me just randomly showing up." I protested nervously. Ponyboy smiled at me.

"Well, I know Two-bit and Johnny already dig ya just fine. And don't tell Dally I told ya this, but he was impressed when you stood up to him." Ponyboy added. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Well, I guess I could come over until the rumble starts..." I gave in. His face lit up.

"Alright, let's go." 

We both stood up and began our walk over to Ponyboy's house.

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