chapter 74 - room 9

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~your p.o.v~

"Are we all set?"

I slammed the trunk shut of my brother's old Mustang. I had forced myself to go back to my old house so I could take Bob's car and grab my secret stash of money that I had hidden in a box in my closet.

It had taken a lot of my power to bring myself to go back to the house, but I'm glad I did. Now we would have a car to use and enough money for gas, food, and money for motel rooms.

"I think we got everything!" Johnny called from the backseat.

I made my way to the front of the car and opened the door to the driver's seat. I got in, slamming the door and turning to look at everyone.

"Alright, so Dal, you and I will take turns driving." I said and Dallas nodded.

"Ponyboy, you got your schoolwork back there with you?" I looked at Ponyboy and he also nodded.

"And Johnny, you feel free to do whatever you want. You don't have any job on this trip." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Okay, we're ready. Dal, feel free to be in control of the music." I turned the key in the ignition and pulled away from the street by Ponyboy's house. I had picked up Dallas first and then came right to the Curtis house to pick l up Ponyboy and Johnny.

I had done most of the planning with the help of Darry. We would be gone for five days and we'd go wherever we pleased. I promised Darry that we wouldn't go too far, but we were still allowed to go pretty far.

We took off and that began a very long, memorable car trip.


"So you were into Robert Porter at one point?" Dal asked. I laughed, nodding.

"Yeah, I totally was. He was the first boy I was interested in."

"I thought I was the only greaser you've been in to!" Dal protested and I giggled, tapping my fingers on the wheel.

"Don't flatter yourself. But no, Robert was the only greaser I liked before you. Other people I liked were socs." I explained.

"Well now I feel less special." He muttered. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please, you were into Cherry Valance before me. I'm not the first soc you were trying to take out, but I'm not making a fuss about it." I teased.

"She's got a point, Dally." Ponyboy spoke up from the backseat. I looked at him in the rearview mirror and saw he was skimming through the pages of a book.

"Shut your trap, Pony." Dal snapped and I shoved Dal's shoulder.

"Calm down, Dal. We're just messing with ya." I laughed to myself.


Dallas had now taken over driving and it was getting late. The radio was playing and I had been dozing off.

"Do you wanna pull over? It looks like there's a motel only a couple miles from here." I asked sleepily.

"Sure, it's getting late anyway." Dal answered.

A couple minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot of a small motel. I lazily opened the door to the car, making sure I had my money with me.

I looked in the window and saw Johnny had fallen asleep in the car. He was passed out against Ponyboy, who was also sleeping.

"Awe, look at them." I mumbled as Dallas got out of the car.

Dallas slammed his hand repeatedly on the window which caused Ponyboy and Johnny to shoot up, looking scared to death.

"Wow, real sweet, Dal." I rolled my eyes.

We all got our bags from the trunk and made our way inside of the motel. I went up to the front desk while the boys stood a couple feet back.

"Hi, could we get a room with two beds?" I asked the woman at the counter.

The lady seemed to be in her mid forties and she looked bored out of her mind. I couldn't blame her, working at a run down motel this late at night must've been a really boring job.

"Sure. That'll be 18 dollars." She muttered. I pulled out my wallet and dug out a twenty dollar bill, placing it on the counter.

"You'll be staying in room 9."

She gave me my key along with the change. I dropped the change into my wallet and put my wallet back in my pocket, turning to the boys.

"Alright, let's go."

We all made our way to the room in silence and I unlocked the door. I was half asleep, and the fact that I still had to get ready for bed filled me with dread.

I opened the door and threw my bag down, immediately grabbing out my camisole and pajama pants. I grabbed my toiletries and went into the bathroom.

I got ready for bed quickly, changing and brushing my teeth.

Once I got out we set up sleeping arrangements. Dallas and I would share one bed, Johnny would take the other bed, and Ponyboy offered to take the couch.

Johnny and Ponyboy kept arguing, each of them trying to take the couch to be nice. Eventually Johnny gave in and took the bed.

Everyone finally finished getting ready for bed and then it was lights out. We all got into bed and I was beyond tired.

I was laying down, turned towards Dallas and he was turned towards me. I had my eyes closed and I was trying to fall asleep so I could be ready to drive tomorrow morning.

Johnny and Ponyboy fell asleep pretty quick. Ponyboy was snoring lightly, causing a small smile to appear on my face.

I felt Dallas grab my thigh and he pulled me closer, wrapping my leg around him. I opened my eyes and looked at Dallas giggling quietly.

"What's up?" I whispered. He smiled and kissed my neck.

He kept placing light kisses to my neck and I had to stop myself from laughing since my neck was ticklish.

"Dal, that tickles." I murmured, shoving his shoulder lightly.

He nipped and started lightly sucking my neck. My breath hitched and I bit my lip.

"Dallas..." I gripped his t-shirt, trying to stay as quiet as possible since there was other people in the room.

He eventually stopped and I turned to look at the ceiling, my hand travelling up to my neck. I knew I'd for sure have a hickey.

"Thanks a lot, Two-bit will never let me live this down." I breathed sarcastically. Dallas chuckled.

"You know you loved that."

He wasn't wrong.

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