chapter 55 - never-ending

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(I started an 80s/90s gif imagines story if you guys wanna check it out idk)

~your p.o.v~

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling sleepy. I took in my surroundings and recognized Dal's room. I turned to find Dallas next to me, sleeping.

The sun was still coming up, so the room was still dark for the most part.

I stretched sleepily and sat up, looking around. I knew I should probably get home soon.

I slowly crawled to the foot of the bed since I was stuck between the wall and Dallas on the other side of the bed.

I sat on the foot of the bed for a moment, looking at the pinkish orange light shining through. I smiled softly.

I stood up and made my way over to the window, looking outside. It was dead silent, the only sound heard occasionally was the train nearby. Waking up this early made everything feel like a dream state. The only way I could tell that this moment was actually real was by the cold hardwood floor beneath my feet that was waking me up.

I felt a hand glide across my waist momentarily and turned around to see Dallas walking towards his dresser to get clothes. I giggled softly and saw him smile a bit while he dug around in his dresser.

I ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to comb it out. It's been a few days since I've gone home and I knew I'd have to face the problems going on at home sooner or later.

Dallas wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled, rolling my eyes.

I turned towards him. "What was that for?"

"Eh, I don't know." His voice sounded husky since he just woke up a couple minutes ago.

"Well, I gotta go, Dal. My parents are probably wondering why I just disappeared for a couple days." I spoke softer, tracing random patterns on his chest.

"Yeah, you don't want em freaking out on you." He agreed, still not letting go of me for a moment.

We stayed like this, both of us clearly disappointed that we couldn't just stay like this. But alas, all good things come to an end at some point.

I pulled away from him and he loosened his grip, allowing me to step away from him.

"See ya around, Dal." I gave him a smile and he nodded sleepily.

"Yeah, see ya." He lazily walked back to his bed and collapsed on it. I giggled and left the room, shutting the door behind me.

I walked out of Buck's, the place still silent considering it was early in the morning and the bar wasn't open. I knew it'd be a boring walk home since I had no one to pass the time with.

Instead, I let my thoughts be consumed by images of the gang and Dallas.


I knocked on the door of my house and heard slow, heavy footsteps approach the door. My dad opened the door, bags under his eyes and a look of pure numbness on his face. I felt confusion and slight panic rise in my, but kept my composure.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked, entering the house. My stride faltered when I saw multiple bags packed sitting in the living room.

"What's all this?" I asked another question, turning towards my father. He definitely wasn't acting like himself.

"I'm leaving." He answered.

I struggled to comprehend his words. "W-what?"

"I'm moving out."

"You're kidding me right? You're just gonna ditch me and Mom, especially in a time like this? How could you do this to us-"

"Y/n, your mother died. While you were off busy with some no good hoods-"

"Don't even joke about something like that! She's not dead, I just saw her a couple days ago? This is all some big joke, right? I don't even know what you're saying!" I was frantic, the words of my dad taking me by surprise. Clearly he's gone insane!

"She had a mental breakdown over your brother and you being gone all the time. She thought you got yourself killed, too since you disappeared for a few days without a trace. Found her hanging from the ceiling fan." My dad spoke in a monotone voice that sent chills down my spine.

Tears welled up in my eyes. The only words I could muster were "I'm gonna be sick."

I couldn't help myself. I ran to the kitchen swiftly, leaning over the sink and throwing up from the nerves I was feeling. I wiped my mouth hastily and made my way back into the living room where my dad was.

"She's dead?" I still wasn't fully comprehending the news I was being told. I had tears in my eyes, but nothing more yet.


"A-and you're just gonna leave me here? But I'm only sixteen! I can't even legally live on my own yet, I can't stay here!" I spoke desperately, every part of me wanted my dad to stay. He was my only family left now and he was about to walk out on me.

"You have friends, I'm sure someone will take you in." He stated. My eyes widened.

"I have friends but that doesn't mean someone's ready to open their home to me!" I cried.

He began gathering his luggage and a choked sob passed my lips. "Wait, you don't understand! You're all I have left, please don't do this! I'll have to be living on the streets or something, I'll die penniless! Please don't go." I grabbed his arm tightly and collapsed on the ground, sobs racking my body.

He harshly yanked away from me, shoving me back. My heart broke and I stared at him in shock.

"You're not the father I once knew." My voice wavered. He hesitated for a moment.

"I'm not the father I once knew, either." His words sounded bitter.

He walked towards the door and this time I didn't stop him. I knew that there was no way of preventing this.

He had been mentally gone ever since my brother's death, and now he was just leaving for good.

I brought my hands to my face and sobbed, everything finally hitting me. I witnessed my brother's suicide. I was harshly informed of my mother's suicide. And now, my dad was walking out on me without a second thought.

You'd think I'd be all cried out by now, but it seemed as if the pain and the tears would never end.

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