chapter 39 - blank

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~your p.o.v~

I shivered, shoving my hands into the pockets of the leather jacket Two-bit had given me. It was a cold January afternoon and it had been weeks since I had that conversation with Sodapop, yet his words still echoed in my head. He said he was there if I needed to talk to him ever, and for some reason I wasn't able to get that off of my mind for weeks.

I decided not to think about it too much and focus on the present. I was waiting for Bob to pick me up. He had offered to take me home from school since I didn't have a car.

Why didn't he show up to school anyway? Did he skip school?

After an excruciating twenty minutes of standing in the cold weather, Bob's mustang pulled up. A relieved smile made it's way onto my face and I walked around to the passenger side of the car, getting into the car and being greeted by warmth.

"Took you long enough." I teased, turning to him. Instead of chuckling or anything, he stayed staring forward, seeming annoyed. He pulled out of the parking lot of the school and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Is everything okay, Bob?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. I was taken aback when he shrugged my hand off.

"Yeah, could you stop breathing down my neck about it? I'm fine." He snapped. I didn't know what to say. The past couple weeks he'd been treating me nicely. He spent his free time training me for fights and teaching me about self defense. Hell, he even hadn't been drinking lately! Why was he being so short with me all of the sudden?

"A-are you sure? You're just acting like-"

"Jesus Christ Y/n, do you ever shut your trap?!" He yelled. By now I was confused and mad. 

"Excuse me, what was that?" I snapped. He turned to me now, practically fuming.

"All you do is talk! I'm sick of it!" He snarled, his warm spit landing on my face. Then it hit me.

The smell of alcohol was on his breath.

I wiped my face, my angry demeanor immediately crumbling.

"Bob, are you drunk?" I asked, despite knowing the answer already.

He didn't answer and instead turned away from me, speeding up.

"Bob, let me out of the car." I spoke at a normal level now, trying not to upset him.

No answer.

"Bob, pull over." I spoke louder, fear in the pit of my stomach.

No answer.


"Just stop, alright?! You're acting like I don't know how to drive!" He yelled, his attention on me once again.

"You're fucking drunk!" I yelled back.

"Oh please, I've driven drunk plenty of times, I think I know what I'm do-"

I looked in front of us to see we were driving down the wrong lane, a car coming straight at us.

"BOB, LOOK OUT!" I screamed, my hands flying to the dashboard as he swerved.

We had a head on collision with a pole and my head slammed into the dashboard. A weak groan passed my lips, my head throbbing.

The ringing in my ear was deafening. It was the only thing I could hear for a minute.

The ringing slowly faded away and I heard the distant sound of someone holding down their car horn. I turned to Bob to see his face head down on the wheel, his head holding down the horn.

"Bob..." I spoke softly, my voice cracking. The terrifying reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. Panic immediately sent me into action.

I shot up despite the fact that it caused me to feel overwhelmingly dizzy and pulled Bob back up into a sitting position. He wasn't bleeding and thankfully he was still breathing, but he was passed out.

"Bob." I gently shook his shoulder. No use.

I felt drowsy, my eyes slowly closing. No, don't fall asleep. You need to get help.

I'm just gonna close my eyes for one moment...

I reluctantly laid back in my seat, giving into my drowsiness. Everything would be fine, right? I just needed five minutes. Nothing drastic could change in five minutes...


"Ms. Sheldon?"

A small whine passed my lips and I slowly opened my eyes. I was hit by a blinding white room, only increasing the throbbing in my head.

My hand flew up to my forehead, as if rubbing my forehead would make the pain go away. I desperately wanted this throbbing to stop. I was practically praying for it to go away, something I never did.

"Am I in the hospital?" My voice came out with a couple of cracks due to me not talking in... How long? How long have I been here?

"Yes, but don't worry. You only have a concussion." I studied the woman in front of me. She looked to be in her fifties, her body slightly pudgy. Her hair had grayed with age, and there was faint wrinkles evident on her face. She had a worried expression, her warm, brown eyes filled with concern.

"You know, you're really lucky to have survived a head on collision like that-"

"Where's my brother? Is he okay? H-his name is Robert Sheldon-"

"Don't worry, he's okay. Both of you got concussions in the wreck, but besides that you two are okay. Your parents are on their way to pick you up." She informed me. I felt a knot in my throat. Nothing major happened in the wreck, but this was just even more confirmation of my brother's reckless tendencies. And why did he hate me again all of the sudden?

"Is everything alright, Kiddo? It seems like something's got you down." The nurse sat down at the edge of my bed, a look of sympathy on her face. Her kindness made my heart ache. I wanted so badly to hug her, to tell her everything about my relationship with my brother.

"I'm alright." I forced out the words, fighting hard to prevent my voice cracking.

She rubbed my leg in a comforting way, lingering for one more moment before standing up.

"Okay, well I hope you and your brother feel better soon."

She left and shut the door gently. I closed my eyes and suddenly my mind went blank. I didn't know what to think anymore.

Since I didn't know what to think, I stopped thinking altogether.


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