chapter 21 - hang out spot

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~your p.o.v~

I stood in front of the door of the Curtis house. I brought my fist up to the door and knocked. 

It was a moment before anyone came to answer the door, but after a second the door swung open and I was face to face with Sodapop. He gave me a charming smile and opened the door wider for me.

"Hey, Y/n! Ponyboy said you'd be coming over." Soda exclaimed as I entered the house. I sent him a smile back and nodded.

"Yeah, thought it'd be nice to get out of the house." I chuckled. 

"Hey guys, Y/n's here!" Sodapop yelled out to the boys. My eyes scanned the room and I noticed Dallas was there. I made sure not to make eye contact and instead gave Two-bit a grin. Two-bit sent me an identical one and I made my way to him, sitting next to him on the floor. 

I think Two-bit was the person I talked to the most. He was a friendly face in a crowd and I felt at ease around him. 

Two-bit passed me his beer as we both stared at the TV. I brought it up to my lips and finished the whole thing fairly fast. Two-bit gave me a playfully annoyed look.

"I didn't say you could finish it, I offered you a sip!" He whined. I rolled my eyes.

"That's what you get for finishing my milk shake the other day. It's simply payback, my friend." I passed him the empty beer bottle and he let out a childish groan. He stood up and went to the kitchen. 

Moments later Two-bit appeared again with two beers in his hand. He sat back down next to me and passed me a beer.

"That way you won't have to steal my beer." He smiled at me and I giggled, taking a sip of the beer he had placed in my hand. 

"Hey uh Y/n, could I talk to you for a sec outside?" I heard Dallas's voice ring out. Everyone glanced in my direction. They must've remembered the events of the last time I had seen Dallas. 

I sighed and stood up, setting my beer down next to Two-bit. 

"You better not drink that while I'm gone." I teased, playfully punching his shoulder before I followed Dallas out the front door.

Dallas shut the door behind him and I sat down on the porch cross-legged, waiting for Dallas to speak. 

"I uh, I'm sorry about what happened the other day." He muttered. I could tell he didn't want to be apologizing to me and I couldn't help the scoff that passed my lips.

"You really suck at apologies, huh?" He looked at me and I gave him an unimpressed smirk. He rolled his eyes.

"Listen, the guys said I have to apologize and I know what I said was wrong, so can you just take the stupid apology?" He snapped. I chuckled and stood up, coming face to face with Dallas. 

"How about this," I made it so I was inches away from his face. "Don't pull that shit again and I'll forgive you." I shrugged as if it was the most simple thing in the world. Dallas's breath fanned across my face and he smirked slightly, giving me a small nod.


Part of me didn't want to back away, in fact part of me wanted to lean in and close the gap. I don't know why I wanted that, but boy did I want that bad. 

Dallas seemed to notice that I hesitated, because his smirk widened. He noticed my gaze only focused on his slightly parted lips. 

"Is there somethin' you wanna do, doll?" He breathed. I felt my heart skip a beat at his words. 

"I'm not sure." I mumbled. 

All of the sudden the front door swung open and I jumped away from Dallas. Two-bit stood in the doorway, a smirk on his face.

"Was I interrupting something?" He teased. I shook my head.

"Not at all. What's up?" I took notice to the record under his arm. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you have a record with ya for?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Found an old record player  a while ago when I was here and thought it should be put to use. I don't have a lot of records but I try and bring over some." He told me. My face lit up.

"Oh man, you shoulda asked me about records! I have too many to count!" I exclaimed. He chuckled.

"Maybe you could bring some over tomorrow." He suggested. I gave him a confused look.


"Well, yeah! This is your new hang out spot, right? Me and the gang like having you around." Two-bit shrugged. I chuckled and shrugged.

"I mean I guess. Yeah, I'll make sure to bring over some records tomorrow." 

"Alright, now are you guys gonna come back inside?" He questioned. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be inside in a sec." I assured him. He gave me a thumbs up and shut the door. I sat down on the steps and lit a cigarette. Dallas sat down next to me and I glanced over at him for a moment.

"You can go inside, you know." I told him. He shrugged, looking over at me. He stayed quiet so I looked over at him, a small smile on my lips.

"What?" I asked, searching his face trying to figure out what he was thinking. 

"Is there something you wanna do, babe?" I joked, mimicking his words from earlier. I blew the smoke from the cigarette in his face, laughing softly. 

"Yeah." He said, chuckling. I gave him a confused look. I caught onto what he said and playfully punched his shoulder.

Before he could do anything, I stood up and decided to head inside. I decided to sit with Johnny on the couch. I hadn't talked to Johnny much since I'd always been distracted by Two-bit or Dallas, but I had a feeling that if I got to know Johnny better we'd really dig each other's personalities.

"Hey, Johnny." I greeted him, making myself comfortable on the couch. He briefly glanced in my direction. Over the period of time that I had been around the gang I've tried to take in as much information as possible about each of them in order to get along with them better and just get to know them. Something I had noticed about Johnny is he seemed to struggle maintaining eye contact with people.

"Hey Y/n." He spoke softly. It was almost refreshing to hear him be so soft spoken since the rest of the boys were a bit more rowdy. It was a nice difference, almost like he balanced out the gang.

I decided that I didn't want to push the conversation, so I looked down at my black converse. My gaze wandered to Johnny's shoes and I noticed we had the exact same shoes.

"Nice shoes." I joked, looking up at Johnny for a moment. He looked puzzled and looked down at his shoes, and shortly after his eyes flickered over to mine.

He chuckled softly once he realized we had the same shoes.

"Yeah, you too." He answered, seeming to loosen up a bit.

I thought about Two-bit's words from earlier. I could definitely see myself hanging out around here much more.

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