chapter 35 - felt like it

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~your p.o.v~

I sat next to Two-bit as I usually did on the floor as the gang and I were gathered around the TV, watching something besides Mickey Mouse surprisingly.

We were watching some cheesy horror movie and the seating arrangement went like this: Two-bit was next to me on the floor and on the other side of me was Ponyboy and Johnny was next to Ponyboy. On the couch were Dallas, Steve, and Sodapop. Darry sat in his rocking chair, reading the paper while we all stared at the TV. He had mentioned something about how he didn't want to waste his time on something like a movie.

Darry was very mature, but it was easy to tell that he was forced to grow up too fast. He didn't feel like he even had the time to sit down and enjoy a movie. It was sad to see people who had to grow up too fast and lost their childlike wonder.

Sodapop on the other hand seemed like the type of boy that would never grow up. He seemed to always have a sense of childlike wonder. I guess that could also be a bad thing, depending on how you viewed the situation.

And Ponyboy? Well the kid seemed a little lost sometimes. He was very mature, but from when I'd talked to him, it came across like he was overwhelmed. He has a lot to deal with at the age of fourteen.

Out of all the Curtis brothers, I felt like I'd see myself getting along with Ponyboy the most. I admired the way that despite the fact he was just viewed as a greaser, he kept his grades up, read on his free time, and had actual passions. I see potential in him, he could go places in the future with his writing and skill in language arts. I also felt like I could easily get along with him, I felt natural around him.

I snapped out of my thoughts and allowed my focus to go back onto the movie with the rest of the gang.

I took a sip of my beer and in the middle of me taking a sip, Two-bit spoke up.

"God, I'm a whore for chocolate cake."

I couldn't help but choke on my beer, immediately being sent into a coughing fit while everyone else erupted into laughter. I was laughing and choking on beer all at once.

I felt Ponyboy gently pat my back, jokingly trying to stop my coughing. I calmed down and was able to properly breathe again, but we all went into another laughing fit shortly after.

Two-bit was leaning on me for support since he was practically suffocating, while I was still just giggling.

The laughter died down and we all just sat there, a bit dazed. Our attention went back to the movie.

I finished up my beer, deciding to cut myself off and not have anymore. Nobody wanted a repeat of last time I drank over here. I couldn't help but giggle at the thought, though.

We continued watching the movie and Two-bit passed out on my shoulder, lightly snoring. I looked down at him and sighed, realizing it was gonna be awhile until I could move again.

I turned to make a comment to Ponyboy, but I saw he was dozing off too. Not only was he falling asleep, but he was teetering over on my side. It seemed like soon he'd be completely passed out on my other shoulder.

Sure enough, I soon felt the pressure of him leaning against me, his breathing slower.

"Jesus Christ..." I muttered, uncomfortably adjusting myself.

I heard a few snickers from the other boys. They must've realized the situation I was in.

"You guys are welcome to stay the night since we're all gonna be hanging out tomorrow anyway." Darry said. Some of the boys mumbled in agreement.

her way ✰ (dallas winston x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن