chapter 18 - fake rich kid

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~your p.o.v~

Two-bit and I had finally made it to the Curtis household and the moment we entered we were greeted by the gang. 

Sodapop looked over at me and his eyes widened.

"Jeez Y/n, what happened to your face?" He asked. This made the whole gang look over in my direction. I laughed awkwardly. 

"Just had a small disagreement with my brother." I admitted. Two-bit laughed next to me.

"Small disagreement? You guys got into a pretty heated argument." Two-bit protested. I rolled my eyes. 

"Alright, maybe it was a bit more than a small argument." I muttered. 

"Bob did that to you?" Dallas spoke up, moving from his spot against the wall. 

"I'm gonna kill him." Dallas growled. I grabbed his jacket sleeve, preventing him from leaving.

"Oh no you're not." He turned to look at me, an angry expression on his face.

"He fucking hit you, Y/n! Are you too blind to see what's wrong with that?" He snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"Well jeez, Dallas! Forgive me for not wanting you to go slaughter my brother!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Uh oh." Two-bit muttered, distancing himself from Dallas and me. He could sense that I was getting riled up again. 

"Maybe you two should calm down..." Johnny suggested. I kept my burning gaze on Dallas, both of us ignoring Johnny's words.

"Why do you defend him so much! He hasn't done shit for you!" Dallas growled. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Because he's my brother and yeah, he's an asshole, but he's a family member! No matter how much he treats me like shit I still can't help but always feel like I'm responsible for him and I just couldn't watch him get himself hurt or worse! Is that what you wanted to hear!" I shouted. The room went dead silent as Dallas stared at me, an unreadable expression on his face.

His next words hit me hard.

"You know you talk about how you feel like you don't fit in with the socs, but you're just like all of them." 

"What do you mean by that?" I fought hard to make sure my voice didn't waver. 

"You're fake just like all of your soc friends. You're just like your brother, no wonder you defend him." Dallas had stopped shouting and just spoke in a dangerous voice.

"I know what fake is, and I'm not fake like him. He's a fake rich kid, not me." I spoke lowly now too. 

"Takes one to know one." Dallas spat. My eyes widened at his words. 

Maybe he was right. Maybe this is all I'd ever be. Just forever trapped in the shadow of my brother. I'd spend the rest of my life preventing the death of my brother and keeping him out of trouble, never focusing on myself. 

My breathing became uneven. 

"Y/n-" Ponyboy called out, sensing that I was becoming more unstable by the second.

"F-fuck you, Dallas Winston." I growled. I walked by him, making sure to harshly ram into his shoulder as I left the house. 

~two-bit's p.o.v~

I watched as Y/n stormed out of the house. I turned back to Dallas.

"You fucked up bad, Dallas." I spat, coming face to face with him.

"Well, somebody had to tell her at one point or another." Dallas spoke coldly. The house had gone quiet, everyone still in shock by what they had watched. 

"Tell her what? All of those fucking lies just because she didn't let you go beat up her brother?" I gave him a look of disbelief. 

"She felt like being around us was an escape from all the stress she has at home with her brother and you just messed it all up. I hope you're happy, Dallas." I growled. 

"I don't see why you care so much, she's just another soc." Dallas said. 

I lunged at him, connecting my fist with his jaw. Immediately everyone around us sprang into action, Steve and Sodapop grabbing my arms as Ponyboy and Johnny fought to hold Dallas back. 

"You son of a b-" Sodapop cut me off.

"Calm down, guys." 

Dallas shook Johnny and Ponyboy off, practically fuming. Sodapop and Steve hesitantly let go of my arms, trusting that I wouldn't do anything to Dallas. 

Dallas rubbed his jaw, staring me down.

"Y/n really took a liking to you. I don't know why you decided it'd be a good idea to say somethin' like that." I spoke calmer now. Dallas ran his fingers through his hair, staying quiet. 

"And I know she's not from our side of the tracks, but she clearly doesn't fit in with the South side much either. And Maybe I'm wrong, but you seemed pretty important to her even if she's always messin' with ya. So I'm hoping for your sake that she doesn't hold grudges and forgives people after they fuck up." I finished. Dallas sighed and sat down, resting his head in his hands, running his hands down his face.

"Alright, alright. Maybe you're right." He muttered, leaning back into the couch. 

"I'll talk to her next time I see her. I guess I might've been too harsh on her." Dallas was clearly uncomfortable with the topic of the conversation. The gang seemed to approve of his idea of apologizing and I could tell that they also thought that he was too harsh on the poor girl.

A part of me felt like Y/n would forgive Dallas, though. Even though what Dallas did really crossed a line, Y/n seemed to really like him. 

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