chapter 49 - you're one to talk

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this chapter's a lil ;))) if you know what I mean

~your p.o.v~

The door swung open to reveal a shirtless Dallas. He seemed a bit surprised to see me.

"Hey, Y/n."

"Hey." I spoke quieter than expected.

Dallas opened the door for me to enter without another word and I entered the room, looking around. 

"This your place?" I asked, turning back to him. His hands were casually shoved into his back pockets as he nodded.

"Yeah, it's alright."

I nodded and decided to just cut to the chase.

"Listen, I'm here because I was wondering if you knew something about where Ponyboy and Johnny went. I had to tell them something important, something that changes everything with Bob." I explained and Dallas seemed hesitant.

"Yeah, I know where they are." He finally answered. I smiled.

"You do? That's perfect, man! You have to take me to them!"

He sighed and avoided eye contact, which immediately made me smile falter. "What's wrong, Dal?"

"I don't know if I can tell you where they are. If they get brought back here they could go to jail, man. They wouldn't be able to handle jail-"

"Dallas, my brother killed himself." I cut in. Dallas stared at me, speechless. I laughed sadly.

"Yeah, he left a note. This was all planned. He wanted to die. He just needed a little push, I guess." I cleared my throat uncomfortably and looked down at my feet.

"Maybe I could've been better. Maybe I was too harsh on him." I spoke quieter, another laugh passing my lips. But this wasn't a sad laugh. This one was just bitter. Ashamed.

"Don't beat yourself up over what happened. It's not your fault, alright? I don't know how long it'll take for you to realize that, but I'm sick of watching you mope around." He struggled to find the words and I could tell he was uncomfortable with what he was saying. 

I looked back up at him and he was waiting for a reaction. 

I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks, Dal." I spoke softly. I rarely used that tone with Dallas, and I knew he wasn't the type to want heartfelt thank yous from people. But I did appreciate what he had said. I knew that what Dallas had just said was super nice for Dallas. I mean it's Dallas Winston, he isn't exactly known for being the sweetest guy.

I walked over to the bed and sat down, unsure of what to say next. Dallas sat next to me and pat his hands on his legs, acting as if he had something to say but wasn't sure. I looked at him expectantly.

"You look like you wanna say something." I stated and he sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

"If... And I ain't guaranteeing anything, but if I took you to see Ponyboy and Johnny tomorrow... You can't tell anyone about it, alright?" He looked at me now, waiting for me to promise I wouldn't tell. 

My face lit up and I grinned, my hand resting on his forearm.  "Really, Dallas? You'd take me to see em?"

Dallas chuckled. "Yeah, but you gotta swear not to tell any of the guys. They'd kill me if they knew that I helped hide Ponyboy and Johnny and they'd go lookin for em." I bit my lip and nodded, a small smile still on my face.

"I promise." I was beyond relieved that I'd get to see them again. "You know man, I was real worried about them. I had no idea where they went..." Dallas grabbed my chin and made me look at him, causing me to trail off. His face was awfully close to mine and I breathed out, my eyes landing on his lips and then looking up into his eyes. 

"I..." Dallas started a sentence but didn't finish. 

He leaned in slowly, his breath fanning over my lips. He was slow and careful unlike previous times we'd kissed, and he moved in painfully slow.

Finally, our lips connected. His hand went from my chin to the small of my back, pushing me towards him.

I felt intoxicated by the kiss and lazily draped my arms around his neck, keeping the pace slow and calm like he was. I had to admit, it was definitely weird for Dallas to be going this slow and calm. Was he trying to tease me?

I didn't care at this point. Whatever he was doing was working, and I didn't want this to end.

I gripped his shoulders, pushing him gently so he was laying down, never breaking the kiss.

We parted momentarily to breathe, but he kept a grip on my hips while I still held his shoulders. Our breathing mixed together and I kept my eyes closed, our lips still barely apart.

"Dallas..." I quietly exhaled his name and his grip tightened slightly.

He needily brought his lips back to mine, biting my bottom lip. An involuntary hum of satisfaction erupted from me as he did so and I felt him smirk. If I wasn't so flustered and occupied with the moment at hand, I would've rolled my eyes at the smirk.

I parted from him and kissed down his jaw and to his neck. He let out a shaky breath and let me continue for a little longer until he flipped us over.

I was caught off guard by this and giggled. I looked up at Dallas and he smiled.

It wasn't a common sight to see him smile. He smirked teasingly, he grinned smugly, but it wasn't every day that I got to see a genuine smile cross his face.

My face broke out into a smile as well. "What are you smiling about?"


"Is it because of me?" I winked at him and he bit his lip, chuckling. He leaned down to kiss me again and paused when our lips were about to touch.

"You're a real idiot, you know that?" He teased.

"You're one to talk."

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