chapter 70 - interesting

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Short ass chapter but I need to get a chapter out!!

~your p.o.v~

"If we get caught I get to blame you, right?" I teased Dallas and he chuckled.


We had been spray painting some buildings. It wasn't like we were artists, we were just writing random stuff.

Dallas wrote his initials in huge, red letters and I laughed.

"You're signing your work?" I smirked and he looked over at me, smiling.

"Well, why not?"

"Okay, good point." I spray painted my initials below his.

"Atta girl." He pat my back and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Dallas and I immediately froze. We made eye contact for a moment, the look of dread on both of our faces.

We turned to see a cop.

Suddenly, Dallas grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the car. I sprinted for the passenger seat and Dal practice threw himself into the driver's seat.

"Shit, hurry Dal!" I exclaimed nervously. He quickly started the car and my heart was pounding. I hadn't done something like this in years.

Dallas started the car and took off. The cop scrambled to get in his car as we sped off.

"Didn't expect this to happen on a date, did ya?" Dallas glanced over at me and smirked. I shrugged.

"Not really, but it sure is fun."

I heard sirens behind us and turned around in my seat.

"Uh oh." I mumbled, keeping my eyes behind us. "I'd pick up the pace if I were you."

Dal slams his foot down on the gas pedal and I turn to face the road, hoping the sound of sirens will fade.

It doesn't fade and I felt myself tense up.

"We're gonna go to jail, huh?" I muttered. Dallas shook his head.

"Hell no we're not! I'm a pro at this stuff, trust me."

"Considering the amounts of times you've been in the cooler, I doubt that." I spoke as Dallas took a sharp turn, causing me to grab the dashboard.

"Hey, just because I'm in the cooler a lot doesn't mean I don't know how to get away in a high speed chase!" He protested.

"Oh please, are you listening to yoursel- JESUS, DAL!" I cut myself off as he swerved violently once more to try and throw the cop off.

"Calm down, I've got it under control!"

"I find that hard to believe, dumbass!" I snapped back.

"Would a dumbass do this?" He stepped down on the gas harder and swerved into a parking lot, almost hitting a parked car but pulling into a parking spot. He shut off the car quickly.

"Considering the fact that you almost hit a car, yes. I could see a dumbass doing that." I spoke urgently and nervously.

The cop sped right past us and I tensed up as I watched him go by without seeing us. A smile slowly crept onto my face.

"I'm sorry I put you in this situation, alright? I know you probably wanted that normal first date or whatever where I take you somewhere nice and it's cliche and-"

"No Dal, I loved this." I turned to him, smiling. He looked at me now, confused.

"I don't need that fancy dinner date shit. I just like being around you. Besides, out of all the dates I've been on in my life, this was definitely the most... Interesting." I laughed and he smiled.

"Well, that's good." He spoke quieter.

He leaned over and kissed me shortly. When we broke away I felt my face go red as I smiled.

"Are you blushing?" He asked, laughing.




"Yeah you are!" He exclaimed, shoving my shoulder. I shook my head. 

"Nuh uh! I don't do that anymore, remember?" I yelled, giggling. 

"Well you are right now! You're a liar."

"You're killing me, Dal!" I whined, falling back into the seat. He pecked my cheek and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What was that for?"

"To prove my point. Your face is red." He spoke matter-of-factly.

"Wow, how sweet." I spoke sarcastically.

"Of course, babe."

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