chapter 88 - this is what you get

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~your p.o.v~

"Thanks for coming with me to visit Johnny. I don't know how I'd handle going into his room by myself." Two-bit said as we sat on the bus. My head was leaning on his shoulder and his arm was around me. We had become a little more clingy since these were the last days I'd see Two-bit for who knows how long.

"Of course. Besides, I'm trying to visit Johnny as much as possible." I assured Two-bit.

Soon enough we made it to the hospital.

As we were heading to Johnny's room I was talking with Two-bit.

"Dallas and Ponyboy will be coming later tonight. Until then we can spend time with Johnny and probably get something to eat at the cafeteria."

"Alright, that sounds good."

We entered the room and Johnny was awake, writing something.

Once he noticed us come in he quickly jotted down a couple more things before folding up what he was writing quickly, setting it off to the side.

"Hey guys." He smiled at us. I didn't understand how he could still smile so genuinely at a time like this.

"Hey, Johnny. What were you writing?" Two-bit asked. Johnny shrugged.

"Nothin. Just felt like jotting down some random things. Thought it might get my mind off of how boring this place is."

Johnny looked sweaty, like he was overheating. His face was rosy and he looked weak.

"Are you feeling okay, Johnny? It looks like you got the flu almost."

"Oh, that's just some symptoms from the wound is all. Stab wounds can give you fevers and make you feel all sick." He explained. I was confused.

"Doesn't that only happen if the wound is infected? I feel like I heard that somewhere, and usually when it's infected that means it's bad." I questioned Johnny, immediately feeling my heartbeat speed up.

Johnny shrugged.

"Guess it's just happening. Don't worry though, I'll be okay. Everything's gonna be fine."

I nodded.

"Okay, Johnny. I trust you."

"Could you do me a favor?" He asked me. I smiled.

"Yeah, what do you need?"

"Could you get me a copy of Gone with the Wind?"

"Sure. I think I saw a gift shop downstairs anyway. I'll be right back."


I had grabbed myself a cup of coffee from the cafeteria. I wasn't hungry. I hadn't been hungry for a while now, everything happening makes eating food less of a priority.

I sipped the bitter coffee, hoping the caffeine would wake me up. Two-bit sat across from me, eating some food he had gotten himself.

"You sure you ain't hungry?"

I gave him a nod, holding the coffee between both of my hands, savouring it's warmth. I felt awfully cold here.

"Dally and Ponyboy should be here any minute now. We should probably head back up to the main part of the hospital so we could meet up with em." Two-bit suggested.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to them before we go into Johnny's room again anyway."

It was now dark out. Two-bit and I had been here for hours. I had given Johnny the book he asked for hours ago, and he ended up falling asleep a couple minutes after that. He's been in a deep sleep since, and I know he needs his rest. Maybe he'll wake up in a bit so Ponyboy and Dallas can talk to him.

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