chapter 59 - like a brother

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~your p.o.v~

I was packing up my things. The day had finally ended and I was ready to just get back home.

Well not home, but at the Curtis house. I guess maybe it was like my home. The Curtis brothers made me feel safe, I loved them. They were my family now. The gang is all I have left now.

I had Cherry, but it'd been a while since I'd talked to her. Maybe I should try talking to her again. I know she's been in a bad place mentally ever since Bob. I wonder if she knew about the rest of our family.

I was about to shut my locker and leave when I overheard to socs having a conversation nearby. I paused, secretly listening to the boys next to me.

"Did you hear about who killed Bob Sheldon?" One boy asked.

"Yeah, some kid named Johnny Cade, right?"

I clenched and unclenched my fists nervously.

"Yeah, some people are thinking of arranging a rumble in Bob's honor. It won't be for a while since it sounds like that Johnny guy got hurt in a fire. People want to wait till he's better so they can... Personally thank him for what he did." The boy chuckled. My hands were shaking slightly. A rumble over Bob's death? That seemed immature. It sounded like everyone wanted to take their anger out on poor Johnny, too.

"Hey, what's shakin?" Two-bit leaned against the locker next to mine, a signature grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Not much. Did you hear about how people wanna consider having a rumble once Johnny heals?" I asked, shutting my locker and swinging my backpack over one shoulder. Two-bit and I headed for the exit.

"Yeah, the news spreads pretty fast. I think Johnny can handle himself though, he's a tough kid. Besides, no one's gonna be bringing any weapons." Two-bit reassured me, putting his arm around my shoulder. I smiled, a sigh passing my lips.

"Yeah, he's a tough kid." I mumbled in agreement.

"You gonna show up to the rumble?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I mean the rumble is all about my brother. I might have to, it's probably expected of me." I said.

"Yeah, he was your brother after all. Maybe you could come with the gang and I, huh? It'll be like the first time you met the whole gang and went to the Curtis house." Two-bit reminded me. A wave of nostalgia hit me.

"It feels like that was so long ago. Seems like everything's changed since then." I was talking to myself more than him.

"I guess things are different," He agreed, looking at me. "Are they different in a bad way or a good way?"

I hesitated.

"Little bit of both."

"How so?" He questioned. I averted my gaze, my mind just momentarily focusing on my feet hitting the pavement.

"Well, on one hand I lost my entire family," I kicked a rock and watched as it skidded across the sidewalk. "But then I got a new family."

"Oh, really? Who are they?" He had a flattered smile on his face. I giggled, looking up at him.

"You might not know em. It's this gang of greasers. But I think I got especially close with this one guy from the gang. He can be kind of a smartass, but he's real sweet. He also really digs Mickey mouse, you ever heard of him?" I playfully smiled.

Two-bit leaned down and dramatically kissed my forehead, making a goofy 'muah' sound as he did so.

"Now you're just the sweetest thing, aren't you?" He ruffled my hair and I shoved his hand away, laughing.

"Hey, it's true. You've been like a brother to me, ya know? Even when my real brother was alive you treated me better than he did sometimes." I admitted. Two-bit ran his hand over his mouth, attempting to wipe the big grin off of his face.

"Well, I think of you as another little sister. Which reminds me, I want to talk to you about something." He seemed a bit nervous.

"What is it?"

"I was talking to my mom about your uh... Situation, right?" He paused. I motioned for him to go on.

"Well, she said she'd like to meet you... And maybe we'd like to take you in?" His voice got higher as he asked the question.

I stopped walking abruptly. Two-bit also stopped shortly after me, turning to look at me. I just stared with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. I tried to find the words, but I struggled.

"I... Wait, really?! T-Two-bit you really don't have to, but oh my God!" I rambled, not ever finishing a full sentence. I felt tears spring to my eyes.

"I know the Curtis brothers would love to help ya more, but they're not really in the position to take in someone. I thought that maybe I could help." He explained.

I threw myself at Two-bit, tackling him in a hug. He stumbled backwards and his arms threw around my waist, steadying us.

"Oh, Two-bit! You don't know how much that means to me, I love you so much!" I cried, burying my face in his shoulder as tears began to slowly stream down my face. Two-bit chuckled, his grip tightening on me.

"Of course. Anything for my new little sister, huh?" He joked. I laughed through my tears of joy, nodding in his shoulder.

"You're my savior, man! I mean it when I say I love you like a brother, I hope you know that." My words were muffled.

"Yeah, I love you too."

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